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Everything posted by kwe45919

  1. So we have a meeting place.............are we planning on Saturday?? What time to meet?? Gotta get this thing planned out......
  2. That's why I mentioned Shoneys earlier, however since we're doing lunch vs. breakfast like we did last year, I think the old Dollar General or Dollar store right there by the red light that someone mentioned seems just about as good.......
  3. When it comes to firearms, eating is secondary........hehe
  4. So are we settling on the 30th??? Times??? Come on guys....lets get organized!!! ONLY 12 DAYS TILL THAT WEEKEND!!!
  5. I'm good for Saturday. I'll plan on bringing my own food since that seems to be the concensus on the best way to go about grub. Anyone else plan on bringing something FA if it's allowed???
  6. BTW........are FA weapons allowed??
  7. We could always invade Shoney's like we did last year. That was cool meeting people before we shot. Gave people a meet n greet before we went to your place. FYI...for those planning on leaving early....GPSs' are a very usefull tool. That's what I used last year when I left. Led me right home. BigJ45....might be usefull info having the GPS coordants to your place as well. Give it to those who show that morning in case anyone gets lost heading there.........
  8. I'm more than happy to bring $20 for the feast. Might I suggest we do something like a lunch vs. a supper. That way, either day we end up choosing, the evenings would actually be free. Start gathering some where round 10am and end up starting the shootin' round 11am or so if that's cool with BigJ45. Then I'd say start grubbin 'round 1 or 2ish........if people have to start falling out to "go trick or treatin'" with their yard apes, it won't big a big deal for them. That way every body get a chance to attend and hang around for a few hours without cutting themselves short on the time spent amongst friends......just a thought.
  9. Anyone have any more info or details yet??
  10. Don't think you have enough......need more. That's only 750rnds.....
  11. When I first started carrying 5yrs ago, I rarely carried at all. However, after a few "incidents" that occured, I felt that carrying all the time would be more benificial for my life and family.
  12. 9mm......then again "score" with 22lr!!
  13. I try to hit the range at least once a month. Usually I take along 300rnds or so and split them up between my Glocks. My main EDC's are a G26 and a G19, however I now I toss in the G17 as well when going to the range.
  14. Terry, not sure if Powell airport (not sure if airstrip is paved or not) is still open or not but that's as close as I can think of if we're going to be in the Norris area. That'd be something you'd have to check on. However, you know all about Downtown Island Airport and of course Tyson as well. Surely us TGO'ers would be able to work something out with ya if you're wanting to FLY up here to shoot with us.... BTW.....if the meet is at BigJ45's place, we all gona take over Shoney's again for some morning grub?? Twas an interesting and fun time last time.....good way for a "meet n greet" before unloading some lead.
  15. I'd say sooo...... Definatly up for it!!!
  16. I'm up for a "Helloween" shoot!!!!!
  17. You aren't the only one who still does that....
  18. We have 8 votes for the 16th so far......seems to be the winner unless others hit the poll before it closes...
  19. Ahhhhh.....my first meet with you guys was at BigJ45's place.......That sure was a cool place to shoot. Surely someone could get in contact with him again to see what's up??? Either way it goes, I'm down for the Norris area unless someone has somewhere else we could gather. Weekends are decent for me but Saturdays can be trickey pending the time. I've missed too many of the "local" shoots with the regular gang this summer. Kinda miss you guys...
  20. Sweet. You ought to figure out a way to put the TGO logo on the side.....
  21. There, fixed it for ya.....
  22. Zero.................... But have had about 15 through out my lifetime..
  23. Geeze.....how about the main 5 I already have and use.... Glock 26 Glock 19 AK Mossy 500 Taurus PT 1911 Figure that's good enough for me and the wife to hold our ground at the house or IF we had to make a run, these are items we can carry easily with pleanty of ammo and mags...
  24. PM'd as to not derail the OP's thread....
  25. Wow...you apperantly have no clue. Do you know for a fact whether or not this group of people (or just one person) has had any military or fight trainning?? Doubt it. If someone makes an intentional advance you can run/walk instead of holding your ground. This is and has been common practice as no one really wants to have to shoot anyone. Walking away is always recomended. IF and when you can't and you HAVE to stand your ground, the intentions of the person is what you have to determine on your own. If you determine the intentions are to harm or kill, you have every right to defend yourself no matter how many people there are. There have been a few posts by TGO members who have been in a similar situation. The have stated that by just mearly drawing thier weapon the advancement by the "bad guy(s)" was halted and the TGO member was able to "get away" to saftey and contact the proper athorities. There are always other options but if you make the decision to use your weapon, just because the "bad guy" is unarmed DOES NOT mean he can't kill you. Remember, dead is dead and we all want to make it out alive.


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