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Everything posted by kwe45919

  1. I was 7 or 8 when I shot my first "big" hand gun......a .44Mag. Nearly knocked myself out with it.....all my dad could do was laugh. I'd shot .22lr pistols before but had never shot anything larger...when I say the .44 all I could think of was Dirty Harry...I just had to try to shoot it...
  2. I've been playing with many of the AK's mentioned here for a few years. I really haven't found one that shot better or worse than the other. I've shot Arsenal's, WASR's, Polish, Egyption and many others using ammo from Wolf to Hornady to Federal PowerShok in various grains and haven't noticed any major differences. I still have been able to hit a 12in target at 125yrds with every gun using iron sights from a rest. I can tighten up "groups" using scopes and high grade ammo but most all preform the same for me.....then again I'm not the best shooter either but they shoot as advertisied which is "minute of man" at 100yrds....
  3. You can buy built lowers and built uppers and "build" your own by putting them together...still can come out cheaper then buying one and there's nothing hard about it other than choosing. If it's your first AR, be smart buy smart and get ammo with it. Go shoot it and IF you like it, then you can "get into building" one for real....
  4. Stupid people for stupid times......
  5. Glocks........it's all I've got after selling the rest of the guns I didn't like....and what I carry everyday.
  6. Congrats......I think it's a great thing to do. My dad taught me when I was 7. I have a pink .22lr rifle for my daughter (who's 6) and I'm building a pink AR in .22lr for the wife, that way they have matching pink rifles. The little one thinks it's the coolest thing in her world and mom is tickled about it all. Great to get the family into the safe world of shooting.
  7. Nice.....though about getting one of those. Welcome to the "club"......
  8. Using Hornady V-Max 123gr 7.62x39mm at 125yrds from a Saiga on a rest I was able to pull off a 3 1/4in diamond pattern with 5 shots. That's the best I can do but I'm sure others can and would do much better. All day long I can hit 12in ballons or bowling pins at 100yrds with any ammo....
  9. Wow.......just wow. Credit Cards get people in trouble with 17% interest, with 100% interest that's like "Loan SharK" style loans....
  10. Definatly look around at gun shows for what you may need for your build. A lot of good parts can be had for dirt cheap. Here's my AR....Definatly like the P. Arms microdot....works well and co-wittness' in the lower 1/3 of the optic. Pmags are cheap and a great way to go.....definatly didnot like the Mako magwell grip...it's already off of the rifle... If you want to start shooting now, get the S&W, then build your own over time the way you want it. When your build is done, you will have had practice and can then compare the two... .
  11. Putting this out there for those who are attending, I'm gona bring some of my smaller "surplus" items (mags, grips, stocks etc.) that have been aquired over time and they will be available for sale.......for pretty cheap too....
  12. I'm definatly there......and I know where it's at......think I did something naughty up that way during HS one time...
  13. I was in and out on Saturday......too many people and no room for looking at tables. I searched over the ammo tables and left.....not worth the money to get in.....no more Jacobs Building, only the Expo center....
  14. Buying "in store" is always the first choice, but most of the stuff I need is only available on-line or it'll take the local shop a few weeks to get the item....
  15. kwe45919

    Be Like Han

  16. Glad you could join us John.
  17. Something like that though the U.S. oil refineries are at fault IMO. From what I understand, we could refine more of our own oil/gas products and produce the jobs the country needs but because of legislation and world trade, we are restricted to the ammount we can refine on our own. Besides if we didn't purchase the ammount of oil from these nations, another nation would and that my friends would cause WW3 to start. Why?? Well, don't we buy it anyways just to keep other countries FROM buying it.....kinda like the kids game of "keep away".....you can't have it cuz we do!!
  18. ....and I've had 20+ cars and trucks over the years and have used almost every brand, size and tread pattern. (of course there are some I haven't tried) Still, it all depends on how you drive, what you drive and what you drive on. Just like a firearm, it all depends on what suits you and your needs. It's easy to get 60K miles out of 40K mile tires if you don't drive crazy and take turns like a Nascar driver, it's called taking care of your equiptment. Now.....I was at WalMart last night and will say that things are looking better in the sporting goods section. There was an AR15 in the case right beside my daughters pink .22lr.......Still had a price of $800+ didn't bother even looking at the "brand".....
  19. Soo your saying Jo-Jo knows tires....... You have the least amount of knowledge when it comes to tires considering you have ONLY used one brand. If you've never used another brand tire, how can you compare?? Ooooooooooooooo...that's right, YOU CAN'T!!!! Anyways.....there are enormous ammounts of quality tires out there DEPENDING on your needs.
  20. kwe45919

    Need help deciding

    The rifle is nice, IF you have a handgun you CAN shoot and/or carry....... Still the Glock would be the better purchase because of it's size (concealment) and power....
  21. I'd say let him hold a few and see what he says feels "good". My first gun to shoot was a 6in S&W .357......I was 9. (thanks dad) No need to go easy with a .22 IMO.......he's a guy not a girl. No need for being gentle.
  22. ...and this is the best answer you could come up with?? Guess we all have been fooling ourselves thinking Glocks were safe all these years....
  23. Most any machine shop will pop the rivets in for around $10 to $15......


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