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    East, TN


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  1. Thanks, Moped! I will create an account.
  2. I will steer clear of Ace guns. I have been using Frontier for FFL needs but will research A1. Nothing wrong with Frontier. Their computerized background check is extremely convenient, good service. Just looking for options and who stocks what. I have bought boots several times from A1 at the old store. I have a hankering for a Glock G40, G41 or G24. Good news on Windrock Snack!
  3. Is there a local gun shop (LGS) at the Ace Hardware in Oliver Springs (East TN)? Is it in the main store? Good number of firearms in stock? I have visited the store to purchase chainsaw parts (Stihl dealer) but never did the tour. Had lunch several at Brays BBQ next door.
  4. Eray, is that 649 in your avatar? Looks to be .38 Special rather than later .357.
  5. The frame is only offered in aluminum alloy, no stainless.
  6. XS Sights offers a forward "scout" rail for the 94 angle eject that can be adapted to the top eject.
  7. What is the "Gun Owners Club"? Something TN?
  8. Welcome to KnoxVegas!
  9. Welcome to East TN!
  10. What brand is the 30-30?
  11. If the choice is between the 5.56/.223 or the 7.62X39, I agree with "Smith". It is interesting that some reloaders of 7.62X29 are swapping out the steel core military bullet in cheap surplus rounds for soft points to achieve economical hunting ammunition.
  12. Polymer80 replacement Glock frames have a grip angle that mimics a 1911.


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