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Jamie Jackson

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Everything posted by Jamie Jackson

  1.     This is the time to make that purchase TMF. No one can fault you for investing in a future resource potential.   I just want to make sure I have enough for me, my son, and his children. If I sell a few down the road to pay my bills, that'd be between me and the buyer.   I think regular, serious shooters will take advantage of the supply and pricing currently available. I hope so.   Buy it Cheap and Stack it Deep...or don't fuss later... :2cents:
  2. Good points on the Magpuls Erik and I've already "hit my goal" on those...but I am not convinced that the feedlips of the Magpuls will match the long tern storage as has been proven with metal and aluminum mags...Magpuls simply haven't existed long enough to have a great degree of certainty, even with the lip-caps or whatever they are called.     D&H from PSA... "This is the product description from my above link: Brand new mil-spec M16/AR15 30rd aluminum mags with black teflon finish and foliage green Magpul followers. Made by D&H (Company formerly named Labelle) for Palmetto State Armory. These are the best of the breed because they have a slick durable Teflon coat inside and out. Stamped with US military cage code Q4TQ4"     Are these followers different from what you are referring to? Thanks in advance.
  3. I received a couple of D&H mags in the mail yesterday...alas, I had just returned from our range session. :down:   The mags look great, solid seams, green followers etc. But I'll have to wait until next week to give them a workout.   PSA currently has them for $6.99 each.   http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/featured/dh-5-56-30rd-aluminum-mag.html   Do any of you have personal experience with these?   I'll post back my observations after next weeks range sessions.     As a sidebar, I am very concerned about the upcoming elections and potential for even further degradation of our Constitutionally Protected...well, use to be protected, Rights... So I plan to "get 'em while I can"...   I'm comfortable with the amount of Magpuls I have and I'm just exploring options...
  4. I don't have any first hand experience with their products, but "Dr.Bones (Joe Alton) and Nurse Amy (Amy Alton)" are regulars on Jack Spirko's "Survival Podcast" and are frequent contributors to Backwoods Home magazine. They are a decent information source and generally pretty informative and entertaining during their podcasts and Youtube vids.   I find their pricing on their kits kind of high. But everything is put together for you.     I generally purchase my Med Gear from:   http://www.chiefsupply.com/chief-one-handed-combat-application-tourniquet-cat-tactical-black.html   http://www.chinookmed.com/   https://www.mooremedical.com/   http://www.galls.com/     Our own Randy Harris with Suarez Intl runs a great Tac Med oriented course as well. Gotta have some quality training to go with that quality gear. :up:
  5. Welcome aboard!   Glocks, AK's and train with Randy? Good going Sir. :up:   I'm another healthcare gun-guy that values quality training. Glad to have you here.
  6. Thanks Robert.   I too finished the "Carrington Effect" and should have posted back here before now.   You pretty much nailed it. I've read better, and I've read worse. If there hadn't been a glossary of characters in the front of the book, which I frequently referred to, it would have been a challenge for me to follow. In fact, imho, there were way too many characters. No one person, or even sub-group, were developed in enough detail to be able to create any attachment to...that's the hallmark of a good read imho.   I did complete book 9 of the 299 Days series...that's enough for me, and it actually does complete the series, even though there seems to be another book coming.   I did enjoy "The Directives", Holding Their Own Vol. 8. Not as well as previous books in the series. "Bishop" is flirting with the "super hero" character thing even more so than in the past books. Unfortunate, but I guess inevitable.   I just started "Last Stand: Surviving America's Collapse" by Weber. It appears to be well written thus far, and it's local as mentioned earlier in this thread, which I find a plus.
  7.   That is correct, Paypal has a "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" function.
  8. Nice!   I can see right now we'll need a dedicated AK pistol transformation photo and detail info "sticky" thread...and I'll definitely subscribe to it. :rock:
  9. I also get the e-mail flyers from SGAmmo. Good company and they frequently have some decent sales.   SlickGuns is also a good search-site for gun gear and ammo.   But becoming a Benefactor as Dolomite mentioned will gain you access to some great and timely info, as well as supporting the TGO forum. :up:
  10. Good advice DMark and very much along the lines I am thinking.   PMags would be great, but I'm also looking into the C Products I mentioned above, and/or maybe D&H.   I agree, better to have them and not need them, than to need them and not have them.
  11. I was at the ORSA Rifle range yesterday.   ORSA membership is $120.00/year, but you get a lot for the money.   ORSA has a 200 yd rifle range, is currently building a 100 yd "Rifle plinking" range that is supposed to have steel targets, plus a 1000 yd rifle range.   There actually is an indoor range there as well, but for whatever reason isn't advertised. It's open on weekends, Sat & Sun afternoon. I know because I'm one of the guys that takes turns "baby-sitting" the indoor range.   There is also an outdoor handgun plinking range and of course the Action Pistol range.   No, this isn't an advertisement for ORSA...just another option. :pleased:       Norris is a good range as well...but twice the drive distance for me.   I like the fact that neither Norris nor ORSA have "Range Mommies" dictating how you shoot. :cool:  Yet they are both safe places to shoot.
  12. Thanks Oh Shoot.   A bud saw a deal recently for the C Products at $7.99...but for a large volume order.   Yeah, those Brownell 20 rounders are actually my favorite AR mags.
  13. I too hope all is well for him. I enjoy his posts and appreciate his knowledge.
  14. At the risk of hijacking this thread...and because we are speaking of cheap AR magazines...   The majority of my AR mags are OKay's, Magpul and Brownell's...They are extremely reliable. The Wilson, N.C. Thermolds I have work well for range mags.   But...I wouldn't mind have some "bargain" priced, reliable, AR mags put aside.     What is the current story on C-Products aluminum magazines?   Any other bargain priced AR mags you guys have had good experience with?
  15. My most sincere condolences David.   I happen to agree with what bersaguy said. I too believe we will be reunited with those we love when our time here is done. To me, that is what heaven is about.   My wife and I love our dogs like they are our children. And we like them more than most of the humans we come into contact with.   God Bless Sir.
  16.     I probably shouldn't have posted as the missus was herding me out the door...   That cover may only be a few steps away...I'm not talking about running while firing wildly over my shoulder. :cool:     Yes, I would choose to help someone obviously is danger. Yes I would have to be able to absolutely identify that was in fact the situation.   No way I would ever try and handcuff someone I just shot.It's not uncommon for a person that's been shot to lose consciousness as their blood pressure drops, only to regain consciousness as they become supine. We were trained to approach a gunshot wound patient in pairs...one person secures the hands while the other.searches for and removes weapons...hopefully while law enforcement covers the individual at gunpoint. It's a good idea to remove weapons, even if it's a known "friendly" , because if they wake up the last thing they will probably recall is the fight and quite possibly re-engage...not a good situation to be in.   So, if it's a badguy I was just forced to shoot, I would stay behind cover while covering them and wait for the posse to arrive..   Lot's of badguys? I'd be happy to have that cover, and lots of bullets...   Cover and distance are your friends.
  17.     Then you have found yourself in one hell of a mess.     Run like the devil is after you...it is... and find cover fast...
  18. I would venture to guess they'll feed in an OEM Glock barrel.   In my experience with Lone Wolf and KKM they have extremely tight tolerances. Besides, there should not be a need for an aftermarket barrel using the coated bullets.   We use OEM Glock barrels with our powder coated bullets without concern and find them very reliable.     An option is a shorter OAL...but beware of spiking pressures.   I'd just be safe and try the OEM's first.  :2cents:
  19.   LOL..."Training wheels"...I like that.   Yes, there is a learning curve for sure. I've focused on these for the past year and I'm glad I did. I finally figured the POA / POI for the 3 yard "Dot Drill Target" and 100 yd targets...but it took some time and effort.
  20. That sound good to me Red.   I plan to work some up in .38 and see how they fly. Much obliged.
  21. I run XS Big Dots on my 17 and just received a pair from Brownell's yesterday for my 26.   Brasil has some excellent sights on his 34...maybe he'll chime in as I can't recall the make.   I still have Trijicon's on my 19 and even after 10 years they are still quite serviceable.
  22. Brasil is right on the money. We've gone through at least 5000 rounds and have great results. We even push some of the 9mm rounds to 1300+ fps and still no issues.   Here's a link to Dolomite's excellent thread: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/73808-powder-coating-the-super-duper-easy-way/     Red...I like your reversed HBWC. I used to load .38's in such a manner "back in the day". How is your inflight stability on these? I might try and work up some for Brasil and myself (but in .38).
  23. LOL....Great movie mijo. :up:   "Dalton's" barn loft was a lot nicer than mine... but I'd remind folks more of Emmet than Dalton. :pleased:
  24.     But alas, no 9mm G 26. Maybe one day...
  25. Glock simply needs to make single stack 26! :rant:     But alas...not yet.   I did shoot a friends micro XD...7 round mag IIRC...a few weeks ago. Sweet and reliable little gun. He pocket carries it in a kydex holster he had made.   I haven't tried a Shield yet..hopefully soon.


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