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Jamie Jackson

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Everything posted by Jamie Jackson

  1. Here's an informational link from WesternRifleShooters that further links to what I've read from the CDC.     http://westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com/2014/10/03/more-info/
  2. I just looked in my old handloading records and see that back in 1991 (yeah..I'm old LOL) I loaded Hornady 123 gr SP (.310) over some 3031 and got some 1-1.5 inch 100 yd groups out of a Norinco AK I had. Iron sight and sandbag rests...with much better eyesight I might add.   We were actually discussing casting and PC some 7.62x39 a couple of days ago. I haven't considered pulling and reusing Wolf cases. It's the cost of 7.62x39 brass that's been a concern. This sounds like a viable option.   Gordon...dumb question maybe...but would you work up a load using your own rifle powders, or save the Wolf powders and work up a load using that saved powder? We are challenged in finding rifle powder. I've had some on backorder since December 2013...
  3. I wish I could post a link Sam... It's a PIA just to get logged in and they flipping e-mail this info...   I won't poke that bear with a sharp stick . Gotta work, you know? But there was only one study listed regarding persistence in indoor environments...I sure more info will surface.   I am not being alarmist...but I think everyone here knows only too well not to believe everything to hear-see-read, esp from .gov. Heck...no need to believe me either, but just do a bit of research on it my friend.
  4.     I do hope you're right about it not being airborne. But there is some concern and conflicting information on that.   http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2014/09/commentary-health-workers-need-optimal-respiratory-protection-ebola   I get CDC updates...they come pretty much daily right now. The CDC...besides the usual stupid crap they recommend... say that we need to be at least 3 feet away for infected patients...kinda hard to do when you initially triaging them, obtaining vital sign, blood work etc.   If you dig back through several links in a CDC update you may run across "environmental cleansing". Currently the CDC is saying the Ebola virus may  live on a surface up to 6 days. That's pretty darned remarkable.     I am not an "Ebola-phobe", but the conflicting data is out there. I'm also concerned about the entrovirus that's spreading through the kids...     It may truthfully be some time before we actually know what we're up against folks.     Good luck with that whole quarantine thing. The Nanny State coupled with the "gimme's"...what a combo. :cool:     :2cents:
  5. You know. I look at generators much like I do MRE's.   They are not my first choice in a SHTF scenario, but they are handy and ready to go. Hopefully that will give me time to get my longer term situations in order.   The various layers of preparedness all have their place.
  6.     I'd be sick at losing the venison my friend. Btw...home canned venison is flipping great! :up:
  7. Good info Omega.   $250.00 each? Good deal Sir. :up:   We have 2 freezers as well. I do can a fair amount of meat, veges as well, but the convenience of the freezers is hard to beat.
  8. Thanks R_Bert!   I haven't heard of SeaFoam before...so I Googled it. Interesting stuff. I make the bold assumption you are speaking of the gasoline additive? They have several products listed,   Yep...I was up at ORSA shooting yesterday so I stopped by GasMart and picked up 10 gallons of ethanol free gasoline. I have 3 more 5 gallon cans to fill and get into rotation.   Do you keep your tank topped off and run on a regular schedule?   I know some folks drain theirs, oil the spark plug hole, and various other things. It just seems like when you need it, you need it and generally the weather isn't exactly perfect out. LOL
  9. I'm bumping this back, because there's a lot of great information...and winter is coming. It just doesn't feel like it today. :pleased:     I believe I have the same generator that Lester mentions...A Coleman Vertex 5500.   My father purchased it right before Y2K. He used it back home in MS, frequent storms and occasional hurricanes. It sat idle since right after Katrina. I brought it up to TN, purchased a new battery and had the carb reworked fora good small engine shop in West Knoxville.   While that sucker is noisy, it runs fine.     My father would keep his tank topped off and run the generator, with a small load, every month. (He did have his house secondarily wire for gen use).   What are your thoughts on state of readiness for your generators?   Do you keep them topped of with ethanol free gasoline?  Still use Stabil?   While not in protracted long term use (just monthly-bimonthly test run), how often do you change the oil?   Do you see any advantage to the higher priced synthetic oil?         btw...my generator is just one option or redundancies. I have an inverter set for my truck, a couple of Big Buddy heaters with fuel, fireplace & wood, propane camp stoves with fuel, etc.   I need a battery bank setup...but that'll come later. And some NiCad batteries with charger...
  10. Impressive! :up:
  11. I have XS Big Dots on my Glock 17 & 26. I purchased the non-illuminated rear for the 26 (as they were $20.00 cheaper) and cannot appreciate any difference. I'll be putting the same on my 19.   I have black rear (Novak lo-mount) on my 1911.   Like others, I use a sharpie to blacken the rear sights with the exception of Trijicon's...which I am replacing with the Big Dots.     btw...I've shot Brasil's 10-8's and they are EXCELLENT sights! :up:
  12. I agree with the trend here. A quality holster with a quality belt just simply works. :up:   I too get a damage from my ancillary tools to my pocket edges...but not my carry guns and extra mags.
  13. Unfortunately I have to work that weekend. :rant:   This will, no doubt, be an excellent class and a much needed one at that. iirc it was Kelly McCann that said "Martial arts is what you do with someone, combatives is what you do to someone"...wise words folks.   Like Randy mentioned...not every situation is a shooting situation. A man's gotta have options.   Thank you for this opportunity Randy. I hope folks jump all over this!
  14. jonathon beat me to it.   That's exactly what I do whenever I enter one of those "nobody I know ever wins" contests LOL
  15. Just an FWIW...I don't "Facebook" either...but I set up an account without personal info to one of my "internet-use" G Mail accounts. I guess there is some sort of info available on it for the cyber-geeks to mine...but no more so than any forum use. :2cents:
  16.     LOL Thremolds and Botach do have bad reps, but I honestly haven't had issues with either one.   Like I mentioned earlier, my Thermolds are the N.C. version and run well in semi-auto. I've only ordered through Botach 4 or 5 times and was able to get some great deals. It seems like I recall that they had some sort of family issues and bad business deals several years ago...the internet never forgets...even if it can't remember what it can't forget... :squint:     Thanks for the link Erik and the info. That is a great deal. :up:
  17. Got lucky searching. Looks like Botach thanks to Slickguns.   Not bad. :up:
  18. Interesting info Erik. Thank you.   I do like my P Mags as well...and my Brownell's, esp the 20 rounders.   You mentioned a link for PMags at $6.70 each. I must have missed it, my bad.  Where did you post it? I've looked, but I reckon my Google-fu is weak. :squint:  LOL
  19. I would imagine he's quite the charmer. Besides...those flowers probably needed to be dug up. :pleased:   I just showed my Missus your 1st and current pics. I think she has a crush on Roman. LOL
  20. He has grown!   I just looked back at your original post. He does require a bit more real estate when he tries to climb up on your neck I bet! LOL   He's a beauty. You have one fine friend there Sir. :pleased:
  21. A couple of my shooting buddies and I made it to the range today and tried out a couple of D&H mags and a C-Products mag I found when I inventoried my AR mags.   The D&H came from 44mag.com and had green followers, but they were not the anti-tilt green followers in the D&H mags currently for sale at PSA.   The C-Products has an orange anti-tilt Magpul follower.   No scientific test or anything like that. We ran a couple of hundred rounds through 3 different AR and experienced no issues whatsoever.   I can't find fault in either of these mags thus far.   We have some of the PSA D&H with the Magpul followers coming...so we'll give them a try as well...and keep function firing the above. I'll post if we have problems, but I honestly don't anticipate any...
  22.     Wait, wait! You're missing the point!   How did we miss an estate sale that had 3 truck loads of guns?! :stunned:
  23. We've had incredible success using the dry tumble method. We picked up a Lyman tumbler as a dedicated tool and it was well worth the investment.   http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000KKEPOW/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1   We (our casting and handloading group) are several thousands rounds into powder coating 9mm and only wish we had started sooner.   We use powder from Powder Buy the Pound and have tried red, black, and green. The red, for whatever reason, gives us the best coating...but I do like the green as well.   https://www.powderbuythepound.com/   iirc Dolomite, or someone on here, used the spray and found the dry tumble method better...maybe they'll chime in.
  24. Batman is right. That's a great thread and Caster is good people and was helpful to me as well! :up:   Another excellent thread on here is Dolomite's "Powder Coating the Super Duper Easy Way". Dol is always a great help as well and it's appreciated. :up: :up:   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/73808-powder-coating-the-super-duper-easy-way/     I also agree that the folks at Cast Boolits are GTG, friendly, and helpful.
  25. I ordered an AimPoint PRO last sale on a Friday and had it in hand by Tuesday.   I've had ammo take 1 week to 3 weeks.   But they always ship. :pleased:


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