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Jamie Jackson

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Everything posted by Jamie Jackson

  1. $499.00 ? I'm impressed brother! I look forward to meeting "her".
  2. Very nice GTG! Good for you. Hope you will bring it out on Sunday.
  3. lock n' load; I'm a 9mm guy myself. But if the .40 S&W Ranger T-series you are referring to is the RA40T it does make Dr. Gary K. Roberts (Doc GKR) list as a recommended carry round for that caliber. Here's one of many links to the same info: https://www.ar15.com/ammo/project/Self_Defense_Ammo_FAQ/#mozTocId759557 That's a good price, and if it shoots to POA and is reliable in your handgun, I'd consider that a good purchase. FWIW and imho most modern premium self defense ammo is quite adequate. The expanded talons do look wicked. I have seen the original Black Talons both expand and not expand in human beings. This was back in the 1990's and bullet technology has advanced considerably since that time. But seeing a few of those points (talons) protruding through the skin (transthoracic chest shot) does indeed look wicked!
  4. Sorry for your loss Bresa. God Bless. You are fortunate to have been able to share the time you had with him, and him with you. That's a Blessing good Sir.
  5. Save the C4 for a better project LagerHead LOL. My 550 is pushing 30 years old and Dillon did a rebuild on it a few years back. But I had the same problem you mention at one time. Dillon replaced my primer tube and sent me several new tips for it as well. All for free after I sent an e-mail explaining the issue. I keep a brass brush on my table and use it to keep the primer seating cup clean of residue. I tend to get "funk" buildup on the outside edges of the primer seating cup that will prevent the cup from coming completely back underneath the primer tube causing a very slight misalignment preventing a primer pickup. I just make sure I knock off that debris about every 1K-2K rounds. I also disassemble the primer pickup bar mechanism every 5K rounds or so and clean it up the same brass brush...no lube..and my 550 runs great. I am only loading 9mm on it at present and load at least 10 k per year. Works great for me. There's better uses for the C4!
  6. I already had, and shot my S&W 686 and Colt Series 80 45 acp in '87 when I started handloading. I initially started simply because I wanted to learn the process and develop options. I handload now because I can craft ammo to meet my perceived specific needs or wants and I can at this point actually save money doing so. As a group of three we cast, powder coat, and handload primarily for 9mm. These loads are tailored to the velocity and accuracy that we are all quite pleased with. I realize some folks complain, or at least express concern over the time involved. I thoroughly enjoy the process of handloading...it's my "Zen" thing. But we can produce 9mm for at or less than most .22 LR sells for. Bulk purchased components allows us to not have to worry much about shortages during the last 2 panic periods...they'll show up again I venture to guess... I can also load quality accurate 5.56 brass cased ammo (purchased projectiles on sale with free shipping) for around $0.17/round. I'm happy with that. So I guess I already had the "chicken" and have added a few over the years...but really enjoy working with the "egg".
  7. The owner is obviously not married...
  8. Thank you Randy for providing this opportunity! This is an incredible value. imho, having standards, whether an agency’s or your own, is the only sensible and realistic way we can gauge or measure our progress…and these “quals” are fun and a challenge to shoot as well! I’m looking forward to this. Hope to see some fellow TGOer’s as well. And Thank you GTG for hosting this session.
  9. Of course Brother! Prayers sent. You know you can call me if you need anything my friend.
  10. I'm bumping this back up to see how folks are doing, and if anyone has any new drills they are running. I had to take about a 3 month hiatus from shooting to recover for a surgery I had. Getting old sucks... I'm back to shooting the Dot Torture drill, FAST Test, and running Bill Drills to try and improve my split times while maintaining accuracy... always a challenge for me... I'm using the 6" circle with the 1" square for the Bill Drills. https://pistol-forum.com/showthread.php?2124-Printable-Targets I was working with some friends that are relatively new to shooting yesterday, and as they are new (Randy knows them...Tammy & Alex), incorporated some ball & dummy rounds into mags I loaded for them. I do the same for myself as It helps me practice malfunction clearances. It helps me diagnosis fundamentals for them. I also use the six 2" circles and practices non-dominate (weak hand) shooting from 3-7 yards with my J frame BUG. 3-5 yards are fine, I struggle with 7 yards...but accept the challenge. I've printed out the 3M drill Randy posted above and will be running our group through it our next range session. I should have already done this...I'm a slacker... So, what are you folks doing?
  11. GTG, TGO David recommended Aholster in a previous thread. I picked up a left hand model for my 9mm Shield. It's an excellent holster, good price and very thin, yet sturdy. By it's design it actually stays in the friggin' pocket when you draw! And you don't have to worry about an inadvertent mag dump while the guns in your pocket, something I've experienced with soft pocket holsters. It conceals quite well in my carpenter jeans. Here's the links: http://www.lefthandholster.com/pocket-aholster.html http://shop.aholster.com/product.sc?productId=1&categoryId=1
  12. Well Prayers and the NRA certainly didn't hurt anything...
  13. Thank you hipower. So really the current pricing is not outlandish all things considered then. fwiw I not really looking at purchasing a .22 mag at this time...but I've been known to pick up a box or two of ammo just in case I need some at a later date.
  14. I believe the rumor was addressed a year or so ago when someone e-mailed Winchester...something to do with an employee not knowing what they were talking about? Am I misremembering this?
  15. I've used W 231 for a very long time. It's a very fine powder and meters extremely well. I've loaded 10's of thousands of rounds of 45 acp with it, as well as 9mm and .38 spl. I've even blown up a Glock 21 with it because I screwed up and double charged a case. 11.4 grains will tear up a darn Glock!! But Glock replaced it, even knowing that it was my fault... (late 1990's). fwiw that was my only double charge and I load at least 10k of handgun rounds each year. Pay attention folks! As I mentioned, it a very fine powder and it doesn't take much powder in a case to reach max load data. As long as you don't get distracted, as I did, and pay attention, as I didn't, it's a great and economical powder.
  16. Thanks for posting this GTG. That's a nice looking pen and doesn't necessarily scream "Weapon!" LOL I can definitely see the utility of this. Do you have a version to use as a "trainer"?
  17. Excuse my ignorance. I haven't owned a .22 mag since the late 1960's, early 1970's...it was one of those convertible single actions (.22 and .22 mag cylinders) and I sold it before enlisting in the Navy. What was the general pricing for .22 mag before the Newtown madness? I realize prices will stay higher than pre-Newtown...but curious nonetheless.
  18. Welcome to you and the missus Bob. The local USPSA, IDPA, Steel and 3 gun are located in Oak Ridge at ORSA, for when you get settled in and such. Links below: http://orsaonline.org/ http://orsaonline.org/iclubs.asp?id=4 http://orsaonline.org/faq.asp
  19. H 335 is my favorite powder for 55gr 5.56 loads. I believe I have chrono data for that very load...if I can find it...I need to be a better bookkeeper! I've found it to be a very accurate handload, using range pickup brass as well, out of my 22 year old Bushmaster. I do inspect, sort, and trim & prep my brass...anything funky gets toss into the brass scarp bucket. So far so good.
  20. Reading the above discussion about making shotgun slugs reminded me a couple of articles I read via Western Rifle Shooter's Association a few years back... the article's were entitled "Turning Ballistic Water into Wine" (1&2) and cover much of what Dolo mentioned. Good stuff to know! The articles were a bit more expansive in Chuck Brant's original blogspot, but these still have useful info imho. It looks like his included links are still functional as well. http://chuckbrant.com/turning-ballistic-water-into-wine-2/ http://chuckbrant.com/more-turning-ballistic-water-into-wine/ Western Rifle link below...worth subscribing to if you have an interest: https://westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com/
  21. I believe folks are referring to Tessalon Perles (Benzonate 100mg). It's an antitussive or cough suppressant medication that's prescription only (to best of my knowledge) for short term use. I've given it to a lot of patients and it seems to work well for them. I've never taken them myself, but my wife has used them with good results. https://www.drugs.com/cdi/tessalon-perles.html
  22. BTDT David. Mine went from viral to bacterial and therefore required antibiotics...and my "flu swab" was negative, and I had the influenza vaccine in 2016 for the 1st time since 1975...because it was mandatory for my workplace. (Emergency Room). We've seen quite a few people with obvious influenza. I would guess that 75-80% had the flu vaccine. Not all of them "popped positive" for our flu swabs, which is not unusual. Our physicians will generally, usually, treat them based on symptoms and examination, and if within the first 24-48 prescribe anti-viral medications (as most folks know, antibiotics do not work against viruses.), but a virulent virus can weaken the immune system and allow a bacterial infection to set in...therefore requiring antibiotics...it's a conundrum my friend. fwiw in the over 40 years that I have not had the flu vaccine, I also have not had the flu... Even the CDC will admit that the flu vaccine is only effective about 50% of the time,even though they tout that the effectiveness is close to 90% at other times...it's not even near 90% from what I've witnessed over the past decades. Not even close... Physicians are hesitant to prescribe antibiotics without sound cause, and for good reason, as antibiotics have been so over-prescribed, or inappropriately prescribed, for so long that we are running out of effective antibiotics to treat some pretty virulent bacterial infections. That said, if you are hacking up green phlegm, febrile, and have an elevated white blood cell count...well, antibiotics might just be in order... Disclaimer...this is not medical advice, just and opinion and observation.
  23. LOL. Same here Randall! I unholster several times a day. Done safely, appropriate backstop etc. It's free drawstroke practice. I use my carry gun as my "nightstand" gun lying beside one of my Surefire's. I have my jeans on a chair at bedside with holster, spare mags, flashlight, BOK, cellphone, BUG etc. If, God forbid, there is a fire or other emergency and I need to unass the area quickly, then I'm ready. We have 2 small yappy and territorial dogs that sleep in our bedroom. Their hearing is better than mine!
  24. Good interview and worth the time to watch imho...Thanks for posting this Sam.
  25. I'm glad to see this trend. I think 2.ooohhh hit the nail on the head. How long this all will last is anybodies guess. The anti's will not rest, so it's great to be able to affordably purchase things you believe you'll need in the future, or even just simply want/choose to own. But there will most likely be a time in the near future when we look back at this time as the "good ole days". Just my ever devaluing $0.02 worth...


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