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  1. I've done ground venison before. Canning meat is an excellent practice. Canned chicken is extremely tender. Be careful not to over salt/spice. It will happen
  2. A really good option to explore is to get a canoe and camp on sandbars. Limitless exploring on water in TN
  3. I normally Fly fish (Orvis clearwater with echo reel) But i just bought a little spinning rods for bass and bluegill pond hopping...It was around $100 and has been fantastic so far. Diawa Regal LT 2000 Defy Silver 7" Rod Been using lots of beetle spins this year
  4. Chest rig it is. All good info, The area is the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex. I'm pretty excited. I lived in the Sierra Nevada's for three years so i'm fairly used to the extreme temp changes of mountains, though there is nothing I can do about the oxygen/altitude being a hill dweller now. I am a pretty experienced backpacker and I refuse to use the freeze dried foods, instead opting for a packable skillet and frozen steaks, eggs, bacon, bread,cheese, salami etc. I know I know, its worth the weight to me. But If i can't cook over the fire (being too close to the tents) I may have to crumble and get a camp stove. I'll get a bell
  5. Thought about this for a while. I shot a buddies 10mm yesterday along with my 9mm. I had a steel target on a door leaning against a tree. When the 10mm hit the steel the tree shook quite drastically. The 9mm didn't have the same effect...
  6. Interesting on the heavy solids. Makes sense…lots to punch through. that’s definitely the appeal of the 10mm is the amount of rounds in the gun vs a high caliber revolver. Only 5 shots makes me nervous. I’ll have to google BFR, unless it means a big ** rifle haha
  7. Braise or make Brunswick Stew…gotta break down those tough little muscles. 24 hours in the fridge wouldn’t hurt either. Don’t freeze right away. You want them to go through rigermortis and then come back out of it, that is the muscle starting to break down (in a good way). acorn time of year is good.
  8. This is a very bad year for ticks. I’ve been using the homemade permethrin spray for about 4 years now. I put it on my jeans, boots, dog. I also treat my pigs and my chicken coop with it. no cats!!!
  9. I’ll be backpacking in a remote corner of Montana in a month. As a farmer with an insane amount of equipment and gear, I cringe at buying more things I don’t need. Well in this case my g43 isn’t going to be sufficient in Grizzly territory. Anybody have experience with this? As far as I can tell 10mm is the way to go. any other options I should consider besides the G20 and a chest holster?
  10. I have a nice Tikka in 308. Although it’s a fantastic gun, here is something to consider that you won’t read about much. I bought the tikka upgrading from an old rem700 in .270. Once I switched I found that I am a horrible shot with a lightweight gun. I think I got used to the heavy old gun and how steady it was. My heartbeat didn’t move it around. Anyways… food for thought.


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