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Everything posted by JustEd

  1. I know a business here in Sevierville that does cerakoating, laser engraving too, If you PM me will respond with his contact info, He has done some work for me and am satisfied.
  2. JustEd

    FTE Issues

    Yes, I had to shorten them on two Holosuns. Too bad they only supply one set (long),
  3. I agree with you. To my understanding the US gubbermint doesn't even allow the newer designs, such as those which process the spent fuel rods. Could be out of date on that
  4. Personally, I am willing to go nuclear power. However, there are problems in long term spent fuel rod storage. Transport of spent rods to Yucca Mtn can is suseptible to exposure due to accident of misshandling. It's the same in every country that uses nuclear, what to do with the spent fuel, That's what the worry is right now at Chernobyl with the power being cut off. idle rant: I just heard some 'ss hole who claimed to be a nuclear expert say if the waste water boils off at Chernobyl just add more water. Yeah, but where does that radioactive steam go to? Don't get me wrong a CIVILIZED nation should be able to handle nuclear power. The Ruskies have repeatedly demonstrated they are not of that ilk.
  5. Its easy and relatively cheap to have the rear lugs milled off, fronts need to b e shortened too for the Holosun,. If you choose a good 'smith should not have much if any exposed metal when completed except top of lugs. On mine I just put some Birchwood Casey on where the lugs had been. Don't expect rust as the slide is stainless. If wrong later will have it sanded and ceracoat slide.
  6. Have tried Sig (2), CT, Vortex and Holosun, For me, the Holosuns wins hands down. Should be no problem on a G45 (edited due to my own ignorance).
  7. I last heard 30 years, but its too long to help out anyway.
  8. It's a clear sign of rampant inflation that the poor fellow could only afford ONE escape tunnel.
  9. According to friends in Europe it is the equivalent of 10.00 a gallon over there. Suspect it will hit 7.00 here soon and Kali will see 10 or 11. Would like to be wrong.
  10. Very nice classic
  11. With some of the legislation proposed in the TN legislature, immigrants from Kali are the least of our worries. And Kalies are NOT the legislators. disclaimer: only been here four years myself
  12. Timing/cylinder gap/damaged side plate or screws.
  13. The world could use a General Patton and his army with modern equipment. Just venting about the situation. Am of Polish decent with a Ukranian step father.
  14. Love em both, G19/1911. However if that *gly looking thing were my only choice I would take up archery. No offense meant, Just Ed's Opinion edit: btw, a 1911 is slimmer than the G19 so a Commander sized one conceals ok'ish, Problem is the weight, better get a good belt and lose some weight. Then there is the age old issue of 45 acp vs higher capacity 9mm. Won;t chime in on that one,
  15. Am a current member. This is open to members of GSA although they will schedule a tour if you are interested, As a pistol shooter, the aforementioned steel pistol range is fairly nice, Distance to targets varies from 15 to 30 yards or so, There are also covered 100 yard and 200 yard rifle ranges. The 100 yard range is the nicest, imo, It has a shotgun trap range which I have never used and seems to have its own gate pass. I also belong to ORSA which is many times larger and has more to offer. However, in the couple of years I have been a member or GSA it has impressed me with what it offers and how hard this small club tries to keep things up, Great people. I have never been there and found it to be crowded, Usually it is just me and my guest(s), Glad I belong, glad for ORSA as well. Suggest you go to their website and follow the link to schedule a tour. Best of Luck
  16. Have you ever tried the Sig 1911's Have had two and both were quite well made and feature rich...run well too, (just don't let Sig work on their own sights)
  17. Actually I have had quite a bit of “one on one” training for armed defense. Other “group”courses as well. And as you say it never hurts to get more The words of my first instructor (two day course) will always resonate with me: “Edward, if you want to live you have to move. Back or side just move” Second time I trained with him one on one: “Don’t forget…move..,move…move. Am from out west and don’t see as many people attending courses out here could just be my perception
  18. Please don't ban me....but, It makes some sort of sense in today's homeless, drug addict, snatch and grab world. While I have no intention of policing the world, the more good honest citizens with guns spread about, the better. So here is the part where I get banned: "Would be willing to get more training and further vetting for the privilege of carrying in the aforementioned prohibited areas."
  19. In todays fantasy, he would have snuck out to the surgeon out of guilt, Snip, Snip Brenda now
  20. JustEd

    Mostly a rant

    Bit by my own rant. Have had a couple of Sig 1911's and love them both. They shoot to the proper point of aim. Just got back a slide on my 2017 vintage commander style sig 1911. Had them replace the front sight as the tritium dot was burnt out. Specifically told them not to replace it if they didn't have the same height front sight, Well, they put a taller one on because combat is how they sight them now...according to customer service. When I pointed out how this differed from my instructions the CS agent said he didn't want to hear about center hold vs combat hold. He said they way they do it now is the way it is. There goes a nice 1911 once used for pinking steel. Should a just kept the old sight as it is used mostly in daytime.
  21. JustEd

    Mostly a rant

    It's a good point and thanks. While I have seen some guns which are particularly ammo sensitive, in my experience the shift between 115 and 124 is usually not that much. In the specific guns cited a simple change in bullet weight was not enough to make an appreciable difference at 15 yards. Also have many thousand rounds of 115 and 124 gr factory and reload which shoot fine and not about to buy more. Thanks though, it is a phenomena some pistols show more than others.
  22. JustEd

    Mostly a rant

    No problem at all Swang. I have red dots on three handguns. Love 'em but only one is for carry. The Hellcat with Holosun plinks steel like crazy. However, I am not fully enamored about the extra bulk/reliability/speed issues that can come from a dot. It's a transition to be sure and practice makes better. However,...whadda ya gonna use but the iron sights if the dot fails. If iron sights only on a defensive gun, one doesn't worry about them fogging up. Just my opinion, appreciate your input.
  23. Have several revolvers in 38 and have had a fair amount of experience with the 38/357 cartridge. If it is just personal defense, either will do but the 38 loaded with +P ammo (only way to go) is much easier to shoot. 357 causes a lot of recoil, particularly in those 14 oz titanium frame guns. It is definitely more powerful though, In either case, hold out for a six rounder if you can. As to barrel length, I would not consider carrying over a 3" barrel. It just gets to big to conceal properly, on me. If you are carrying for protection from Bear, etc then go for a longer barrel length and ONLY 357 rather than 38 spl. In fact I would opt for a 44 mag or 10mm semi auto if that were my concern.
  24. Thanks for doing the fine board. Problems happen, glad you got everything resolved. Don't fret the little stuff!!!


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