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Everything posted by hkusp40cal

  1. I use the golddot +P in my SP101 and haven't noticed a bad muzzle flash.
  2. I am glad it is not that way here in TN. In VA from what I understand from friends you must qualify with the gun you are going to carry and if you want to carry another you must qualify with it as well. This may not be the case as I do not have a VA permit, but that was what I was told by friends who do.
  3. Not another mosin... someone needs to get a 1903 out there so I can check one out.
  4. I had asked at WDs and at Randy's why they had that sign on the door and was told it didn't apply to HCP holders (which may be why the sign is not posted correctly). It was due to people bringing in loaded firearms to trade/sell.
  5. I may be able to make it.
  6. Not sure about the FNP9 but I have the FNP 45 USG and it is a fantastic pistol. If you are looking for the cash out of the AK, it may be easier to sell the pistol.
  7. Does this look correct, or is this one of your questions? Need help ID'n a OLD shotgun - XDTalk Forums - Your HS2000/SA-XD Information Source! excerpt: Q: I can make out "Patened Aug 11 1896" on the top of the barrell but I was to know what this on the side is. Looks to me like " The best gun on Earth" then a name under that... Any info on maker or how to find out will help a bunch. If a bigger picture would help let me know..? A: the August 11, 1896 patent date is definitely a Davenport . If you have an external side hammer, it was probably made from the 1880's to about 1910. If it is hammerless or the hammer is centered in the action, most likely after 1900 and as late as WWII. Also known as a Columbia...should be a '12' under the barrel by the fore stock.... A bunch of makers made this gun under different names... example... Quote: Variations of this name were used on single shot shotguns by several makers. Columbia - W. H. Davenport Arms Co. 1891-1910 Columbia Arms Co - Trademark owned by Henry Keidel & Co. Baltimore, Md. 1866-1978 Columbia Ejector - W. H. Davenport Arms Co. Columbia Single - Harrington & Richardson Arms Co 1872-1985 Columbia Single - W. H. Davenport Arms Co. (will have company name marked on upper and lower tangs) Columbia Single - Hopkins & Allen Arms Co. 1868-1898
  8. Gun cleaning, LOL. Haven't even thought of that yet. Then again I wasn't shooting the nasty stuff. My favorite moment, hitting the plate at 122 yrds with the S&W 642, one out of 20 ain't bad.
  9. Yep, I great time was had by all I think. Don't think I have put that many rounds down range at one time in a good while. Good to meet everyone.
  10. I have a Serpa Holster for a FN 57 left handed if anyone needs/wants. Shoot me a PM.
  11. hkusp40cal

    S&W Sigma .40VE

    I agree, I don't like them even a little bit, but for $200 I would have purchased it.
  12. Yes it is, I love mine. Great little pistol. If the ammo wasn't so hard to get I would shoot it more. Now all I have to do is get another GP100 to replace the one I traded (I knew I would regret it).
  13. I am in for this unless something major changes. 2010 gives me plenty of time to get the ammo together.
  14. IMO for the price the SP101 is unbeatable for a .357. Again for the price I would chose the 642/638 from SW for a .38 +p.
  15. I have heard decent things about intelus<sp>. IIRC it is $29 for a background check which will show any convictions, any aliases, any civil actions and all know addresses.
  16. VIPER MODEL- .38 Spl. cal., similar to Police Positive Special (Fourth Issue), alloy frame, 4 in. barrel, shrouded ejector rod housing. Mfg. 1977-1984. 100% 98% 95% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% $775 $700 $625 $550 $475 $400 $325 $250 $200 $185 $175 $160 Add 30% for nickel finish.
  17. There has grown up in the minds of certain groups in this country the notion that because a man or corporation has made a profit out of the public for a number of years, the government and the courts are charged with the duty of guaranteeing such profit in the future, even in the face of changing circumstances and contrary to public interest. This strange doctrine is not supported by statute or common law. Neither individuals nor corporations have any right to come into court and ask that the clock of history be stopped, or turned back. Life-Line (1939) Don't ask me why it was top secret, or even restricted; our government has gotten the habit of classifying anything as secret which the all-wise statesmen and bureaucrats decide we are not big enough girls and boys to know, a Mother-Knows-Best-Dear policy. I've read that there used to be a time when a taxpayer could demand the facts on anything and get them. I don't know; it sounds Utopian. Puppet Masters (1951) There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him." The Moon is a Harsh Mistress The America of my time line is a laboratory example of what can happen to democracies, what has eventually happened to all perfect democracies throughout all histories. A perfect democracy, a "warm body" democracy in which every adult may vote and all votes count equally, has no internal feedback for self-correction.... [O]nce a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader — the barbarians enter Rome. To Sail Beyond the Sunset (1987) The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance.
  18. You could buy one of the Safe Direction Ballistic containment pads. They are made for handguns and rifles. Safe Direction, LLC
  19. Here is a cut and paste from the online blue book if it helps: Woodsman Sport Model- 4 1/2 in. barrel, this model was introduced in 1933. Grading100%98%95%90%80%70%60% $1,850$1,500$900$550$400$300$275 Add 10% for adj. front sight (available beginning 1937). Add 50% for medium weight barrel (1933-34 mfg. only), and an additional 50% for semi-circular "half moon" front sight (1933 mfg. only).Approx. serial range on this variation is 86,105-187,423 from 1933 to 1947. Woodsman Target Model- 6 5/8 in. barrel. Grading100%98%95%90%80%70%60% $1,400$1,100$650$450$325$300$275 Note: Colt discontinued the 1st series in 1947. These guns are quite different from the 2nd series started later in 1947. Both the front and rear sights are adjustable.
  20. Yes that is true, but it was only a political move by the US to call it a police action under the auspices of the United Nations resolutions in order to avoid having congress actually declare war.
  21. That sounds exactly like my wife. She tried a Glock 17 and hated it. So I got her a S&W 642 , she hated it. Tried a XD, Tomcat, Keltec etc and she hated them all. Put a 9mm 1911 in her hands and she fell in love. She said it was the only one that fit her hand and she is now the owner of a Kimber Ageis II.
  22. Lowest I have seen them advertised is $2900 + shipping.
  23. Why not just buy a 6.8 upper and mags for your current 5.56 lower?
  24. It may have been the new "clean" ammo. The WM on next to east town mall is carrying that now at close to double the price of the blazer.
  25. The FS2000 "ejects" out of the front of the rifle.


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