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Everything posted by Slasher

  1. Hey everyone, I am thinking about getting an AR or at least a lower and was wondering who is the best FFL in Memphis. I have called around and it seems like $50 is the going rate. $40 for the transfer and $10 for the background check. Are there any cheaper places in the Memphis area? Thanks
  2. That is what it says on the site but I am on week 14 waiting for 40 cal stuff.
  3. Slasher

    Marlin XL7

    Hey all, I have been hearing good things about the Marlin XL7 and been thinking about getting one. My question is what caliber should I get. I am not a hunter, it will mostly be used for target shooting but i would like to have the ability to hunt with it if need be. It comes in .270 and .30-06. Is there an advantage or disadvantage to either of these? I am fairly new to guns so I am not sure which would be better. Thanks for any advice.
  4. I have put about 150 rounds through my XDm and have had no issues at all. I liked the blazer and this seems just as good so far.
  5. Hey everyone, I have the chance to possibly get an Olympic Arms lower for $50. I have not heard great things about them but do want to get either an AK or AR rifle. What is everyone's opinion on the Olympic Arms stuff? I don't have a model number yet but I think they are relatively new. Would it be worth $50 to build it up and later replace the lower with something else or is that even possible. If you can not tell I am very new to the AR builds. The reason it is so cheap is it is from a buddy that got a copule of them and just wanted to get rid of them. thanks
  6. Slasher

    Ruger LCR

    Don't let someone else buy your gun, you never know when one will pop up again.
  7. Yeah, I have noticed that also. I was in Wallyworld with my wife one day and they had about 12 boxes of Blazer 40's so I asked the not so helpful, typical of Memphis, clerk if there was still a 6 box max on the ammo. She said that it was now at a 2 box max so I got my two boxes and found my wife and told her about it. Well my wife went over there, with me out of sight, and told the lady she wanted two boxes of Blazer 40. The lady told my wife that they didn't have any, so my wife points at the remaining 10 boxes for of Blazer 40's and says "Well then just give me two of those then". Needless to say the "person" working there was not happy but she sold them to her anyway. I was in a couple of days later and was talking to regular guy that works that section and he said that there is not a 2 box max so not real sure what the original persons problem was.
  8. I have been getting the Blazer Brass .40S&W for the past couple of months from Wallyworld but here recently they have been replacing that with Federal ammo. Is there a difference? I have had no issues at all from the Blazer, can I expect the same from the Federal?
  9. I called early last week and they said that it was "processed and should arrive in 7 to 14 business days". Well it finally arrived today. I paid my money at the DL station around the end of March, beginning of April so it arrived a little earlier than the 90 days they said it would take. Now if only my Supertuck would come in then I would be able to get my XDm 40 out of the house for a ride and a stroll through the store. Can't wait.
  10. I used these at Range USA during my HCP class. I shot about half a box with about six of them being misfires. They ended up giving me a half a box of some Blazer or Winchester to finish out my shooting. I still have the other half of the box but just haven't had a chance to use it yet. I was not real impressed. I believe that Range USA said that KR was having a issue getting good primers and it had been an issue. I know when my wife took her intro to handguns class about two weeks ago she was having the same issue but I am not real sure what ammo they were using for her class.
  11. Too funny. I made the exact same call yesterday and was told the exact same thing. I wonder how soon you can call and get it magically processed?
  12. 61% yes to 38% no now.
  13. We did go to Range USA. We are actually closer to Rangemaster but I took my HCP class at Range USA and they were incredible there. Everyone here had told me what a great bunch they have out there and after going there, it is worth the drive. Thanks to everyone for the comments.
  14. So I am pretty new to firearms and my wife, come to find out, has been afraid of them all her life. Her dad told me he had to have all of his guns hidden when she was growing up because of the fear. When I first started getting in to the hobby a couple of months ago and would talk to my wife about guns she would be visibly uncomfortable and worried looking. Well I have collected a couple of older rifles and handguns since the beginning of the year and also got my HCP and she has been real cool with it all. Well last weekend my wife turns to me and says that she would be interested in taking some type of intro handgun class because we have one in the house now and with the turn of the economy. I immediately called the place where I took my HCP class and signed her up before she could change her mind. I knew once she tried it she would like it and boy was I right. She had her class yesterday and did incredible. She was very nervous right before going in to shoot, for the first time in her life I might add, but the instructors did a great job settling her down. She was shooting on the targets that have the six or eight smaller targets on the back and she kept everything with in the first two to three circles and actually had some right in the center circle. It was incredible and I was so proud of her for overcoming her fear. Now she cant wait to get back out and shoot some more, she was so pumped up about it. It also works out for me too because I have someone else to shoot with and now I guess we have to start looking at more guns. Oh well, have to keep her happy.
  15. This is the biggest thing. You have to really want to quit or your just fighting a losing battle. I quit May 2002 and have never looked back, have not wanted once to pick up another cigarette. I didn't quit cold turkey. I took about five months to quit and it was actually very easy. My last smoke was outside on a rainy night because of the new baby. Here I was smoking the only cigarette I was going to have for the day standing in the rain getting wet and cold. I knew at that point it was not the smartest thing to be doing, put it out half way and have not thought of another since. Good Luck.
  16. I have been looking at some carry ammo and think I have decided on the Speer Gold Dot. I have found a site that carries Gold Dot hollow point cartridges and I email them and they said they buy the bullets and manufacture the cartridge themselves. Here is the link to the site. "NEW".40 Smith & Wesson 155gr Gold Dot Hollow Point +P 50pk I have heard good things about Georgia Arms and probably would not use these as my carry ammo but would like to put quite a few of the Gold Dot rounds through my XDm to make sure it has no issues with the Speer rounds. Do you think these would be the equivalent of the Speer Gold Dots? Would it be safe to say if I put a couple hundred rounds of the Georgia Arms ammo it would reliably fire the Speer ammo also? Thanks
  17. Slasher

    Dumb question

    This is kind of a dumb question but I have not really seen anything about this before. I bought my first handgun a while back and found the warranty card the other day. How many of you send in your warranty card? Is it something that you normally do or is it like the warranty card on a can opener and you just throw it away? Thanks,
  18. Slasher

    XDm 40

    Well I finally found one today. Thanks for all of the advice.
  19. Slasher

    XDm 40

    Does anyone know of any shops within an hour or two drive from Memphis that might have a XDm 40? I have tried just about all of the shops in the Memphis area, with the exception of the pawn shops. Would the pawn shops carry a new gun like this? Thanks
  20. Slasher

    XDm 40

    I'm jealous, how far a drive are you from the Memphis area and how much for an all black 40 XDm?
  21. Slasher

    XDm 40

    Not really, more for home defense and target shooting, but that will give me a reason to get another gun.
  22. Slasher

    XDm 40

    Why in the world is it so hard to get hold of a XDm 40? I took my carry class and have started finding 40 ammo but after calling around town last Friday no one can get any XDm's. I talked to Gander Mountain in Jackson and they said they have been occasionally getting them in but they were the only ones and of course they are an hour and a half away. I believe one other place said they had a XDm but it was a 9 and I dont want to just settle for my first gun. I have my name in up at Range USA and they are going to call when they can get them but I am just impatient...
  23. Both companies are great. I know that AIM is about a week or two behind on orders. I ordered ammo from both and the Centerfire arrived in a couple of days but the AIM stuff took almost two weeks. It was not a huge deal because I was not in a rush but just be warned. Another forum I am on sing AIM's praises all the time so you can not go wrong with either.
  24. I am thinking that this will be more of a range/home defense gun. Once I am more comfortable with a firearm then I will start to look for a carry weapon. Thanks to everyone for the replies, this is a great place.
  25. So I got up this morning and went down to Range USA this morning to test out some handguns before I purchase my first handgun. I am looking at .40's so that is all I tested today. I will start by saying that I am very new to this and I am writing this just to bounce ideas off everyone. When I took my THCC class a few weeks ago I tested with the XD 40 and really liked it plus I shot real well with it. I started with the Glock 23. It seemed to kick more than any of the other guns today and I didn't really like the way it felt in my hand. I shot about 10 rounds and had descent groupings for a beginner but it just didn't feel right. The second gun I got was the S&W M&P 40. I really like the way this one felt. It didn't seem like it kicked as bad as the Glock did and I had good groupings with the one also. It felt real good in my hand also. The third gun was a Sig 226. This was probably my favorite as far as the way it felt when I shot it. It seemed to have the least recoil of all the others today and felt like a real solid gun. The only issue with it is the cost. I was told that everything else I was looking at was around $550 and the Sig was closer to $800. The last thing I shot was the XD 40. I shot this one really well in class and if felt real good again today. Second least recoil behind the Sig, as far as I could tell and I like the safety features on it. The XDm 40 is what I am leaning towards but wanted to see what others had to say. I have about $600 once the tax return gets back and am ready to invest in my on gun. Thanks for listening.


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