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Everything posted by Slasher

  1. I voted for the Mosin but am interested in getting a 98k also. Where is the best place to find a 98k?
  2. I got a Spikes complete lower for my fist AR and have loved it. It locks up nice and tight with my BCM upper. I would have gotten the BCM lower but at the time money was tight and the Spikes was about $100 cheaper. Good quality and they don't use just any LPK in their lowers, from what I understand they pick and choose the best parts to create their own kit.
  3. Is there a big difference in the jacketed and plated bullets? I have seen Berry's local and thought of getting some of them to start with.
  4. Hey everyone, I am headed to Knoxville at the end of the week for a little vacation and to see family. Where is the place in Knoxville to get reloading equipment? I got a Lee Classic Turret a while back and need some things like dies, powder measure and such. Memphis does not have a great selection of places like that and I wondered if Knoxville did. I was thinking Gander Mountain since we normally stay around the corner from there but didn't know if it was best or not. Thanks
  5. I loved all of the comments, they are wearing that idiot out...
  6. My Senator, Reginald Tate, did the exact same thing on SB3012 as recently as this month. He voted to pass SB3012 but after the Governor's veto Senator Tate flip flopped and was the only person to change his vote and try not to overturn the veto. He really disgusts me and hopefully he can get some more messages from you guys letting him hear about it.
  7. Unfortunately so. This explains why he would not return my emails asking him to overturn the veto. This was the first time I got involved in this process and sent a message to my elected officials but will not be the last and you better bet that Tate will be getting an email from me expressing my displeasure with him.
  8. I had sent Reginald Tate, my senator who originally voted to pass this bill, an email last week asking that he vote to overturn the veto. As of last night I had not heard back from him so I sent him another message telling him how I was counting on his vote. I just watched the voting and see why he did not respond to my messages, he turned his back on us. I am pretty new to all of this so would it be in line for me to send another message telling how I am disappointed in him and that he cannot count on my vote in the future? Thanks
  9. Direct from the Communist Appeal: Bredesen, who was in China on an economic development trip, vetoed the bill before leaving for Asia last week but waited until Tuesday, the final day for action, to release his veto message, press secretary Lydia Lenker said. Gov. Bredesen vetoes bill to allow guns in Tennessee bars So he did have it signed before he left and waited until the last minute. What a disgrace...
  10. I would say no to the Sentry lock box and here is why. I have been researching safes for the past couple of weeks and just saw this the other day.
  11. I thought I posted this earlier but can't find it anywhere. I didn't want to hijack the patriot safe thread so I started this one. What is everyone's opinion on the Ft. Knox safes? I have their handgun safe and it is built very well, maybe except for the actual bolt that locks it, but I am asking specifically about the bigger long gun safes. I normally don't hear them mentioned when people ask about safes but they seem to be very high quality and very expensive. Let me know what you think. Thanks
  12. I have had a XDm 40 for about a year now and I carry it on a regular basis with no problems. I use a Crossbreed supertuck IWB holster and that seems to support it really well. I am about 6'4" and around 280.
  13. Would it be safe to say if you kept your ammo in an air tight ammo can and it stayed above freezing it would be safe? I keep mine in the house but it stays by a windows so it would never get about 80 degrees but could get kind of cold at times. Just as a precaution I have thrown in the little packs of things to keep it dry, the ones you get with a new pair of shoes or a new hard drive.
  14. Slasher

    Rifle ranges

    Man, that looks like a real nice place. Too bad we can't get a place like that here near Memphis, that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
  15. I was 38 before I got in to guns and my 91/30 was the first gun I bought. It is a great gun to shoot and they all have a lot of history with them. If you have good stocks, which it sounds like you do, don't go and f*** them up by putting them in a synthetic stock. Part of the charm and character of these guns is the nicks and dings on them that they have obtained over the past years. When you pull them out of the stock you take away a big part of what makes them special. Just my two cents, YMMV. Very nice looking guns by the way.
  16. If you can't find one in the Memphis area, I have heard real good things about the ones that Aim Surplus sell. I have purchased ammo from them in the past and had no problems at all. Here is a link to the Mosin's they are selling now. Over on the GunBoards forums Aim has a good reputation and I think that says a lot. AIM Russian 1891/30 7.62x54R Mosin Nagant Rifle Russian 1891/30 7.62x54R Mosin Nagant Rifle Only problem once you get a Mosin in Memphis is finding a place to shoot it.
  17. I got mine at the Gander Mountain in Jackson for around $99 I believe. This was in January 09 so not sure if they have any more but it has been a great gun
  18. Slasher

    AR 15 suggestions

    For a little over $1100 you cannot go wrong with this mid-length Bravo Company. BCM 16" Mid-Length Complete Rifle at G&R Tactical They also have a carbine for the same price. Spend some time over on arfcom or M4carbine and you will see that Bravo Company has some of the best stuff around now. I am in the process of saving up to get a mid-length upper to finish my first build.
  19. Does anyone know where to find ammo cans in the Memphis area. I am looking specifically for either the tall 50 cal's or the shorter 40mm cans. I was getting these at the army surplus store out here in Collierville but they are out of these and said they will likely not get any more of them in. As a second question, is there any other army surplus stores in the Memphis area?
  20. Thanks everyone, I appreciate the replies. I do have snap caps and a separate mag that I leave out for dry fire practice. I keep my gun in a handgun safe so when it is time to dry fire practice I pull the loaded mag out of the gun and leave it in the safe then manually load the snap caps in the spare magazine to make sure that for whatever reason no live rounds were loaded in with the snap caps. As for the ammo getting messed up it sounds like it is a better idea not to keep using the same round over and over. If the bullet was seated further than it should be I take it I would be able to detect that and not use that round. Only problem with that is it is normally Gold Dots and I don't want to waste any of those, of course I also know that a wasted Gold Dot is better than a KABOOM'ed gun.
  21. I have kind of a noob question. Does it have any effect on the cartridge to keep one in the chamber? If I were to keep one cartridge in and fairly ofter pull it out and put it back in the magazine then practice dry firing and then reload it back in to the chamber, could that somehow mess up the cartridge or seat the bullet further in the case than it should be. I didnt know if when a round is chambered if it compressed the bullet any or messed with the seating any and after doing it many times to the same cartridge if it could possibly cause it to fail. Thanks
  22. Welcome from Collierville.
  23. Welcome from Collierville. I have been in Classic Arms quite a few times and you have always been real helpful.
  24. I was thinking more along the lines of a complete lower. Maybe a Bravo Company lower then once I saved up more money I could get the upper. I did see the stripped lowers they had at Range USA but I dont know if I want to build my own like that. Being my first AR I would probably rather buy my first and learn how to use them then build one up. Of course I am always open to ideas. Thanks


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