While this is partially true, there is a HUGE difference of 'Dems' from the 1950's and 1960's and what calls itself a 'Dem' today, but in reality is a socialist liberal. Most 'Dems' of today are nowhere close to being a democrat, nor close to being democratic. Today's Dems want absolute control, do-as-I-say not-as-I-do, free speech for them but no one else, bigger government, socialism in every aspect of our lives. FDR was on the road to that, JFK not so much so. Obama, Gore, the Clintons, Pelosi, Bloomberg, etc....all HUGE socialists, not very democratic. Ironically, today's Republicans have become what Dems of the 50's and 60's were. We need true conservatives in office, not Dems or Repubs.
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