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Everything posted by mcurrier
I did a LOT of research on Zoysia last year, my head was ready to explode. At the end of summer I concluded to hold off and wait until Spring to figure out what to do. I have a guy coming over in a few weeks from the Ag Ctr. 1/4 mile away, if that, to look at my dirt. At first I was happy to see this post on TGO, but now my head feels like it's ready to explode again. I just want some grass damn it!
Right now, I trust NO ONE. Politicians must prove themselves first, I can NOT take them at their word. Statistically speaking, that would be very foolish.
Colorado Democrats inflict more pain on law abiding citizens http://www.gopusa.com/news/2013/02/13/colorado-democrats-inflict-more-pain-on-law-abiding-citizens "After more than eight hours of public testimony Tuesday, Democrats passed out of committee two gun-control measures that would create universal background checks and limit high-capacity magazines to 15 rounds."
Obama Thinks U.N. Gun Control Is A Good Idea
mcurrier replied to mcurrier's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Hmmmmm...blue topped pumpkins. I like it! -
The bar has been lowered to the floor. Anyone can just walk over it now, so being a true achiever doesn't matter anymore...for the most part. It will matter though for those who care to survive this era of mediocrity and whatever may follow it.
Jim Cooper this morning on Background Checks
mcurrier replied to Peace's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
That's putting it VERY politely. -
How dare she! She should have allowed herself to be killed like this guy - Man killed in Miami home invasion robbery while protecting little girl http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/02/13/3231686/man-killed-in-miami-home-invasion.html http://www.wsvn.com/news/articles/local/21009845051362/man-dies-protecting-daughter-in-home-invasion/ Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/02/13/3231686/man-killed-in-miami-home-invasion.html#storylink=cpy
Has anyone seen what the "I" count was in his 'speech'?
Nashville Armory IDPA Feb 12 - 7:00
mcurrier replied to JimHouchin's topic in Competitive Shooting Sports
Had a good time, learned a lot. Looking forward to the next one. About 30 people, so we only made it through two stages. I did better on the second one than the first. My first time. Had a good time. -
'Thank God I'm free of the damn thing' http://www.gopusa.com/news/2013/02/12/thank-god-im-free-of-the-damn-thing Love the first comment! - “Warren, a former infantry soldier, stressed that he is not an activist and did not want to make a political statement.†Um…this whole event, including the press coverage was a political statement. You could have sold it or destroyed it in private.
We MUST act now! I MUST by-pass Congress!
Left, right clash at latest hearing on guns http://www.gopusa.com/news/2013/02/12/left-right-clash-at-latest-hearing-on-guns "Laurence H. Tribe, a liberal Harvard Law School professor, said in his prepared testimony that nothing Obama has proposed "even comes close to violating the Second Amendment" right to bear arms."
Obama Skeets the Truth http://www.gopusa.com/commentary/2013/02/12/jensen-obama-skeets-the-truth
Obama Thinks U.N. Gun Control Is A Good Idea http://lastresistance.com/1319/obama-thinks-u-n-gun-control-is-a-good-idea/ "To put it plainly, the United Nations wants a global standard for arms sales and wants to know: who is making, selling, buying, and owning waepons around our world. Not just big stuff like nuclear submarines and fighter jets but small arms like revolvers as well. They would also like those weapons, indelibly marked, and registered so —according to U.N. officials—international investigators can identify the perpetrator of future treaty breaches, violators of international arms laws or the suppliers of weapons that fuel armed conflicts like drug wars and organized crime. They also want the power to monitor the warehousing of and stock piling of small arms ammunition levels they determine to be unsafe. Ammunition they also want marked for tracing purposes."
If GWB was doing everything the BHO is currently doing...there would be mass riots in the streets fueled by leftwing media, and they would be burning him in effigy and calling for him to be dragged out into the street Mussolini style, impeachment be damned.
Former LAPD officer subject of manhunt.
mcurrier replied to Chucktshoes's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Mehhhhhh... Divorce Court is on. (the typical response of the 47% who don't care about anything unless it directly affects their "entitlement" check) -
He will use the word "I" more than 45 times. Cameras will show "gun violence victims" on cue. Cameras will show tight shots of the worshipers clapping. Ted Nugent will only be shown to make GOP look like nut jobs.
Nashville Armory IDPA Feb 12 - 7:00
mcurrier replied to JimHouchin's topic in Competitive Shooting Sports
Pre meeting at 6:30? -