The problem is that it shouldn't be. Govt. should be very detached from the people's daily lives. Govt. primarily exists to provide for "the common defense", then came infrastructure (e.g. roads, bridges). All else falls to the individual, and to the smaller groups of individuals in their common geographical area (e.g. town, city, state). Centralized federal government has grown to a monstrosity, a behemoth that it was never intended to be. All else beyond the common defense and national infrastructure falls to the individual and the individual being self-reliant and responsible for themselves. That is the fundamental basis of existence, and will be again when the behemoth collapses. Individual responsibility and self-reliance are the backbone of any strong and successful society. Centralized federal government can not regulate individual responsibility and self-reliance, no matter how well intentioned it may be. Those who are lacking in the area of self responsibility (both the individual and businesses) must be allowed to fail and suffer the consequences of their actions. That is the only way to insure the unhindered progress of all the others who did it the right way. Those who fail may be assisted, first by their family/relatives, by the charity of the church or by the free-will charity of the individual. But for the most part, work or don't eat. The settlers at Jamestown tried out socialism the first year. It didn't work out very well. They soon learned that if they didn't work, they didn't eat. And if they wanted more, they had to work harder. Govt. needs to butt out of people's lives, it has become too intrusive and an obstacle to success. It can solve nothing these days, only making matters worse. Get it out of the way!