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Everything posted by mcurrier
both "gun" related and political EDITORIAL: Obama's gun lies - Washington Times
From World Net Daily today (4/20/2009) How Obama actually delayed pirate rescue (their title, not mine)
Just back from a wedding in Virginia this weekend, no internet access. How about this story then on World Net Daily - How Obama actually delayed pirate rescue (their title, not mine) "reliable military sources close to the scene are painting a much different picture of the incident" and G2 Bulletin Any credibility there maybe??? Try reading the story before you further accuse me of being so intolerant of "the messiah" that I can't give him credit for anything. Perhaps when, or if, he does anything worthy of credit, I will bestow it upon him, but until then...the truth isn't very pleasant. I am VERY PLEASED that the ship Captain has been rescued, as I said in the beginning, but I am going to stand firm that the credit go where it is due (to the U.S. Navy), and that proper criticism also go where it is due (our weanie-in-Chief). DO NOT try to turn this into an anti-Obama thread, it is not about that, it is about the t-r-u-t-h.
Wow! Just found this article. Seems to echo exactly what I said. Webutante: All He Wanted Was a Cookie A very interesting read. and RedState That is all.
Can't help you on that, others can probably do better, but... Seriously, not to scare you off from doing it, but I'd have a 1st Amendment attorney on retainer before doing so. There is a story in the news a few weeks ago of another young man who wrote a paper or gave a speech on guns and the 'professor' reported the kid to college security and they made a big deal about it all saying that he was 'threatening' and 'scaring' people by his report. B.S. I'm all for you doing it, just make some preparations in advance in case they try to make you look like a psycho gun lover nut case.
Hopefully for a little while longer anyhow.
+1 Exactly the same here!
yes, yes it is. Don't EVER touch another man's beer without being offered. The farmer's daughter should have asked daddy's permission! (for the beer)
Why can't we get them to change the valid duration to 5 years, or even 7?
Sweet! I like that Barrett. My birthday is this coming Tuesday, maybe if all you guys chip in..........
Very true. Same thing with Christianity. We will not get where we are going until we all come together in the unity of the faith. The end goal is the same. We must stop fighting amongst each other. The left knows who their enemy is and they unite together against us while we are to busy infighting. Then along comes the third party at election time and splits us and the left ends up winning, not necessarily by the majority, but by default. Do they care how they won? No. Does it matter after we've lost. No. Unless we learn from it and deviate our actions the next time around.
Nice pics Crystal. Love the one of the little girl with the piggy bank sign!
No offense taken. I myself disagree with you in this instance. One area in particular - Negotiation. Negotiate means to give and take. Offer, counter offer. One does not negotiate with terrorists. This isn't the customer complaint dept. and they aren't customers who've purchased a bad product. They crossed the line entirely when they attacked the ship, captured the crew and took hostages. They made their move, stated their intent and their intent was clear. Nothing to negotiate other than whether or not they wanted to continue living. That's it. You may see it differently, I don't.
When police prepare for a drug bust raid in their town, they get the intel, prepare and engage based on the local authority of those there on the scene (police chief, captain, seargent etc.). They don't write a letter to the mayor, or Obama and wait around for his permission. They act. Locally. That's what they've been hired and given the authority to do. My point was that I believe that the Navy ships on the scene already had enough authority to act from the beginning, but it seems as if they were over-ridden from someone a great distance away and put on hold, and then only after that someone finally realized what those on the scene already knew to be the case was the temporary stand-down order / handicap removed. My point is that I believe Obama didn't actually give the go-ahead, but finally removed the delay that he himself had caused that actually eliminated the obstacle to the local forces (Navy) from completing what they would have otherwise done earlier. I'm sorry, you are right. I forgot. The policy has changed. We do negotiate with terrorists now. Not where I was going dude, but I won't hide my disgust for a weak and spineless, not to mention naive Obama. Many of us said beforehand that this job required experience, not on-the-job-training at the possible expense of others. Fortunately the experience of the Navy covered his butt this time. If you want to pick a fight with someone, pick someone else, because that's not what I'm here for.
yeah, IMDB sucks for finding music credits.
was wondering how long it would take some ____ to zero in on that exact phrase. knew it would happen when I wrote it, just wondered who'd be the first. Other countries and terrorists see Obama as a *****, and I have to agree with them.
Here are some photos that I took - Nashville Tea Party - April 15, 2009 and Tea Party Nation: Nashville Tea Party
Seems to be pretty standard. It's ever so 'coincidental' that everyone who calls just happens to get issued that very day.
Details please. What documentation or figures or reasoning did you use to win?
Agreed. That was my point. Where's the reasoning in that?
I'm there in spirit!
+ 1 Trillion!
Stop wondering. You are in line with most of America. That's the point. They are trying to make it look as if it's only a small fringe group that thinks conservatively. They are using their number one weapon of trying to guilt you into thinking that you don't want to be associated with those mean and nasty "right wing radicals."
+ 2