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J Smith

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Everything posted by J Smith

  1. What has happened to them. They are not a fraction of the stuff in them as couple months ago. AR15 and Glocktalk are going nuts in their trade forums.
  2. Wish I knew you were looking for some,I saw a bag of 50 on a table for 20.00.
  3. Good to talk to you too Garufa. I must say that the show was better than the last few I went to. I found one Pmag for 20.00 and traded my 870 for a Ruger 22/45.My dad found two PMI mini 14 mags for 40.00 each.I heard that all those empty tables will be full tomorrow,wish I could go back but I got to work. Last time I saw ammo being rolled out like it was today was the show in Nov of 1999. Oh,worst deal I saw there was 200 rds .223 for 239.95.
  4. They may not have enough to sell.They sold out on day one at the last couple they were at. I am going today.Hope to trade off this 870.
  5. I can not imagine your pain. Prayers sent for a swift journey for your son.Try to find peace in the fact you will meet again someday.
  6. I saw you but every time I past there were people talking to you.
  7. J Smith

    The worst deal

    I was at the show in Crossville this morning and saw an old deluxe model 10/22 for 600.00
  8. Just got back. Last time for that show.Dad did get a International Ruger 10/22 though.
  9. I am going Sunday. Hope it is better than the ones at Knoxville have been.
  10. Jason F You did a great job on that Scout knife.You are lucky to still have it.I wish I still had my first knife.
  11. CRKT is not bad.Sog is good but for some reason I have never gotten one. Cold Steel isn't bad either but I can't stand the owner and the hype ads he runs. Many good companies out there that would tie with the 5th folder company I listed.ZT knives by Kershaw are also very good knives.
  12. That one has got to be one of the best deals going. USA made with S30V blade steel for 40 bucks.
  13. IMO it would go on fixed blades like this Busse CRK Krein Dozier RAT Cutlery,really good knives at a very good price. Folders would go CRK Strider,PT,SNG and SMF Spyderco,would be #1 if price is an issue Benchmade Buck,some models
  14. Dozier makes great knives,right up there in the top 5 IMHO. Also check out Tom Krein,he was Bobs shop foreman for years and now has his own shop. I love that EDC,I was lucky enough to get in on it at Blade at the Busse price.Busse is one of the only knives I know of that cost more on the secondary market.I had Rainwalker make the sheath for it.
  15. A few more Spyderco digi camo Military Busse Combat Ash-1 CRK Mountaineer ll at top Carbon fiber scaled Spyderco Military and my Range finder Sebenza
  16. I am kind of into knives. I have Spydercos mostly for folders,also a CRK Sebenza (the best folding knife in the world bar none) For fixed blades I like the CRK one piece line and Busse Combat knives. Busse Combat is set up into three companies or really lines of knives. Busse Combat,made with infi steel,most expensive of the three Swamp Rat Knife Works,made with mostly SR101 steel but have had a model or two done with ATS34 and infi Scrap Yard Knives,least expensive with molded rubber type handles,great kinves at a lower cost. The knives I grab when I head to the woods are a Spyderco Military and either a Busse ASH-1 or the CRK,the CRK has a hollow handle that I have a fire starter,fishing kit,needles,sharpening stones and iodine tablets in. Heres a few pics. Scrap Yard Mud Puppy Swamp Rat Uncle Mojo Busse Combat Custom Shop Nuclear EDC
  17. Just heard something about Obama asking the justice dept to do some kind of investigation on the station.What will he do if elected and don't have to ask for it but tell them to do it.HHUUUMM ask me sumting I do like and I will ---- your day. This type thing should scare the hell out of you!
  18. I have been watching it unfold for the last couple hours. Looks like it might be a big stink for Obama. Big questions about how he will run the country after cutting off people with questions they do not like.I for one would not ask him anything for fear of having my life ruined by them if they did not like the question.
  19. My eyes are bigger and my butthole is smaller.That is truly one of the most frightening things I have ever seen.I might add that crazy people in Germany was saying the same thing in the early years of the Third Reich. [ame] [/ame]
  20. Biden keep his foot out of his mouth,Palin came out great.
  21. I am not a football fan but I have all ways hated Fulmer.Seems like an asshat.
  22. Anyone notice you can vote every time you visit the page. I have voted yes at least 10 times.Just goes to show no polls can be trusted.
  23. A Pilot tanker driver told me today that East and middle TN did not get a order back a couple weeks ago and so with this shut off the supply did run out.He said they were bringing it in from Ohio.Also got 400,000 gallon from the gulf today.Does not excuse the station from going up the the gas that was already in there tanks.The driver said Pilot was going to get hit on the gouging.
  24. Went today,SUCKED!! I tell you these things are getting to have more of the feel of a cheap flea market. Was wanting to trade or sell my like new 870 to get a .22 pistol.Offers of 125.00 or give me the Rem and 150.00 for this very worn Sigma. I stated looking at knives,joke there too.Guy walking around showed me a Benchmade Mini grip (45.00 brand new on ebay) and after I told him I was into Spyderco and BM I asked him how much. 100.00 and thats a steal,dude over dar has um fur 125.00 Left without buying anything.
  25. J Smith


    Gas in Harriman is a monopoly.Rocky Top has all the other stations bullied into charging the same as they do.Its almost like Rocky Top calls them and tell them when to go up and down.I drive to Kingston to buy it. BTW the stations in Kingston do not take the bullying so Rocky Top is at least .20 lower over there.


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