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J Smith

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Everything posted by J Smith

  1. Great knife,I have had a few in different colors. As for the price IMO my knife should be as good as the gun I carry.
  2. I ran by Frontier Firearms and Brant pushed it on for me at no charge. Picked up one of their cool t shirts while I was there.
  3. I would pay 10.00 to use one.
  4. Anyone close to Harriman have one I can barrow? Thanks
  5. I have no reason to ever go back to a Regions Bank. I closed my account there about three years ago after they started not cashing my pay checks. They said they had a policy in witch I had to deposit my check(Thursday) and the funds not be ready til Tuesday.Makes for hard weekends when you live from pay day to pay day.Plus most of my bills I pay cash on so I do not need paper checks. Y12 Credit Union has been perfect banking for the past three years.
  6. If anything I will try to trade one for the same thing with red-black scales. The two I am getting are orange-black. There are some good deals on the SAR 3s over on BF right now,many people over bought on them. I have a nice Luminox watch I might trade for one of those B11s.
  7. None of the offerings this year really jumped at me. I did pick up a Gemini but worked a trade with it yesterday for 2 SAR 3s. The satin blades are more my taste.
  8. So TNRat,what did you get? Never was able to find you.
  9. I heard that BM pulled there knives from SMKWs because they were selling them for under the price point BM wanted.I think a store can do that but they can not show the price in an add. I do not agree with companies doing this really but many do to keep the perceived value of the product where they want it. I for one would not trust anything anyone at SMKWs told me.
  10. The Blade show is kind of like the Shot show is for guns.There are manufacturers,dealers,distributors,makers supplies and private sellers. I always find a few great deals.Also many makers have Blade only deals going on.Busse Combat has lot of those.Rick Hinderer sells his XM18s at the show,you have to win a drawing to be able to buy one but if you do you can get one for normal price.I won one of the spots last year to buy one at 285.00 where as if you bought one on the secondary market it would be 550.00 to 600.00 because of the limited supply.
  11. 09 wasn't to bad but 08 was packed. 8:30 am on Saturday morning in 08 I would guess there were 4000 people waiting to get it.
  12. Sorry about that. It is in Atlanta.
  13. Who is going. I go every year.Its a huge show.
  14. The only 3D type movie I ever thought was worth it was a Halloween 4D I saw at an Imax once.It was more of a holographic thing than 3D.I was totally amazed by it.
  15. He tried but I don't think he got it out. There was one time I tried when it was two weeks before I could get in the see the dentists,could not do it,came close to passing out.Used a full bottle of Ambasol every day for the 2 weeks.If you get a really bad one the pain is hell.
  16. I got a bad gene for teeth so at 42 I have a full set of false ones. With all the pain and trouble I had up until I got them I was glad to see them go. It was the greatest feeling ever the day I could crush ice with my teeth.
  17. Hate to say it but many people will die with out Meds.To tell the truth it would be very hard to stock pile most of it as it is dated. I am not on any meds ,knock wood and Thank God for that as I am 42.My son is a free bleeder and right now takes factor 8 iv every other day to boost his clotting factor.The factor 8 needs refrigeration and only has a self life of a couple months.No stocking piling possible as this stuff is 1.77 per unit and his dose at 12 YO is 988 units every other day.At least if he can not take it he can be very careful to avoid any joint bleeds,involves not moving around at all except maybe for easy walking.My wife is on blood pressure,water pill and a few others,most all except the blood pressure I think she could do without.
  18. BTW if you go with a RAT there are a couple things that will help you. RAT cutlery just changed there name to ESEE Knives to avoid confusion with Ontario RAT,they made the RAT line for them but the quality dropped RAT changed makers but Ontario won a law suite to keep the RAT name in their line up.Rowen makes the knives for ESEE now and are marked RC on the blade.
  19. I will have to get a new group shot of mine.Right now they are. Bloodwood inlay large Sebenza Ranger green Strider SNG ESEE (RAT cutlery) RC5 Busse Combat ASH-1 Busse Combat SFNO LE Spyderco Orange Miliatry Spyderco Orange UKPK Spyderco Ocalot plain edge Spyderco Ocalot CE edge Spyderco Mouse 1 of 100 engraved with the Christian fish Spyderco Meerkat,gray sprint run Spyderco Native (purple forum model 1 of 300) Spyderco Lum (foliage green sprint run) Spyderco Walker Spyderco Native Tan (OIF model) Spyderco Stretch SS with rubber inlay Spyderco Adventura Spyderco Persian What the heck,this thread gave me an excuse to take some pics.
  20. I second this one. Love mine!
  21. Just picked up a Busse BATAC with tanker gray blade and green-black G10 scales,a Swamp Rat Mini Mojo with blade hook and my wife got me the last Large Classic 2000 Bloodwood Sebenza New Grahan had for Christmas. Pick of the Christmas Sebenza.
  22. Got to say that this show wasn't too bad.Thought I was going to be out of luck as I went looking for a 1911 and their just wasn't many there and what was there were over priced.I then ran across a NIB Colt Commander in SS I was able to trade for. Saw a lot of good deals on Glock type pistols,XDs,polymer tactical type pistols.I think their popularity is dropping off some and revolvers and steel frame autos are making a big come back.
  23. What about shipping a gun within the same state.
  24. Anyone know anything about the gunshow In Oakdale TN tomorrow.


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