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J Smith

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Everything posted by J Smith

  1. Heard there was a show going on up there today.
  2. Went today. Waste of time. They did have a 20ft table of fudge.Come away with a t-shirt and a ammo can. Stopped by my local gun shop and picked up a 500 rd brick of Aguilia Super Maximum for 30.00. The thing that got me was that I was needing a nylon flashlight pouch. You would think there would be tons of things like that at a Prepper show,NO not one. Picked up a nice one at Academy tonight for 5.99.
  3. The last one I went to was at the Jacobs Building and yes some junky guns. The ones that have been handled to death and mostly over priced. The 5 or 6 rows in the center had guns and ammo but the further to each side you went the more junk and yardsaleish it became. The far left put me in mind of a thrift store.
  4. I am going,hope it is better than the last one. I did get a good deal on a Colt Defender at that one but there was a lot of junk.
  5. I got there at 9:30. No line. Lots of people walking around inside but the show itself was half the size it was last time I was there. I bought 5 Pmags and was about to buy a Ruger bull barrel Mark 3 but after getting the total price and waiting 30 min to fill out the paperwork they told me they had it priced wrong and would be 50.00 higher.Didn't take it. Left at 11:30. Might go to a couple gun shops tomorrow.
  6. I am going tomorrow. Prices I am betting will be high,if they are I will just stop by a gun shop on the way home. I don't think Obama will get anything done with his order. Still has too have a lot of stuff go along with it. Enforcement will be the big issue. After all it is already against the law for these private sellers to be buying and reselling at a profit without an FFL. I have never heard it really being enforced until recently. Heard they busted an 83 yo man that had been doing it his whole life a while back.
  7. Anyone like to buy my Bushmaster AR-15 automatic rifle with high capacity clips and some bullets. It has a carry handle and thing on the end to dim the light the bullets make. It is also black in color and the stock moves back and forth. I would be willing to let it go for 6500.00 :stunned: Look out this will be coming back. Oh and NO my AR-15 is not automatic,that was just because I have heard automatic rifle several times on TV already.
  8. I am going Sunday. Thinking of trading my .357 Ruger for a Marlin 45/70.
  9. I wasn't there Saturday but I heard fron two people that someone had a case of Remington Thunderbolt .22s for 10.00 per 50 and sold them all.
  10. My dad and I went today. Waste of time. I did see a couple OK deals on 1911s. I bought one box of .38 zombie max at the normal price.I wanted to pick up another Zombie t-shirt but no one had any. I do kind of wish I picked up a pack or two of the socks. BTW when did China knock off back packs start selling for as much as Maxpedition?
  11. I think it was the virus that was going throgh a banner ad company.I know of a couple other sites that were getting hit as well.There were threads on them about how big of a pain it was to clear everything up.I have also had nother member here PM me that he got hit with the same thing over there, I use Norton and it slammed right though it.
  12. Lots of people there today.Anyone else see the guys get busted in the parking lot.
  13. I am a member of.survivalistboards.com but I am not going back.I got hit with a bad virus that killed my desktop a few months ago while I was on the forums there.I was on the forums a couple weeks ago and got hit with what looked like to be the same thing on my new laptop.Lucky that my backup disk got my laptop running again.Don't know for sure it came from there but to be hit twice while I was on that forum is just too much to chance.
  14. J Smith

    S&W help

    Thanks,my father just bought it from him at 300.00.Wish I could have gotten into it.
  15. J Smith

    S&W help

    IRRC it says .38 S&W Sp. CTG It does have 6 numbers and no prefix.He had it in at a local gun shop and they were stumped as well.
  16. J Smith

    S&W help

    There is no prefix except a B on the serial # under the barrel,the sereial on the butt has no prefix at all. I am thinking after searching a good while last night that it is an early M&P.Just wish I could figure out the exact date as all I found on the dates should have some type prefix.
  17. J Smith

    S&W help

    Here is a pic.
  18. J Smith

    S&W help

    Trying to find some info for a freind.He has a Smith with the # 1481.I am guessing it is a mod 14 but I can't find anything on the 81 part.It looks like a K38 only it has fixed sights.It is a five screw,so with the seriel # of 132XXX I found a date of 48-52.The only prefix I see is a B.I read that the K38 should have a k. Anyone have any idea on this gun? I will get a pic up as soon a photobucket is working.
  19. I really like the RMD,had a Scrap Yard 511 and the handle was just too small for me.Also the Howling Rat Little Mistiif is really nice,slightly shorter than the RMD .
  20. I just got back from the show in Knoxville.I could have gone to Acadamy Sports,got in free and found a new gun on adveage of 100.00 cheaper than used ones at the show.I noticed that even many of the new guns at the show looked used as they have been loaded,unloaded and handled so much.I did buy a Zombie shirt and a sling atachnent for my AR.
  21. I have been reading alot about this dwarf star thing lately. I do not believe it.IMO if it was as close as all these people think it would have such a influence on the solar system that we would all gone gone already.
  22. I went today. Lots of people there.I traded my Kimber for a Sig 232 plus some cash.Glad to get the Sig,had one a couple years ago.I had been missing it ever sense I sold it.
  23. I think I will head up tomorrow. Thinking about trading my Kimber if I find something really nice.
  24. I am planning on picking up a SAR 6 soon.


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