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About dead2me

  • Birthday 07/06/1973

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    Knoxville, TN
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  1. Here you go Mr Spots:   https://www.gofundme.com/8c6tshk8
  2. After seeing the gofundme for Mr Outlaw Kenneth Hudson, I have my doubts this is Armslist related.   Remember parks + drugs is +1 felony in TN, so a gun buy gone wrong might be the better story.
  3. I will never step foot in Grayson BMW again.  I've owned BMW, Audi, Infiniti, Lexus, Mercedes, Alfa Romeo, etc, but if I had a choice of a BMW from Grayson or a Ford Pinto already on fire, I would drive the Pinto.   My BMW was a lemon, so I will not fault Grayson for that.  3 years ago I decided to get rid of my Audi and wanted a M3.  Well I went into Grayson, told them exactly what I wanted, they had one on the lot that was close but not exactly what I wanted.  The sales guy kept trying to get to to buy it, but I was more interested in ordering a new one to my spec.  After telling him for the 4th or 5th time that I did not want the one they had, he literally threw the paperwork across the desk and asked why I wasted his time if I was not interested in the car.  I did not say a word, just start to walk out.  The salesman steps in front of me before I get to the door telling me to go back to the office and we could get the order started.  Well I now have a Stillen supercharged FX35 and Grayson can burn for all I care.
  4. I admit I am an Asshole, with a capital A.  Now that is out of the way, let's release some bombs.  If I am banned from TGO, so be it:   1) Caster, you are a bigot. Quote from you 'Short list. Fug 'em all.'  You demand people name good Muslims, but what about bad Christians, Jews, etc. 2) 'Bad Things happen to Bad people.' seriously Vontar!  You knew these people?  They deserved to die? 3) People died.  Good "Christians" should love everyone but obviously there are some "Christians" in this thread that are a better judge than GOD.   I am ashamed of the some of the people in this thread.  Seriously fuck you if you feel good with people dying.     Thanks, James the Asshole
  5. I disliked you for the Soft Tail, I despised you for the Wilson Beretta and now I hate you for the GI.  Why do you do this to us poor plebs?  I bet you have a great mustache to twirl while laughing at us.
  6. I am in Dallas for a few days, so I tried some Texas bourbon and whiskey.  Herman Marshall seems to be my favorite so far, but have a bottle of Balcones that I haven't tried yet.  Have seen a lot of love for Garrison Bros, but I thought it was good, but not great.   I am going to bring a few bottles of different local bourbons/whiskeys back for my collection.  Any recommendations?
  7. I have a .44 mag Ruger carbine that I use as a heavy brush gun.  It has a Simmons 1.5-4.5 wide angle that is just about perfect.
  8. I went to Tactical Advantage about a week ago.  It was fine and the employee's were much friendlier than the old CCA days.  Range is pretty much the same as before.  I would definitely go back if I I did not want to make the drive to Norris.   I did try the new indoor range at SET in Oak Ridge around 2 months ago.  They make you watch a safety video along with reading/filling out the normal forms.  The range itself is nice and the equipment is fairly state of the art.  They do give you a piece of cardboard to clamp to the target system with a line on it.  It you shoot above the line, they charge $5.  The following is my range report/rant and reasoning why I will never go back:   They have video cameras on the range for each lane.  That is no big deal and did not bother me.  While I was there one of the employees, which I will refer to as Jackass, was shooting an AR15 in the range.  I did not see what it was chambered in, so maybe they allow rifle calibers.  Anyway, I was watching the safety video and could see the range video feeds on a TV that was close to the one I was watching.  Jackass appeared to have a FTE or similar.  Without dropping the mag or putting on the safety. Jackass pulled the rifle back from the lane and had it pointing all over trying to dislodge the casing.  One of the other employees, possibly the owner, saw this and yelled at the range master employee to tell Jackass to put the safety on and get out of the range.  When Jackass came out, the employee/owner let him have it.  He asked if Jackass had any idea how unsafe he was being, which Jackass responded by saying the mag was empty, thus there was nothing to worry about.  Anyway employee/owner kept letting him have it, so I felt they took the safety issue seriously.  I finished the video, paperwork and decided to shoot, which was a mistake.  I was shooting, as you normally do on a gun range, and all was fine.  I was shooting my, new to me, GP100 when right after I cocked the hammer and was getting ready to pull the trigger, someone tapped me on the shoulder.  It was Jackass.  He wanted to let me know he was going to shoot a judge in the lane beside me and did not want to startle me with the noise.  Seriously, Jackass could not wait until I emptied a revolver?  Maybe I am overly safe or possibly using common fucking sense, but I would never interrupt someone shooting when they have a loaded, cocked pistol aimed down range.  It really pissed me off.  I took the last couple shots, packed my back and left the range.  I mentioned to the range master employee that I thought  that was incredibly stupid on Jackasses part.  He seemed a little shocked/stunned at my remarks, but did not say anything back.  I left after that and I doubt I will go back.   Maybe Jackass was just having a shitty day, I honestly just don't know.  I've been at Norris before when dumbasses were blasting clay targets on the ground 25 feet in front of the rifle lane, so I know dumbasses are pretty much everywhere.  Maybe I need to just buy some land out in the county or a surrounding county to have a place to shoot.
  9. This past Sunday at Norris, a guy and his kid put a tarp down and steel on the longer pistol only range and did practical/tactical training.  I was only using the shorter pistol only range, so I didn't care at the time.  When 3 more guys showed up at the shorter one because the longer was was being used for practical/tactical training, I decided to end my pistol shooting for the day.  5 guys on a 3 bench range kinda sucks.   Went over to the rifle range to shoot a couple older rifles.  There was guy blasting the 50 yard backing with a 12 gauge slug gun.  It was fine until the top board on the 50 yard backing busted loose on the right side.  Still it was fun until a guy with an AK decided to throw clay pigeons everywhere between 15 and 50 yards and blast away at the ground for 3-5 minutes at a time.  I had been there long enough by then, so I just packed it up and left.   One thing I did notice is that hardly anyone picks up their brass there.  I reload most everything I shoot, so I was mindful to pickup my brass, but there was a guy that must have put 200 shots of .40 down on the pistol range just to leave without picking up a single case.  Let's just say I got plenty of extra .40 brass on Sunday.
  10.   I was flagging the ammo before, but now I like to have fun with it.  I now try to get them to meet by showing a lot of interest and, in some cases, offering a little more if they drive to meet me.   The guy that was selling the .22 ammo in Knoxville, i.e. 1200 rounds of Winchester for $200, told me he would even throw in another 100 round box for $200.  I now have his Name, Phone Number and email address.  I'm not doing anything with this information besides having my own file of a$$holes.   I had one guy drive up from Cleveland, TN and meet me at Gander Mountain parking lot in Turkey Creek.  The only reason I know it was him was I had his car description, so I would recognize him.  Normally I just don't show up, but that day I decided to go out for lunch.  I went to GM and saw him and his car in the parking lot, waiting.  I just went in GM and looked around.  He called me after a few minutes and asks where I was, so I told him I found a better deal and that I didn't need the ammo anymore.  Needless to say, he was a tad upset.  I received a few strongly worded emails, but that is why I use a throwaway email account to mess with these guys.   Maybe I need to add myself to my file of a$$holes.
  11. Now I can reseed my garden with my 1100   http://www.flowershell.com    
  12. Looks like they caught one of the guys:   http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2013/dec/04/police-charge-one-in-west-knoxville-gun-store/?partner=google_editors_picks&google_editors_picks=true
  13.   I really am sorry to thread jack, but "if he can do both of us at the same time" is the one of the gayest phrases I have ever seen written.  I mean no offense to thundersnow, or anyone else for that matter, but that is just funny.    Sorry Dolomite for the asinine comment on a serious thread.
  14.   It was picked up here in Knoxville:   http://www.wate.com/story/24005228/cumberland-county-parent-releases-video-of-his-arrest-by-a-school-resource-officer


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