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Everything posted by TK47

  1. Absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations.
  2. Welcome!  I was raised in Halls about a million years ago, and learned to shoot in my backyard there. Good to hear that some things have not changed. Enjoy the forum  
  3. Great Thread! Much good information. Thanks Guys!
  4. This sounds like a lot of fun. Will my m-48 Yugo Mauser be acceptable? Can I pay extra for an extra large target so I have a chance of hitting something? I've only been to the range at Gallatin once, several years ago. Will the gate be open or will I need to wait for a member to show up to let me in? Thanks, TK47
  5. I have a Remington copy just like yours, only much, much older. I have put a lot of rounds through it, as well as blanks at re-enactments, and yes 25 to 30 grains of powder is about all you want to use. Have fun with them. Mine has provided me with many hours of enjoyment!
  6. I would love to do this. What time did you have in mind? I have a rifle I have been dieing to sight in and try at some longer ranges. TK47
  7. One of the best shows I've seen lately. Sold a rifle Saturday and went back today and bought some stuff. Beats the snot out of the last few Goodman shows I've attended. Fell in Love with a P-17 Enfield while I was there. Alas, it was not meant to be. :-(
  8. I went to the Goodman show on Sunday. Worst gunshow I've ever been to. The parking lot was so empty when I pulled up about Noon, I thought I had the wrong weekend. Several vendors told me they hadn't made enough profit to pay for their tables yet. The last couple of RK shows in Murfreesboro have been much better.
  9. My Glocks have never failed to go Bang when asked. My G-19 has probably had 20,000 rounds through it, my G-21sf probably 5,000. I absolutely love my Glocks. Not everybody feels that way about them though. That being said I have fired and like the XD, various Sigs, and the Smith M&P with excellent results. Reliability on all the above is said to be excellent. As several posters have said above, try them all. Buy the one that feels best for you. Your comfort with your gun is the most important thing to consider.
  10. Welcome to TGO. It's a great bunch of folks here.
  11. Principles of Personal Defence by Jeff Cooper. Not handgun specific, but the best book on "mindset" out there.
  12. TK47

    Carbine Question

    I've had the 9mm version for a couple of years now. It's the older version, which I tricked out with the ATI aftermarket stock. The only problem with that stock is you have to either remove or modify the plastic covers on the 15 rd aftermarket magazines to get them to lock up. That being said I have never had any problems with mine. It always goes bang when it should, is accurate enough for 30 yard head shots every time, and is just plain fun to shoot. My advice: Buy one! You won't be disappointed.
  13. Must agree with the guys above. All the retailers seems to want lots of cash for even the old surplus stuff. A C&R license is the way to go. In addition to the sites previously mentioned, J&G Sales usually has some interesting milsurp stuff. Their C&R stuff is located at C&R Guns . Enjoy!
  14. I went to the show at about 1:00 today. There was a moderate crowd, but like the previous poster I didn't see a lot of transactions taking place. While most of the prices did seem to be at their post election panic levels, I did see a few tables where pricing seemed to moving sloooooooowwwwwwllllyyyyyy downward. Maybe that's why I didn't see much buying going on. The Ammo sellers were still wanting way to much for their products, in my opinion. I wasn't really there to buy today, and I saw some cool stuff, so all in all a pretty good show for me.
  15. Actually, that quote comes from Admiral David G. Farragut, USN (from the Knoxville area, incidently) on the occaision of the Battle of Mobile Bay, 5 August 1864. The Actual quote seems to have been " "Damn the torpedoes. Four bells Captain Drayton, go ahead! Jouett, full speed!"
  16. I'd have to go with a traditional stock. Tried the pistol grip only thing, just to see what all the hoopla was about. Evidently the hoopla was about missing a lot, and having a sore wrist. 00 Buck is not kind in that configuration, slugs are worse. I had a Mossberg 500 with a pistol grip for a while. It just didn't feel comfortable. The previous posters are correct about safety manipulation being difficult, as well. I now have a good old Remington 870, with a conventional wooden stockset. TK47
  17. My Glock 19 is my fastest out of the holster. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that it is what I practice with most, and have carried the most/longest. I would think the holster you use probably has a big effect on that as well. I carry in a Don Hume pancake type holster. I think it's the best holster I've ever used. TK47
  18. History, History, History! Tennessee was one of the first places our ancestors crossed the Appalachian Mountains. We have many great pioneer sites like Fort Watauga, Tipton-Haynes House, The Govenor John Sevier Home at Marble Springs, James White's Fort, Fort Loudon, Fort Southwest Point, Manskers Station, and Fort Nashboro. Tennessee was also the 2nd most fought over state in the War of Northern Aggression with historic sites like Fort Donelson, Fort Defiance, The Carter House, the Lotz House, Carnton, Shiloh, Fort Pillow, Shiloh, Point Park on Lookout Mountain, Shiloh (can you tell I like Shiloh) Missionary Ridge, Chickamauga (actually in Ga. but close enough) etc. The list of historical sites is endless, but my fingers are tired. :-) TK47
  19. I too have one of these that I bought at a pawn shop for $100. (about 12 years ago) I've shot it a few times, but the rear sight had been butchered by some idiot with a file. I recently pulled it out of the gun closet and replaced the rear sight with one I got from Numerich. I can't wait to get it out to the range, to see how it performs with the new rear sight! TK47
  20. Welcome Patrick, I'm from the Greater Metropolitan Eagleville area as well. TK47
  21. TK47

    Glock 19

    I think you'll be thrilled with whichever choice you make. I'm still shooting a 2nd generation Glock 19 that I bought about a million years ago. I've got newer handguns, including a 3rd generation Glock 21 sf, but the 19 is what I always seem to carry. The new interchangable grips don't hold much interest for me since it seems Gaston Glock made the older 19s just perfect to fit my hands. TK47
  22. TK47

    mac 90

    "Somebody correct me if I'm wrong: I'm thinking that you CANNOT replace the original thumbhole with another thumbhole stock, unless you then continue to fulfill all the 922r regulations. ANY change whatsoever, even simply sticking a non-original mag in the mag hole, forces you to do the entire 922r thing. Right?" I don't claim to be an expert on 922r. My understanding from all that I have read on the subject is that replacing a "Thumbhole" with a different "Thumbhole" does not invoke any 922r problems. I sure hope that's right. By that theory wouldn't replacing a foregrip or a top cover also invoke 922r? I know, I know. It's the government, they don't have to make sense. TK47 By the way, Mousegunner. GREAT info page on the MAK90. I love your website!
  23. TK47

    mac 90

    I've had a MAK90 since around 94. In my opinion they are the best commercial AKs ever imported. I've played with several AKs over the years and never found one as accurate, or having the same quality of fit and finish. Mine has never failed to fire when I asked it to regardless of how I have abused it. As to furnishing it, I put black polymer furniture on it. Some folks were telling me to make it LOOK like an AK, I should do all the 922r stuff including replacing the trigger assembly. I disagree, since the nice trigger on the MAK90 is one of the things that make it the best. To avoid the 922r hassle I replaced the butt stock with a better "thumbhole" type stock. (See below) Other than furniture, the only change I made is to replace the original rear sight with a Williams Peep Sight, which I am very pleased with. TK47
  24. "I find it interesting how these types of threads bring out all the seldom to never post guys." Prob'ly means we should have more of these threads. Eh? I used to own a couple of ARs, one was junk, one was very accurate but seemed to jam a lot. Since it was "pre-ban" I sold it for a small fortune during a period of unemployment. I was Army trained on the AR Platform back in the dark ages, but just never fell in love with it. That said I'll probably own one again before I die. I have a MAK90 sporter that I have had since around 94. (I've always felt the MAK90 was the best of the commercial AKs) It has never failed to go bang when I asked it too, no matter how abusive I have been to it. My experience has been that it it almost as accurate as the better AR I owned when using QUALITY (expensive) ammo. I got my best accuracy using Black Hills Gold. To summarize I think that if you feed a good AR bad Ammo, you get only decent results. If you feed a good AK good Ammo, you can also get decent results. TK47 (a seldom to never posts guy )
  25. I have a Norinco Paratrooper Carbine that I at one time put every concievable piece of "tacticool" junk on. A couple of years ago I returned it to it's original wood stock, fixed box magazine, and open sights. I am much happier with it now. I guess I felt like I was trying to make it into something it's not. There are much better "black rifles" out there, but only a few Simonov variants. I say appreciate it for what it is. But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong. TK47


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