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    Bellevue, Tn
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  1. Thanks everyone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Hi, I just jointed TGO and recently moved to the Nashville area. I grew up in Australia and grew up around guns (well riffles anyway) my uncle had a sheep ranch that was a 25,000 acres that we would hunt and shoot on. I grew up with a Ruger 10/22 and an Australian made Lithgow Lee Enfield 303. In 1996 the government confiscated my Ruger due to the fact it was semi auto and then my uncle sold his ranch in 2001 and my dad sold the Enfield. So thats where my shooting/Hunting hobby stopped.........that is until I moved to Washington State in 2006, one of the first things I did was got out and buy an new 10/22! I was so happy to be shooting again! Seattle has become so dang expensive to live for the average Joe that we had to move, which is a shame cause Washington is one of the best places to live if you love the outdoors! and my wife's home state. So we decided on Nashville, we have a few friends here from Wa state and they absolutely love living here so we packed up and moved......In the short time Iv been here in already know Iv found my home and this is where I want to stay! Firearms I now own are - Ruger 10/22 (of course) Smith & Wesson M&P Sport 2 Remington 870 12 G Glock 19 Ruger Mark IV .22 Target pistol Smith & Wesson Model 10 .38 special Not a big collection by American standards but one that makes Australian shooters mouths water I love to hunt, but never had to do it on public land, which is what Ill have to do here in Tennessee next season. Not really sure how to go about that at all. I have, however received some great hints and tips from a few TGO members already which is fantastic! I was studying up on Cheatham WMA as its only 20 minutes from home, but I have heard a lot of negative things about hunting that area, one big draw back is that is buck only! In Australia I had my uncles ranch that we could basically do what we wanted with in regards to hunting. Some if the best hunting we did was at night with a giant spot light picking of rabbits, foxes and Kangaroos all night from the back of a pick up! And in Washington a friend of a friend had land out on the Olympic peninsula an area covered in rain forest, deer and HUGE Roosevelt Elk! So any tips or advice for hunting on public land in Tennessee would be greatly appreciated! Or if anyone had some land and wants to invite a random Aussie to come hunt that would be amazing haha I wont hold my breath though! Anyway thats a little about myself, Cheers everyone. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and has a happy New Year! Chris.
  3. Ok great. Thanks for all the helpful tips lads. Keen to get out there once deer season finishes up and see what I can run across. Even if I don't see a single bunny, I'd still be out in the woods! Cheers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. What about backwoods camping on the WMA? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Can you overnight camp in Cheatham WMA?
  6. Can you overnight camp in Cheatham WMA?
  7. I live right by the intersection at Charlotte Pike and Sawyer Brown Rd. Its a pretty wooded area and Im sure they are back there somewhere!
  8. There are rabbits all over my neighborhood, especially in the spring. I have never heard coyotes at night or day for that matter. However my neighbor told me just a few weeks ago he saw one walking down the sidewalk! Cheeky bastard. My house backs up onto woods, so Id assume, if there were coyotes out there Id be able to here them at night. Where I used to live in Washington State where you could hear them howling all night. Sitting on my deck with an air riffle isn't my idea of hunting and definitely not my idea of being outdoors, which in my opinion is the funnest part of hunting.
  9. Cheers mate.Thanks for the pointers! Merry Christmas.
  10. Cottontown in Sumner County ?
  11. Thanks mate. Go figure there would be none out there... cause I see them all over my neighborhood! What and where is "the goatie fields on the reserve"? Thanks again.
  12. Iv recently moved to the Nashville area, and was wondering what rabbit hunting is like on public lands in middle Tn? (Cheatham or percy priest). I grew up rabbit, fox and roo hunting back home but its a little different, there we can hunt at night with spotlights from the back of the truck, no limits, no seasons, no permits or licenses! picking off bunnies with the .22 at will! Cheers for any info or pointers!


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