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Everything posted by SWCUMBERLAND
House Passes Concealed Carry Reciprocity
SWCUMBERLAND replied to The Legion's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Chucktshoes:"If the federal government can tell states that they must recognize another state's permit using the Interstate Commerce Clause then they can tell states what the qualifications must be to get those permits in first place." Please justify on how one necessarily follows the other. And please use small words, I am a citizen, not a politician. C:"Do you want a Democrat trifecta of house, senate, and President determining that you have to have "good cause" like in Cali or Maryland for a permit to be valid?" Statist, not Democrat., And no, I don't. C:"Unless the right to carry under the 2A is incorporated under the 14th, any meddling by the fed.gov is fraught with danger that will be exploited when the opportunity arises." Any meddling with any rights by the feds is fraught with danger. Especially so with the statists embedded under Fat Bill and Barry. -
House Passes Concealed Carry Reciprocity
SWCUMBERLAND replied to The Legion's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I'd have to check on our statutes. I'm thinking that they are of the latter type. My patch is in the back corner of the building, and the whiners have asked me if I'm not afraid of someone coming up on me with an open carried weapon. I am not. When I ask them if they can drop their magazines or show me a speedloader, it's to see what ammo they are carrying and how best to meet their needs. Some won't, and ask me why, and I tell them... and most of the time I get a nod and a magazine. If someone was to open carry in order to cause trouble, rest assured I have solutions for them... and they do not entail running away screaming like a little girl. -
Not all that bad, really, just expensive as hell, and you need to be very careful. Getting the cards you need for a job are a racket in and of itself. My beef isn't with Vegas per se. It's with ten months of snide crap about trying to escape and failing. It has gotten so bad, I need out of here for no other reason than to keep my knuckles undamaged by smartasses' teeth and myself unincarcerated for same.
A moot point, as said Astro was scrapped to offset it being towed back to Vegas. And quite right about too bad my not being there. This last ten months have been difficult to deal with.
House Passes Concealed Carry Reciprocity
SWCUMBERLAND replied to The Legion's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Could you explain this? In NV businesses can post "No Firearms on Premises" signage and even CCW is required to heed. But that was part and parcel of this states' open carry statute, and every 'reasonable entrance' has to display one of these. We had them for the longest time except over in the auto section, and instead of spending $6 to put a third one UP, they took the other two down. Go figure. -
House Passes Concealed Carry Reciprocity
SWCUMBERLAND replied to The Legion's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
An interesting assertion. Even more interesting would be a timely recitation of the facts behind that assertion. -
More like count...20 days to notice delivery, 37 to last day, 88 to leaving. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
Post the last firearm related thing you bought!
SWCUMBERLAND replied to TGO David's topic in General Chat
In compliance with the topic... 555 box of Winchester .22 ammunition... $23.88. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL -
I would like, none more sincerely, to be able to say that the selection process was wholly mine. It is not. An ancient friend from Basic, over 30 years ago, was going to open up a data entry business in the NW Georgia/NE Alabama/South Central Tennessee area. He contacted me out of the clear blue and asked it I would want to be part of it. He even provided rudimentary data of the area to where I could continue working at Wal-Mart until the feet of the business were firmly on the ground. "Rudimentary" being his term; back in the day he was twice as smart as I would ever be if I lived to be 200. Sadly, he passed away after Christmas of last year... but plans to emigrate were kept on. The ONLY reasons I am back here in Vegas are that the damned Astro I was driving blew out its oilpan on I-40 in the dead of night, and I managed to swerve out of the way of two 18 wheelers by a whisker. Went entirely broke getting back to Vegas, and have ground under that collection of idiots for too long, only hampered by the lack of cash to redo and resettle. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
Update: Me and a TM-class Uhaul are looking at a March 2 departure date. I am taking my time, driving only in the daytime, staying with the truck. As stated in my intro, I am moving to the Winchester-Manchester-Tullahoma-Lynchburg area. Ideally, I'd like a 2-3 acre plot near the ends of the utilities, where I can pour a slab for a garage and a trailer, that I can garden, set up a few molly-mooching plots, dig an old fashioned root cellar and cold room, and all this with a minimum of getting hung by local codes or bedeviled by HOA$$#@les. ? can this be done with $7500? Coffee, Franklin, Moore, Lincoln counties... which one is least infested with Tyson farms? SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
Been one of them too... United States Army, 1981-1986.
Been with WM almost eleven years, thanks. I'll agree that we have some damn lazy people on board.... half of em jabbering away in Spanish, but try to get one of em to help translate for a customer and they evaporate into the woodwork. Most of my time there has been in sporting goods... selling firearms. I had to bone up on what little I knew about them the first two months I was in the department and have done my deadlevel to stay apprised. In addition, since my department is located way in back of the building with regard to the entrances, the lazy ones in other departments see fit to point the customers they can't be troubled to interrupt their gossip with back to us, and I end up having to get the customers to where they wanted to go... which is usually not far from above-mentioned gossipers. And I don't just give directions, I walk with them, as I know a little of whats in our 250k ft^2 store, here and there. This takes me out of my department long enough for other departments to be screaming at me "Where were you?" I don't mind, as I was taking care of the customer , and they weren't, if they ever want to push the issue. I've gotten chewed by the bosses for referring customers to other stores for things. I point out that they will remember who did the pointing and actually gave a damn about helping them, and will come back because of it. Said bosses pull back and mutter into their stock portfolios. So, those of us that actually DO work (as opposed to those who llene el espacio y dibuje la paga) would be kinda pleased, I think, at a little less liberal application of the broad brush. And apologies for the drift from Rocket Boy. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
Let's remember that his granddad, Kim Il-sung, was famous for having a large goiter on his neck that was always airbrushed out of official state photos, he was constantly portrayed as being the tallest man in the room when only barely 5'1" (airbrushing or standing on a lift of some sort), and was particularly fond of wandering into wheat fields and rice paddies and preaching Marxist doctrine to the crops, exhorting them to grow strong and plentiful. THAT's the root of the madness that Rocket Boy comes from. Whether he is cognate as to consequences? Couldn't say. If he keeps chucking hardware about the way he is, there WILL eventually be a malfunction, and Japan has had enough that they may just ditch the MacArthur constitution, and go after him themselves, if a dud drops in their land. ("Hey, this joker ain't kidding any more, no WAY are we gonna have any more nukes around, if you guys won't help us, we'll do it ourselves" mindset.) And yes, sitting around waiting isn't very good. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
I've long advocated a semi-pro football league at the college age level, that has NOTHING to do with education, holding a GPA, or any of the other such that colleges like to cloak their 'student-ATHLETES' with. A completely autonomous organization, with the college simply supplying the $, the team name, the logo, the facilities, and the fans. Likewise other aspects of collegiate educational malpractice (basketball, baseball, other). Fish or cut bait... degree or sport. And I know wherein I speak, having been raised in a college town. The alleged students (walking beerkegs) when I left in 1992 were the stupidest, most spoiled rotten, DUI evading, lumps of animal protein I had ever seen on two legs. I can only imagine the intervening quarter century could have only made it worse, but for the life of me, my imagination is insufficient to see how. Oh, and if these characters go about kneeling for the National Anthem, time to be revoking scholarships, or have the NCAA taking away accreditations and/or post season slots.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +1e10! SO DAYUM sick of hearing horrors of Californians with too much money moving into places, buying the snot out of everything, and turning them into little Californias, complete with gangs, drugs, and socialism. For me... Micah 4:4. I just want my own patch, grow my own food, stay the hell where I am at, never have to worry about a missed paycheck turning me into homeless, do my ham radio stuff without some HOA ho fining me into the ground.... you get the idea. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
from another website: http://www.globalbuckets.org/ This too will be in play when I hit TN. Rather than the dixiecup in the bottom, I aim to snake a length of fairly thick cotton rope up through, and let capillary action take it from there.
One of my rigs is a Yaesu FT-60 HT. It seems to be popular out here, but wonder if it is so out in TN. I have RTsystems programming and cable for it, as well as Chirp. If there is a following for that particular rig out there, I'd appreciate a copy of an .ft60 file appropriate for central and eastern TN, so I could hit the ground running. Lacking that, a textfile of the better repeaters for that area would work as well, or a link to TN Ham website with that data. Being where I am at the moment, what hams exist in the area are Californians, largely. They've fully embraced internet / ham, to the point of having no backup if (gasp) the net should go down, even temporarily. Me, I just about get along with repeaters, in the EM hell that is Vegas. That, and I am near the bottom of a bowl, geographically speaking, and lacking in places to hang decent antennas for 40-80m work SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
Recently the purchaser of a Foodsaver FM2000, and will be putting it through paces with beans-and-rice pound lots. (1/2 lb rice, 6 oz pintos, 2 oz reds). Tis to be hoped that I will have a good report this time tomoorw night(morning?) (ehh...) SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
On this, sir, you and I will not agree, nor convince each other. As to your bet...how do you propose to collect if you win?
A theory, sir, that, "stripped of all disguise, is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right"*. Not by my hand, and as far as may be ethically possible, not on my watch. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL * excerpted from George VI's War Speech
Is .22lr ammo now unshackled!?
SWCUMBERLAND replied to graycrait's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
Ah, the land of necro-posting. OK... Understand I have been standing in front of WM firearms for eight years here in Vegas. WM had a rationing period on .22LR at our store... three boxes/customer /day. That faded back in April. OUR store did not get and does not get any advance word on ammo of any kind, .22LR or otherwise. Period. We find out THAT DAY. For myself, I have been hearing rumours about .22 being hoarded by other stores outside of Vegas... and if I ever get substantiation on this, both WM and the Feds will be getting strong letters. I have been called every name in the book for not having .22 when the stupid wm smartphone apps say I do. I'm past tired of it, so are the local management that is worth a damn. (Not to be confused with the management that is likely closet members of Handgun Control, Incorporated.) Winchester M-22... the research I got on it is that the hard-anodized copper jacketing on the slugs was produced after many folks had been putting .22 uppers on their ARs, and were having fouling problems. The HA copper is supposed to leave less fouling, and also act slightly like the Civil War "Williams bullet" WIlliamses had a zinc washer soldered to the back , supposedly to scour out incompletely detonated powder and fouling. Out here in Vegas, it runs $50.87/box of 1000, said box composed of 2 500 rd boxes, sealed in the larger box with a pull tab, such as you used to see on boxes of ice cream. I've got something like 1k rounds of .22, which is fine, as all I have at the moment is a AR-7. I wouldn't mind a decent priced Marlin PSS-70 Papoose, and most surely getting a Marlin 60 when settled in TN. To address the ? of this thread... the only shackling I can attest to of .22LR is by the a$$#@|&$ that would do resells at gunshows. (Vegas has about 2-3 a month). The ringleaders would bribe a couple of the bums that hover off the edge of our property, give them cash and instructions, and they'd come in and buy the limit. They'd leave, the ringleader would get the .22 from the bums. Ain't seen said ringleaders around lately... RUMINT I have is that one of the bums was a Fed in drag, and when that got out, the whole thing faded into the night. Too bad, so sad. There may be similar "entrepreneurs" in here that do that very thing... if so, your business and not mine, save to say I hope you got the class to not strip any one place, and not to try foisting the fruits of such practice onto this correspondent. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL -
Preferably without the extractor spring problems of the J-22. I have heard nothing but good about the Ruger SR-22. But I prefer revolvers, heaven help me, and a Single-Ten or even a gently used Bearcat would suit me fine.
Alas, the necro-post... but applicable. Being the two-drinks-then-fall-asleep type of drinker that I am, a wide spectrum of worthy brands would be wasted on me. Being a follower of black labels since a lad (MGD for beer), JD has always been quite agreeable to me. The introduction of Gentleman Jack was through a wise old friend who gifted me a set: GJ in an octagonal 750 ml bottle, a cigar cutter, and a (I think) Macanudo #4 Primo, all in the one cylindrical container. Presently, in the liquor aisle for GJ, is this: I'll be getting one when I move out to TN. Presently I am working on a 750 black label Jack, slowly and surely. When I get established, there will be a get together of some of the closer assembled, and Mr. Motlow's fine concoction will be pride of place at the bar.