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Everything posted by SWCUMBERLAND

  1. Multitasking in one of its more pleasing forms. Would an RV water filter installed in-line with your hose be any help? SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  2. I'd hazard.... butcher knife, two chef's knives, standard kitchen knife, and paring knife on the end. As has been repeated before, excellent work. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  3. Necessarily. CCW holders are the guards' guards. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  4. Dear Heaven, where are these senseless ijits emerging from? Can we send em back and seal off the gap they came thru? As to the steak... probly swore off after the shooting and turned vegan... as if that would help. It's to be hoped his 15 minutes of fame are as uncomfortable as legally possible. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  5. New 336W out the door at my WM before taxes and background check is $354 as of 12/23/17. Not sure about the Y model, we had a few once, and have never heard of a -as. Home office doesnt give us much in the way of leverguns. Henry Golden Boy, H-1, and Big Boys, and the aforementioned Marlin, but that's it. ($399, $274, and .44 mag variant $736, respectively, again as of 12/23/17) Oedipal/pharonic dimwits prolly don't know one end from another, and took away our ARs and pistol gripped shottys 'cuz (corporate p/c whine mode on)"They looked mean"(corporate p/c whine mode off) Oh, and I mention these prices as a point of comparison, not to sell.
  6. There is for sale a fitting that allows the 1# green Coleman bottles to be refilled from a larger bottle, to be sure. I would exercise caution using it, however. I seem to recall one of the propane guys (Blue Rhino, perhaps?) manufacturing 1, 2, & 5# tanks specifically designed to be refilled. Throw into the mix the blue welder propane tanks (7/8 lb), using the same threading as the Coleman 1#. They seem to me to be sturdier somehow, and what I would trust, given a choice, for undocumented refillability. Out here the 1# Colemans are $3.47 each or $6.27 a pair. Can't recall at this moment what WM is charging for full 10# white tanks. All that is available where I am at is an exchange...bring in the empty and you get a full one at a reduced price. The U-Haul less than a half a mile away charges $3.29/gallon for refilling. As Dane cited that a 20# tank hold 4.7 gallons.. round up to 5.. Call it some 87¢/lb, till I get a hold of a pencil and paper to fine it down properly....Still, not too terrible a cost, and I wager at a pro propane place like Amerigas likely to be less. (Update: without rounding 77.3¢) One of the hardware folks has told me of a customer that comes in promptly every six months, after checking his inline gauges, for replacement gauges and lines. Seems he runs his cabin on propane the same way a more urban person does electricity. More back toward the generator side of the thread... Getting lighter deep-cells would be very good. Them that I have are E I G H T Y lb. apiece, and Field day '18 will be (if I can get organized quickly enough) powered off of 2 or 3 of these larger scooter batteries, with the K-tor and my old legs topping off the expended ones.
  7. Just late to the game is all. And, as previously stated, I'd think revisiting older threads with new perspectives would be seen as a good thing.
  8. I'll be on the grid initially, but I have a K-tor pedal generator, charger and 12v deep-cell batteries laying in wait. No computerized switching for me, I'll be there old school with old double position switches. If I luck out and get a piece with even a minimal stream, I'll have an undershot water wheel to do the pedaling, and supposedly a pennies a day power bill. Best of all, the actual genset and charger fit in a box about the size of a size 12 men's wide width pair of work shoes. And yes, electricity has only been around for a fraction of the time of Mankind. In candor, I could do without it, if I desired to dump my radios and computer. I don't, but I do see the possibilities. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  9. The only bad I've ever heard from XD's are from people that didn't have it. At first it was (whine)"I can't find it!" and when they could find it, (whine)"It's too EXPENSIVE!" My customers that DO own them have been of the philosophy of "Yeah, they're a little pricy...and worth every penny." As to being dry... a dry lubricant, like boron nitride? SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  10. Still playing catch-up... in review, there doesn't seem to be anything that I'd put in that was greatly offensive, and the possibility of a reexamination of the thread maybe yielding further information didn't seem like it would cause problems. Maybe it's the diamond dust.
  11. A good, solid piece. I wonder if it would hold up to refit in .327 Fed? Just a thought...perhaps if its doing all right in .32-20, best to leave it there. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  12. Has thought been given to a rimless .327 for use in semis?
  13. Ah, once again in the land of Necro-posting... My store in Vegas for about a year had a 3 box-person-day limit on .22. Didn't take long for the resellers to hire bums off property to come in and buy 3 boxes and hand them over to him when off the property. I'm the guy that checks in ammo 5 days out of 7. I do NOT divert. I do not play such dimwit games. We regrettably in the management here have a contingent of Handgun Control Incorporated members. They don't like me; fine, I damn well don't like them. Few of my fellow employees buy ammo from me or any of the other WMs in Vegas. As for the .223 62 grn 420 ct.... One lonely can of it for $174 in the case as of 10pm last night. For all that we are 1 of 6 stores in the 20 store area that sells firearms, we are regarded as "urban", but the large volume of rounds is hunting rounds... go figure. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  14. I had one tell me to my face just last week that if I wanted a really good self defense pistol the judge is the only way to go. Told me a .410 buckshot load at hallway distances is enough to physically knock a man off his feet from the force of the impact. I was asking about .357 revolvers for my wife, and he said ".357 is ok but even birdshot out of a judge is more powerful than a .357"..... Needless to say we went elsewhere to look. Sent from behind the anvil Did he seem to be a commission salesman? Or a Judge/Governor fanboy? SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  15. Citation from wikipedia: " With its strengthened case and increased pressure ceiling, the .327 Federal reaches the velocity levels of the .357 Magnum, if not the same power. Since the .327 still shares all case dimensions, excluding length, with the .32 S&W, .32 S&W Long, and .32 H&R Magnum, revolvers chambered for the .327 Federal can also safely chamber and fire these shorter cartridges, as well as the .32 ACP. This makes the .327 Federal unique, as it can fire five different cartridges from the same gun with no modifications. " Seems to me that if it doesn't murder the wallet, a Single-7 or a LCR .327will be in my future. No semiauto offerings in this caliber? I'm still digging, may have missed. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  16. (clunk of jaw hitting floor) No. Effing. Way. (reviews pic) SHOLY HIT. A HYDRASHOK slug in .327. Federal Hydrashok, to be sure, but none of my people have noted any difference in the 9mm and .40 variants between Federal and Hornady. And for as much as Fed. probably paid for the license to make em, there better NOT be. SWC a/k/a/ KI7CIL
  17. Interchangeable parts, actually. And the argument could be made for them being mutually dependent of each other. But the basic line is sound. SWC
  18. The .32 ammo we have around at my store is Winchester .32ACP with a 71 grain FMJ flat nosed projectile. What sort of weight was / is the .32-20 pushing? SWC
  19. have you done any work with a 6.5mm Creedmore as well as the .260? or 300 blackout? Inquiring damnyankee gunseller here and I do have some Creedmores gracing my case
  20. PERSON OF INTEREST, eh? As to help catching, at least in the US, it's a matter of the right of the accused being able to confront their accuser... and a decent attempt at stopping Star Chamber law, gets turned on its head, for fear of retribution.
  21. No such thing as a "small" nuclear attack. The third nuclear warshot will be the snowball that rains destruction on the rest of the planet. Survivable nuclear combat... horseradish and bulldozer.
  22. I should have specified... at w*rk. Some of the big-cheese management boasting that they had brought me back, and their several little sycophants parroting it... It wears, over time. I've been content to really not have had anything resembling a social life. Damned well if I had one, and started to get that crap at it, would have been dropped like a hot rock. TN will be a better deal, I think. ALthough it has been over thirty years since it was released, I DO like the fourth stanza: Because you can't starve us out And you can't make us run 'Cause we're them old boys raised on shotgun And we say "grace" and we say "Ma'am" And if you ain't into that we don't give a damn and DO like knowing that I'm going to a place full of such fine folks. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  23. The premise meant to be pointed out was the "societal nicety" of honoring one's bets. Your view does have validity, to be sure.
  24. Which is why I will stick to my flip phone til they stop making them, and when it becomes untenable to not have a 'smart'phone, I will stick to the slower and least 'smart' ones. As to wholesale enslavement of the entire human species...It was tried in 1939 and 2016, and neither overbearing authoritarian would-be slavemaster succeeded in the long run.


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