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Everything posted by SWCUMBERLAND

  1. Part and parcel of why, when I was selling firearms, I strongly recommended that the folks buying long barreled shottys for HD go to the manufacturerer's website and buy shorter "drop-in" barrels instead of cutting them back, or at the least find a reasonably skilled gunsmith to do the job. As my intro to the AR family started with M-16a1's and -a2's, I'm perfectly comfortable with the stock iron sights. I've no problem with my AR-7's sight set either. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  2. My offer and suggestions still stand. I will be a friend of this site in ALL weathers. Say the word, and show me where to send. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  3. If startup $ is a problem (when is it not?) I'm good for $50. email or pmail me and I will zip out Priority Mail with the cash within. Or if TGO has a PayPal set up, I can be good for that too. I might also suggest a logo patch, if one isn't already in the works. In regular color, desert, woodland, and night would be additional suggestions if the market will bear it. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  4. Sounds like a plan once I get set up out in TN. Getting the finals done here prior to the move is eating my time nicely, and listening to the handheld does a good job of filling the net-hole.
  5. Problem being that the folks with the power are the ones defining the truths and what passes for constructive.
  6. Very good grip shape. I'm mindful that machine manufacture of things can use tolerances and and materials that were unthinkable even last decade. But, confound it, high quality hand craftsmanship, such as this here, shouldn't perish from it. Continue on, AK. Once settled in out in TN, I shall be looking happily at you and your contemporaries for my cutlery. SWC, a/k/a KI7CIL
  7. A list of these x-halfwits' names and the businesses they are affiliated with would be nice, so I and the rest of the folks on here have the option to associate with or trade with such. Was there any actual, tangible reasoning behind their actions, or just a matter of being the squeaky enough wheel? Oh, and a list of the commisioners and the way they voted would be nice too. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  8. WM carries the SOG Cash Card. Very in demand til they hit the $35 pricetag. Then, too, my former employer has a cheapskate magnet built into the building. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  9. Will any of them be helping you with the gardening other than the eating of it? I'll be blunt, that lot sounds like not only will they be jumping on board when SHTF , but trying to decide how to divvy YOUR efforts up. For the which I suggest that you tell them who the commander is on board a lifeboat.
  10. A fire truck will have several ways to get in. Gas powered rotary saw, jaws of life with cutter implement, road flares or the whole truck as a ram. That assuming that 1stR's aren't already members. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  11. Does anyone know what the average soldier carries for a FAK? Might be a good start there, or a Navy corpsman's bag. Back in the depths of time, what we had was a OD pouch holding the heavy plastic wrapped field dressing (long green gauze ties to a thick bandage that was sterile until opened). The heavy wrap was meant for sealing sucking wounds. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  12. Simo Hayha, the Finnish "White Death", used the M28/30 as his preferred sniping piece, with iron sights. Testimony to the quality of the piece. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  13. About a year worth, tyvem. They are coming with me out to TN. Seems to me that your fraction might be off by a fraction. Closer to three quarters, I would gather. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  14. Note to self: big ol" king size comforter tucked behind the seat as standard equipment, and a hand wound alarm clock set to go off on the hour to start the vehicle up and run 10 minutes per hour. Odd thing out here in NV to have our auto department getting called "Do you guys have snow chains?" But then again we got Mt. Charleston 20 miles away and 9000 ft. ASL and DOES get cold to the point of snow. The train of Clippers that are swooping down outa Canada, onto the Central states, then going east and more or less riding up the Appalachians, look to be a bitter bunch. Historical and hysterical snows in SC and Florida (FLORIDA!?) ... one laughs at the start, and then the ohshyt factor sets in at the wrecks n lack of preparedness. Second note to self: make sure whatever truck can take a plow blade.
  15. Oddly enough, Costco was selling .30/.50 lookalike cans... foolish me, I did not get a quote. One inside the other, Od green. When next I go there (next week) I shall have better data. Costco IS in TN, yes?
  16. THird generation here. One of my great uncles was on a destroyer at Normandy, laying down 11" fire on the Atlantic Wall. My late father was a tanker and spent a very bad time watching thru the periscope as the Soviets built the Wall. I was (God help us) intel, but the muddy boot type.
  17. Any particular weight? All this other stuff makes me sound like a cotton-pickin' simpleton... Eight years I've been recommending Hoppe's for cleaning, and Rem-oil for lubing... with emphasis on VERY light lubrication out here with all the dust, and NEVER any spray on preparations.
  18. FIne. Let them, and see how fast the parties in ? stay in office. This is not about ranges, this is about the mere stores in which to sell. Redlining isn't a ban, it's a damned sneaky piece of crap. Not to mention prior restraint and restraint of trade.
  19. Would that the YesCalifornia initiative was still on the ballot; we could see an end to these silly-season shenanigans. The Ninth Circus Court of Schlemiels is infamous for its left leaning. That it would endorse de-facto redlining, and other stupidities that supposedly were rightfully smashed during the civil rights movement, doesn't surprise me a bit.
  20. That sorry sack... him and his report were, and are, as full of crap as a Christmas goose. The smart money would bet that that report used 39 private sellers, and the one on the crook being used 62 times. And such a thing could have only been boiled up under the lame-schmuck term of Mikey's god, BHO. Not to say that every sale is as pure as the wind-driven snow. But the time, effort, manpower and resources used for such a load of crap could have been better spent on NOT trying to criminalize the honest. A regular customer of mine (whom will be greatly missed) has quite a collection... every time some garbage like the above brews up, he goes out and buys another. Making his views known via the pocketbook in the best of ways. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL NRA member
  21. All very well, but does anyone here have any objective data on the piece being advertised? I don't care if it's ugly, like as not the ammunition used is not gonna care if it's ugly, and a pretty safe bet the target of said ammunition isn't gonna care either. "Pretty" and "tacticool" are variables I can easily throw over the side, if they get in the way of PERFORMANCE. Besides, I have one of the fugliest US arms ever made... One of the purposes of advertisement is to get your attention. And, sure's fire, this did. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL
  22. Apologies for my ignorance, sir... the pictured item is an AR-9 of some flavor or another? And I am curious about that foregrip... is it fixed, or removable or....? The idea of dual using a caliber does have appeal, from a logistics point of view. I am not certain, though, if 9mm is that caliber. It isn't a new thought.
  23. Depends greatly on the nature of the S. A nuclear war.... no worries, none will be left alive aboveground. Pandemic... see nuclear war. Money crash... Power will still be on, sort of, intermittently here and there, and there might be another day, as the smartphone generation's batteries die out and their cell towers go offline Grid failure? Maybe you get your three days in denser populations. What are left after 7-10 days MIGHT come boiling out of their warrens and out into the rural areas. Not a good thing for them, though, as rural folks know quite well how to make do with home made bread, home brewed whisky, and home-honed gun skills. To this day, I do not know how the Grosvenors allowed the National Geographic Society to make such a halfwitted piece of tripe under the NatGeo logo as "American Blackout" If anyone has 88 minutes of their time to waste, the link is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNx8UHteFUU I scratched my curiosity...Almighty DAY-um, what a load. Puff pieces like this are what happens when guano and saccharine intersect.
  24. I'm glad you are in a state that still understands and enforces the notion of "castle doctrine". >"Why were you carrying a pistol to the mailbox?" <"To shoot snakes with." >"But there's snow on the ground." <"Force of habit." >"OK. Carry on." SWC a/k/a KI7CIL


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