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Everything posted by SWCUMBERLAND

  1. EVERY faith has its zealots, sorry to say. I kinda like how it gets dodged in some places. The comedian Gabriel Iglesias described how he did a show in Saudi. The religious cops woulda whaled the Fluffysnot out of him if he had performed his set in Riyadh. The show was set up OUTSIDE the city in a giant tent. What religious cops did attend apparantly left their badges, clubs and attitudes back in the city, and all got to enjoy that universal antidote to hate: LAUGHTER. SWC
  2. Another fit guardian for the streets of Heaven. SWC
  3. Bold face is my correction. And yes, it is gonna be uphill. Silence will be considered assent. Nowhere will the pro-2A get the slightest slack from misquote or misstep, where the grabbers have and will get the greatest license and widest of error margins. Anyone expecting fair play in this conflict is taking the short end of fearfully long odds. The two major factors that stand in the leftists' way, lacking credible contradiction, are: + The authorities that these authoritarians would have execute a gun grab are a fair number of the very folks owning the items in question. (Heaven forbid that any of the left actually do the grabbing themselves..."Do as I say, not as I do" seems to be one of their pet anthems.) + Far, far too many guns and far too good of communications. The first jurisdiction that would attempt a door-to-door grab, and the word would be out on net, ham, landline and even those media not co-opted. Not impossible, but unlikely, and messily unsuccessful if attempted. Any 21st century nominations for Ft. Sumter? SWC
  4. Barricading is OK, I reckon, if it's to protect others, AND has a exit they can get out of if the perp finds and breaches the barricade. I'm perfectly content to be the modern Horatious in such things. I WILL >>NOT<< DIE ON MY KNEES. If I have to take a hit in such a circumstance, it'll be trying to wrap up the perp, screw his aim, waste his ammo, and make it hard for him to escape whilst others escape. Naturally there is the murmur in the background that it is easy to be brave on the other side of a screen. For the which, I rebut that it is easy to be critical on the other side of a screen as well. SWC
  5. I'm minded of a guy that got nailed similar to this... He worked for Lowe's, and he did a JOB on the place. Pulled up and rolled up every inch of carpet and pad. Unscrewed every piece of pipe. Unfastened every wall and light socket. Took out every foot of electrical conduit. Yanked out the circuit breaker box. Disassembled every stick of shelving and counter in the kitchen. Best of all, he didn't DAMAGE any of it. Left it all in nice neat stacks. The dishwasher, disposal and fridge were left almost as clean as when shipped. The live leads to the breaker box were capped to prevent arcing. And everything photographed. He didn't get his deposit back, of course, and the landlord tried to sue. He claimed that he had underestimated the time it would take to reassemble everything, wanting to hand over as good as he got (evilgrin). Think he got fined... said landlord DID have to pay for another party to put it back together. SWC, who will never be a landlord, thank heaven.
  6. In October of 2008, Hank Paulson corraled the CEOs of nine of the major banks in this country, and told them none would leave his office until they took loans from the government. To my best knowledge, not only was B of A the first one to sign on, they went back for seconds later on... and still haven't paid up. These are the ones that dare virtue-signal like this... I mind that, in Vegas, they flew national colors till about 2011, then they had them inside... till, I think, 2013. Arrogant, smug, self-satisfied, customer-service-poor individuals. The thesis of "Too Big To Fail". Wonder if there will be any counter-boycott past what has been cited here? I won't contaminate my shoe sole in their places. SWC
  7. My former customers in Vegas had claimed that the heavier weights of .223 did well against coyote as long as you used 1:12 barrels. .243 wasn't as effective, but .270 was the best for the buck. SWC
  8. I will necessarily agree that it can happen; disagreeing in front of prima facie evidence to the contrary would be foolish at best. That it SHOULD happen? IMO, no. How are they coming up with whatever start date for their $1000 a day formula? Are they gonna start searching cars not known to be local, but just passing through, for the illegal items? And how are the Deerfield authorities gonna know who has what in the first place? Defiance of the Fourth Amendment as well as the Second, anyone? Or does anyone know what the specs are on Illinois registration of firearms? It is my good hope that this is an exception and not a rule, and that the state of Tennessee, its counties and communities don't get taken up in this. SWC
  9. Yes, however I am in Franklin County, TN. Particulars would be helpful. SWC
  10. A posit: all the alleged social engineering crap,that generated these school shooters, that finally precipitated this anti-2A wave, have been cause and effect.
  11. Unfortunately Totally accurate... and disgusting, as the media's focus for the next while will be these latest can-do-no-wrong darlings, with their foul mouths and parroting mannerisms. What tiny deviation from these will be as minimal and made to look as extremist as possible, if not ginned up out of whole cloth. Newly here to the state, more than a few have said to me "This crap don't fly here in Tennessee." I hope they are right. And it does seem likely...here. One could wish for it to be broader in scope. SWC
  12. https://youtu.be/fYcweKLnOzc Thanks for the reminder.
  13. Any chance this guy is a once-off? Or is he the shape of things to come?
  14. One relic commenting on another supposed relic, I suppose. I will acknowledge his right to say such a thing. Respect it? Never. It flies in the face of everyone who has taken arms, living and dead, in service to this country. That a former member of SCOTUS should say such a thing, IMO, falls under the "aid and comfort" clause of U. S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 115, paragraph 2381. SWC
  15. All deadly accurate. Being so tech interlinked, we forget supplies as part of that link. So very dreadful, though, that the right we rely on to defend all the others comes under attack from behind the faces of children. In any more sensible time the general call would be to reinforce, not disarm. With Easter, I shall again have an address, and three or four days after that, a vehicle. IF TGO is going to organize some manner of event, the city of Winchester and the county of Franklin will have at least the one member able to attend it.
  16. My only concern about this event showing up on the media is so that folks can see what happens when the bad guys lose. And so they can see what goes on when the parties that are charged with making them lose aren't cowering and fouling themselves. Any bets that Peterson is trying for a confidential name change? SWC
  17. It 's to be hoped that that will reinforce the idea of armed staff. A thing that bothers me: I saw about this here https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-20/armed-resource-officer-stops-maryland-high-school-gunman but the article mentions cowardnewsnetwork's being called by one of the kids in lockdown. I'd've thought that the kid would be calling the local cops, or his parents, not the 'news'. Maybe he thinks it'll make him the new Hogg at the trough, get him some of that 15 minutes.
  18. Here's an article fleshing it out: https://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/2018/03/16/kroger-gun-assault-rifle-periodicals-sales/32995379/ I wonder if the vandalism of the Wal-mart in Illinois was a trial run/warning to outfits like Kroger. SWC
  19. Did anyone truly think that there WOULDN'T be such things happen in these marches, or some form of punishment for non- or anit-participants? Cruz will linger on the taxpayer dollar in a prison or a psych ward. The same bad actors that fomented all these walkouts and such will try to have any attempt at an execution stayed and candlelight vigiled against. Any who dare speak against such claptrap opera will be vilified by the leftist lamestream media. SWC
  20. He's accurate. I'M the crabby sumbitch... Born in early July, so naturally a crab, and if you had met my egg donor, SOB would be self evident.
  21. Soap box, ballot box, jury box and cartridge box. The first two are pretty much co-opted, and 44 did a job on trying to overthrow the third one. There is, I fear, a vast and common mistake being made. The left doesn't hate guns. The left hates Joe Average having guns. Objectively, I understand this. It's far easier to grind a people into serfdom if they are weaponless, and the would-be rulers the only ones having the guns. SWC
  22. I've met such myself, and their whole key to the matter is as you stated... telling fear to take a seat till the job is done, doing it, and having the shakes later. PTSD with the fancy label scraped off. There's displacement, too... part and parcel of the bloodinesses of black powder wars, and the Civil War in large part. Many of both sides were raised up in their units with friends and neighbors in ranks, and the fear of looking a coward before them overcame the fear of getting shot at by unfriendlies. Add to that, the senior NCO that the ranks looked to... the LAST thing they wanted to do was to disappoint him. There are those gentle, undextrous, water-crystalled souls that see all these grim things in here and are likely to desperately gasp out breathlessly, "B-b-but that's all about WAR!" It is, in that is the most dramatic example of it. There are many other examples of courage. SWC
  23. As to Walmart, a multibillion $ company such as that will have lots of lawyers. The only chance they will have to win a suit is as class-action. And within a fiscal quarter, WM will drop firearms if not ammunition. Virtue-signaling cowards.


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