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Everything posted by Verne

  1. If you are some one who runs it with your chin or face pushed forward on the gun it can cause issue. I shoot it right handed but can shoot it left handed without much problem. Now my best friend who is left handed will end up with little half moons on his chin.
  2. Haven't compared it to an Eotech but have read it is bigger. The dot on the RDS is 1.8 MOA. Can't say that being made in Israel didn't effect my decision.
  3. I have a Meprolight Tru-Dot RDS on my Tavor.  I really like it but not for sure how it would work at 600 yards.  I haven't tried a magnifier behind it since usually only shoot it out to 150-200 yards.
  4. You probably know how much I hate you right now.   I've had the opportunity to shoot a couple of FA Glocks and will say that the 17 is much better (easier) to shoot then a 19 but both are so much fun.   Then add in a MP5  :drool: .
  5. Form 1 Trust submitted 06 April. Approved 12 June. 104 days for it to come back. Was more shocked that it was approved on a Sunday. 10.5" 300 Blkout built on TGO upper/Loower with LaRue Tactical MBT-2S Trigger. [url=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/KIMG0093_zpsq1d1l6jj.jpg.html][/URL] Will try to get out and get some better pics this week.
  6. You must have opted for better shipping then me. Mine won't be here until Monday. Interested to see how it does with the Tav-D trigger.
  7. Mine showed up today. Must say I was really surprised with everything. Was expecting a trigger and a hat not......
  8. I know the feeling. E-filed a Form 1 on April 6th. Check about once a week just to see if anything has changed in the system.
  9. I got one last night. Will let you know how it is when it gets here. Just couldn't pass it up at the price.
  10. Need this to ride back and forth to work.
  11. Looks like it will be a great day for a ride. If you can shoot me a text when you all head out. Going to meet up in Carthage at the Hwy 80 & 85 intersection. Be safe.
  12. That's a nice route. Just want to give a heads up there is a fun corner on 141 when heading toward 53 that will surprise you right after you crest the hill a few miles from 53. Also watch out on 96 heading toward 70 after heavy rains it has tendency to wash gravel in the road. Any idea what time you will be heading through Carthage? Live in Hartsville and would be easier to meet up around why 80 for me. I ride the roads on this route and the ones around it a lot.
  13. Thank you. Just trying to keep it from being sent back due to error.
  14. So I am finally getting around to transferring my current form 4 to my trust but have hit a snag. On the firm 4 under Transferor field #11 Title of Authorized Offical, what should I put down? I have searched and Googled with no luck. Might not matter what I put down but want to make sure before I send everything in. Thank you, Verne
  15. Kind funny to me considering I ride that road often on my Sport Bike.
  16. Thank you. I'm really enjoying it. Just wish didn't I worked so much so I could get out and shoot it some more.
  17. I have a thing for old Winchesters myself. Picked this one up last year as a beater and just finished it off a few weeks ago. . Barrel had been cut back but not even at all. So decided to Cerakote it and cut the barrel back a little to even it up. Color is Tungsten with small pieces in Black. Barrel has been cut back to 18 1/2ish Cleaned up the action a little and had a butt pad installed along with the barrel and chamber honed out. Nothing like firing it off as fast as you can pump it. [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7973_zpsvkabrc2v.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7980_zpseybc1oba.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7983_zpswml9jmfj.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7976_zpsuk5knmeu.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7981_zpsii7vofhh.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/verne3/media/Weapons/Winchester%201897/IMG_7979_zpszfxz28tf.jpg.html][/URL]
  18. This was Kroger in Gallatin last night after I got off work. Around 1130. Bad thing is I was out of bread and needed just a single loath.
  19. Sitting here waiting for the safety orientation to start. Too bad I have to leave as soon as it is over to go to work.
  20. Thought I would bring this back up with one I saw today. http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/bushnell-ar-optics-1-4x24mm-bdc-riflescope-ar91424.html Been looking at these on and off for awhile but at this price couldn't pass it up any longer.
  21. Depending on who I was talking to you probably should have. Might have saved them from me. It wasn't a great show but not the absolute worst I have been to. A lot of stuff walking around but nothing that caught my eye. Did pick up some bullets from David and a Chinese M53 Mosin from another table. Been wanting one for awhile so I can make good sized fireballs.
  22. Well I'm heading out to 4-way restaurant for breakfast and then on to Westmoreland.   If you see a guy with a black Brooks & Dunn backpack stop and say hi.   Verne
  23. I don't know for sure.  Given where it is I don't think it will be a big show but given where it is no telling what will walk in.  I have a buddy that is going to have a table up there and going to help him out if he needs it. Also going to grab a few things from David.
  24. I will be there Saturday.  Look forward to seeing you.  Need a few more bullets for some 300 Blkout subs.
  25. Saw this in an email the other day from Gearhog.  http://www.gearhog.com/   Is Steel Defender stuff any good?


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