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Community policing: arrest criminals and investigate crimes. It is this that most people do not get and likely why the Broward County sheriff department suits against them may fail. If people knew this about the law, they might take a different view on firearms. The leftists won’t mention this, because it would likely destroy their anti-gun narrative. To this day, I am perplexed as to why people across this country are so troubled by law-abiding citizens being armed? Perhaps when these same people are confronted by a criminal thug and survive, the thought of being armed may come to mind. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Duty to protect, not necessary. https://www.firearmsandliberty.com/kasler-protection.html Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Do police officers and deputies have automatic weapons and tactic shotguns, tactical vests, body armor and other tactical gear in their vehicles? I recall reading many years ago when police were out-gunned, I believe in LA and after that automatic weapons were added to have equivalent force. Does not appear the deputies had any additional firepower, those that were outside and did not enter. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Watching Jesse Water’s and Ann Coulter suggested according to her that 47% of these mass shooting involve first and second generation immigrants and that 98% of mass shooting occur in “gun-free zones.” This hasn’t been fact-checked, but is an interesting stat on 1st and 2nd generation immigrants. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Yep. Police arrest criminals and investigate crimes. There ought to be standards on these so called resource officers. I don’t think picking someone who is at retirement age every expected to have to engage an aggressor. This was likely easy duty in his mind. Sad. He failed. IMHO, he lacked the will and courage to act. He had to know kids were dying with his inaction. We need the “soldier/Marine/warrior” mentality to confront these aggressors, not over-the-hill deputies. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Seems to be the solution nowadays. Ignore facts and promote this social justice warrior mentality. Then when a problem crops up, their response is to blame a tool or someone or someone else. Seldom have Democrats proposed anything that actually solves the problem or actually works. Disgusted with the direction of our society and the PC environ is undermining our society and the American values I was taught. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I asked the same question. There are still a lot of questions that need to be addressed. Some of what I have been reading is not adding up. What security measures were in place and the whereabouts of these resource officers at the time of this shooting. “Schools Superintendent Desmond Blackburn said in a press release that the district will "continue to take steps to improve security in our schools," but did not specify how. Some teachers spent Thursday reviewing what to do in case of an emergency. Since 2014, the Brevard school district has been installing 6-foot fences, security cameras and remote-controlled locks at its 82 schools. So far, the district has spent $6.4 million on security projects with money from a countywide half-penny sales tax that residents approved. Originally, the district said it would take six years to upgrade security measures at every school, but decided to accelerate construction because "this was way too important to put off." "I don’t believe any of the safety measures that we have put in place will completely stop these bad scenarios," said board member Andy Ziegler. "I can’t see that BPS will ever stop increasing security and safety." “It's not yet clear how the shooter, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, got past the school's check-in procedure. He was carrying an AR-15 rifle, multiple magazines, a gas mask and smoke grenades. It is not common for schools in Florida to search visitors' bags or pockets. The fact that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School had so many security measures in place made parents wonder how schools can prevent these situations.” https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2018/02/15/what-security-measures-do-brevard-schools-have-place/341528002/ Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Apparently there were red flags. Signs were there. No one apparently spoke out. He was expelled for disciplinary reasons. I wonder if the school offered any help? Politicians will blame guns. I wonder if there will ever be a discussion about what binds us together? Morals, accountability, responsibility, self-control, pride in self, family and community, patriotism, the flag, national anthem, pledge of allegiance, duty, honor and country. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I think you mean instead of insensitive you really mean intolerant. When people cannot handle the truth, facts or outcomes you get labeled as a a racists, bigot or a plethora of other terms appropriate for the moment. You see this in debate and across news and social media channels. Your either shouted down, shamed, censored, blocked, ignored, ridiculed, banned etc..... Constructive criticism and internal reflection and debate center focused on facts and truths would go a long way in bring back civility in conversation in our society. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The story could go deeper and drill down on the “why” and that will explain the root causes and provide insight to the appropriate public policies to address underlying reasons for what is happening in these neighborhoods. Chances are you’ll find crap public policies likely promoted by left of center politicians. Ironic, don’t hear a word from politicians like Rahaman Emanuel on what policy initiatives the city is launching to address the problems in Chicago. What you do read is policies to encourage illegal immigration through these ID cards he and the city council are instituting. Why the black community year after year casts a vote for these politicians is disquieting, or is it really the righteous and sanctimonious white liberals, the elitists left who turn a blind eye to the plight of the black community for their own selfish means, whatever that might be? Where is Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpen and the BLM crowd and our they putting their money where their mouth is? Nope, at least, as far as, I have read! Maybe Jeff Bezo can pony up some money (33 million) like he is going to do for the DACA kids. Left of center politicians seldom (how about never) offer any public policies worth a damn, that work or even effective. When the black community decides to stop being a willing pawn and vote for real change; then and only then, will they start to see change in their communities. That will be the wake-up call to all these flagrant politicians. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Keep it simply. I buy the indexes. I use Vanguard. I have brokerage account. I never felt these investment advisors were worth the money. I have shifted my investments mix as I have approached retirement. I'm at 60% stocks and 40% bonds. Satisfied with my performance. Good luck.[emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my fellow forum friends! God Bless. [emoji319][emoji982] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The 'good guy with a gun' theory is a myth.
GeorgeandSugar replied to FortKnox's topic in General Chat
"To me taking that oath was a commitment for life, both in length as well as sacrifice." I took the same oath. Did not end when I retired. Confuses some. I tried explaining that to a family member who sees guns as evil and mire gun control is necessary. I explained that the police arrest criminals and investigate crimes. The police don't provide personal security protection. Moreover, calling 911 is no guarantee that police have any duty to respond. Provided case history to back-up my assertion. Family member perplexed. Went onto say, guns are a tool. Tools can be good or bad depending on who is on the other end. Focus on the person. Evil exists in the world. Self-defense is a natural right. Family member speechless. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -
Germantown show - background checks required.
GeorgeandSugar replied to Grayfox54's topic in General Chat
Thanks all for the feedback. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk