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Everything posted by deerslayer

  1. It won't. People will get frustrated with this idiocy and stop eating out. Popeye's and Subway can do carryout only and survive such a mandate, but the sit-down restaurants will suffer and lay off/furlough/terminate the wait staff and, depending on how long this new mandate lasts, possibly close the doors.
  2. Shelby County is about to mandate wearing a mask between bites at a restaurant. i guess we need to put some more people out of work.
  3. I bought 1000 Winchester large rifle primers yesterday for $31 or $32, I forget which. And yes I plan to use them, not sell them.
  4. Microeconomics 101 S is supply D is demand P is price Q is quantity sold Adjust the curves and the price/quantity moves accordingly
  5. Hoarding last week? Sure. Hoarding two years ago? Completely unrelated. There is also the possibility that more people are buying guns and ammo. A fair price is whatever a buyer is willing to pay and the owner is willing to accept. Anything else is flirting with socialism.
  6. Call me crazy, but I seem to remember the AWB was passed by a Democratic majority and was allowed to expire in 2004 by a Republican majority. I bet a 2004 Democratic majority would have renewed it. Elections have consequences.
  7. How did Joe help screw up supply and demand by buying too many primers? He bought them two years ago when they were a dime a dozen.
  8. Sportsman's in Southaven is where I saw the $29.99 Aguila last night. They were on an end cap.
  9. Maybe. The $36.99 regular price is pretty fair right now all things considered, but the sale is a bit of a head-scratcher.
  10. Last night a local store had Aguila .22 LR 500 rounds on sale for $29.99 (regularly $36.99). The rest of their ammo shelves were bare. Sounds like their marketing/merchandising guy needs to study supply and demand.
  11. Agreed. Fortunately, the economy was doing well when Covid hit. No one talks about how much worse it could have been had we not had a strong economy. No one gives Trump that credit.
  12. You know the left won't swallow that. If something bad happens while Trump is in office, it happened "on his watch." If bad things happen during a Biden soon-to-be Harris administration, it will be because of the situation they were given by Trump.
  13. Trump supported a relief bill, although not on the scale that Biden would probably propose. Either way, it doesn't make much sense at this point to lock down, re-wreck the economy some more, put people out of work and then give some of them limited relief with a massive bill only to simply delay what will come anyway. As for putting on our big boy pants like other countries, several European countries had more sever lockdowns that we did. How's that working for them right now?
  14. Losing a job/home/financial well-being for an economy-wrecking shutdown thats merely delays the inevitable is not a small sacrifice. A President Biden would probably advocate another shutdown.
  15. I am waiting on a gen 5 G34 that I won at a USPSA match. My order was officially placed on Oct 1 and Glock said it would ship in January. Not sure if this is due to 34s being in demand or that’s just how far behind they are. I just hope it ships by March lol.
  16. Yes, I have. I shoot about 10,000 rounds of .40 a year in USPSA competition and load it for 12 cents/round. Making 400 rounds in an hour is worth the trouble to me. Saving money, tuning my load, and having what I need when I need it are why I reload.
  17. Well we have "JM" and "Remlin" Marlins, what's next, Rugerlin? Seriously though, I am glad to see Ruger buying Marlin. And as to the original question, my favorite lever gun is my Marlin 1894 .357 18". Reloading it is a bit tedious, but it can still serve as a formidable defensive gun. 100+ years ago it was an assault rifle.
  18. From my experience, this is completely false.
  19. Other than 200+ murders, Memphis has been relatively peaceful this year, all things considered. However, for the place to erupt, all it takes is one felon with a couple warrants getting pulled over or caught and deciding that he ain't going to jail today and the place could go up in flames. And I would speculate that there is more than a couple felons with warrants riding around on 240 right now...
  20. They are on sale at Midway again... https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1019881191?pid=875143
  21. Yes you can. There is an app you can get to control the volume and mode, but I never even downloaded it. I’m still happy them. Although I can’t make up my mind if the medium or large foam tips fit better.
  22. And they are apparently a waste of money. A friend of a friend works at a local hospital and revealed that they are lumping tests into batches of 15, testing one of them, and then calling all 15 whatever the result was for the one. So there's really no point in even getting tested.
  23. Wow, the knife guy was out for a run off the beaten path and didn't even have a knife. Even my dumb ass carries at least a small fixed blade when I go for a run.


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