There are three hubs in Shelby County. Bartlett (behind Sam's), Memphis, on Carrier (240 & Millbranch), and Oakhaven (Winchester & Swinnea). Depending on your zip code, it could be delivered out of any of these hubs. You can call UPS with either your tracking number (on the package) or an Infonotice number (after the first attempt) and tell them what to do with it. Otherwise, they will make three attempts in a row, then send it back to the shipper immediately ONLY IF it is a ground delivery with no signature required. Anything else gets held for five business days before being returned. If you got a robot message from UPS, then it's signature required. You can call 1-800-PICKUPS and tell them to hold it, redirect it to your parents, your work, wherever, UNLESS it is ADULT SIGNATURE REQUIRED (which is usually used only for guns and booze). In that case, it cannot be redirected, but can be held for will call. PM me the tracking number and I can tell you if it's sig req, and what hub it will be coming out of.