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Bubba Fett

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Bubba Fett last won the day on August 29 2017

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About Bubba Fett

  • Birthday November 30

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    Spring Hill, TN
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    Project Manager


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  1. I'll take two!
  2. I carried a 4" 1911 from RIA in .45 for a long time. If their 9mm are as good, they'll probably be perfect for you (with some money left in the budget for ammo!) I don't carry mine anymore, because I had a small (range remediated) malfunction during a tactical pistol class after about 1000 rnds through the gun. It's still my favorite range gun and I've not had a single problem with it since, but I lost my "confidence" in the gun as an EDC. Plus, they're heavy and I'm lazy.
  3. https://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/game-winner®-gun-cleaning-toolbox I bought one of those on sale for $20 a few years ago. Stripped the finish and re-stained it, then covered my terrible job with a bunch of stickers and pins from my favorite gun manufacturers. Holds most of my stuff decently well. I use some old pretzel rod tubs to hold my patches. Before that, I used a Homer bucket with one of these (or something like it): https://www.amazon.com/Bucket-Boss-10030-Bucketeer-BTO/dp/B00GK4TOWK/ref=asc_df_B00GK4TOWK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167152075853&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12381272050078821990&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1025990&hvtargid=pla-312236746975&psc=1
  4. So I'm on Amazon, looking at the small "necker" sized knives to throw in my EDC backpack as a backup. And I says to myself "Bubba, no. If you buy any more knives, you're going to get yourself in trouble." So I muster the last of my willpower and head to TGO, to drown my sorrows in gun porn. The next thing I know, I'm spending $20 on Amazon for my 9th new knife of 2019. Thanks a lot!
  5. I'm really hard on pocket clips, too. I like a deep carry clip, but wind up banging it on just about everything. I replaced the clip on my Spyderco with one from this company: https://mxggear.com/ After just over a year, the color is wearing a little thin, but the clip is holding up great structurally.
  6. I've got about 100 rounds through my Security 9. Had one failure to feed in the first magazine, but no problems since then. And I'm feeding it garbage. I've been seriously considering swapping out my TCP for that LCPII for pocket carry.
  7. Anderson lowers are like cats. Once you've got one and you start to get comfortable with it, more start to follow you home. Next thing you know, you're sitting in your room going "Where did all these come from? And how am I going to feed all of them?" But like, in a GOOD way.
  8. This guy has been walking by the cameras every morning about an hour before sunup the past two weeks. Haven't seen him before. There is a sizable rub and scrape about 20 feet to the right of the camera that I'm really hoping is his. Muzzle load can't get here fast enough.
  9. Thanks for the tip. I hadn't thought about that - so I went back and used a wire wheel on my dremel to remove the paint and all the underlying rust until it was all shiny. That paint was really on there, which gives me hope this might work when I get the rust out. Then I repainted. I'll let it dry all week and shoot the gun this weekend. Deer season will be the test.
  10. Went ahead and painted it this weekend with some high-temp engine paint. Seems to have done the job. Time will now tell if it rusts under the paint.
  11. That pretty well cements my opinion that an M&P will be my next handgun purchase.
  12. Many mistakes were made before he asked for the gun. I can't even comprehend approaching anyone - much less an armed cop - while they're actively taking fire. I don't think of myself as a coward, but I am not an idiot, either.
  13. That's the saddest truth I've read all day.
  14. I found this picture online of a similar muzzle loader, with similar rust. Where the finish is rough on his, up near the breech plug, mine is pitted there and rusts (even when smeared with grease). I am thinking of painting the inside of the breech with black high-temp engine paint to protect it. Would that hurt anything?
  15. I probably wasn't clear in my description. I did replace the plug, but the rust is on the wall of the breech itself, just above where the breech plug screws in. Just where it catches all of the heat from the percussion cap. I will try to get good pictures tonight, but it's tough to photograph.


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