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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. Okay, it now appears that he wasn’t captured when the Taylor's called. He was captured about 7 hours later when Krystal Hurdle spotted Watson on her drive home from work and called 911. So I guess that's why the confusion on who will get the money.
  2. We have five and a half years of Trump left. And I don’t worry even a little bit that he is going to take anything I own or want, or do anything with ammo or magazines. I see a very good chance Congress could ban drum type mags and may give Tennessee incentive to require background checks on private sales. Prices on used stuff is still high; but going down. I have several guns I am keeping an eye out for, when I see the right prices. But so far most of what I have been buying is new. New prices are really dropping.
  3. Of course not. I was surprised to see Trump go along with this “First Step” bleeding hearts, liberal BS, and parading criminals around in front of the TV cameras. I assume he thought he would get something he wanted out of it. Cory Booker and the Democrats got what they wanted; a bunch of criminals out of prison that they can take with them on the campaign trail. I doubt any of them will return the favor by supporting Trump on anything. Here is who was released… does it appear “non-violent” to any of you? 960 for drug-related offenses. 496 for weapons/explosives-related crimes 239 for sex offenses 178 for fraud/bribery/extortion 118 for burglary/larceny 106 for robbery 59 for homicide/aggravated assault 46 for immigration-related offenses 9 for counterfeiting/embezzlement 2 for national security reasons
  4. Inside or outside the waistband?
  5. I don't know what "conversations about it" they need to have, other than who is writing the check for the full amount to the Taylor's.
  6. and Doberman's
  7. What was chewing on his face?
  8. I’m not familiar with a Taurus, but does it have screw in the side plate that is missing? Usually a screw holds the crane in. The cylinder is inserted into the crane.
  9. My wife said she uses this... https://www.pawboost.com/
  10. Caught by the homeowner being notified by his security cam, preparing for the guy to try to make entry, and then calling 911. Like I say…. I love me some technology. Those nice folks may very well be alive because of that camera.
  11. My wife does this lost/found on FaceBook. I’ll ask her when she gets home. Where were the dogs??
  12. That’s what I mean. If an attorney is going to decide whether or not the insurance company will take the case or if they will pay; it’s useless, I don’t care who its sold by or who recommends it. And if they pay for everyone that’s arrested; I would guess it wouldn’t take very many cases to put a serious dent in the company’s profits. I’m not saying its not a good deal. I’m just saying my time spent around attorneys makes me think this is sketchy. But hey, I could be wrong. They could be making money hand over fist from the premiums of all the people living at the foot of the cross, to where they can afford to pay out for the occasional murderer/Road Rager.
  13. Three-Night Mini-Series 11th-13th Continues Tonight on the HISTORY Channel. I started watching this last night and its pretty interesting. Besides the stories of companies like Kellogg’s, Heinz, and Coke, it talks about things we take for granted. Like refrigeration, and how the FDA came about from so many people getting sick or dying from tainted food, and companies being able to claim anything; true or not. I think you might be able to watch the first night online. Or On-Demand if you have it. https://www.history.com/shows/the-food-that-built-america
  14. I’m pretty sure I’ve asked this before and never got an answer, but I’ll do it again. So… if I get in a road rage incident and shoot someone, get hauled in and charged with murder, these companies are going to get me a top attorney and pay my attorney fees? That’s a simple yes or no question and one I would expect a simple answer on from any insurer.
  15. That’s great! I should have know that since I’m the one using the most advanced search engine in the world today.
  16. PSA does something other than put together parts from manufacturers? That’s not an argument; it’s a question. I had no idea there was an American made AK.
  17. Anyone have this?? Are they any good?? $389 for a magazine fed semi-auto shotgun is pretty cheap. If they prove to be reliable, I would think these would be a hot ticket. https://www.panzerarms.com.tr/ar12 https://grabagun.com/pw-arms-ar-12-black-12ga-20-inch-5rd.html
  18. https://advance.lexis.com/container?config=014CJAA5ZGVhZjA3NS02MmMzLTRlZWQtOGJjNC00YzQ1MmZlNzc2YWYKAFBvZENhdGFsb2e9zYpNUjTRaIWVfyrur9ud&crid=9a009356-e42b-496b-a7a3-0c54471f5e02 And this website lets you read the actual Tennessee Code in case you want to read it for yourself or to see if someone’s interpretation makes sense to you.
  19. You can’t make a counter argument to that person; if they truly believe gun manufacturers want criminals to get guns; they aren’t capable of intelligent discussion.
  20. I don’t share your sentiments that Republicans aren’t on-board with Background checks. Hope you are right. I don’t agree with them because it won’t accomplish anything, but I believe most politicians are afraid to denounce it. You can take a look and the dancing of some of our politicians below…including our Republican Governor. However, they talk about legislation introduced by Steve Dickerson for a Red Flag law; I can’t find that proposed legislation anywhere?? Was there a proposal or is this just more fake news?
  21. They can ask whatever they like; they don’t need a law to ask. And the HCP holder can either comply or refuse and leave. They don’t need to be posted to ask someone carrying a gun to leave. They just have to be properly posted for the holder to be cited. In my opinion its better than posting. In checking, they found that the patron was not in compliance with the law; so he was carrying illegally.
  22. And keep in mind when traveling, in many states possession of a stolen firearm is a felony. Like Kentucky and Alabama. Mississippi takes it one step father, a conviction is 5 years. two convictions or possessing two or more stolen firearms is trafficking in stolen firearms and is at least 15 years.
  23. No you aren't missing anything; that's correct. Except of course that there is no “loophole”. States control the private sale of firearms within the state and those sales are not covered by Federal law. For the Feds to try to force that at a Federal level would probably result in the SCOTUS overturning the whole thing as a violation of States Rights. So it appears the idea is to try to get states to pass that legislation themselves.
  24. From the Iowa State Fair…. I just heard on the news that Harris will enact gun control by EO within the first 100 days if Congress fails to act. She says they have researched it and are not concerned with legal challenges. Ha Ha, of course she isn’t concerned with legal challenges, all she is concerned with is making outlandish statements to try to get votes. Also they reported that Warren is rolling out a gun control plan that will result in an 80% reduction in deaths from firearms. 80%..that’s amazing; can’t wait to see that. But mostly they were just hatin’ on Trump. What a bunch of losers.
  25. Flash Player will no longer be supported after December 2020. Why should I care, and why does Chrome think its important enough to give me this warning every time I start it?


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