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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. Well, we know they can legally have the gun in the car, and we know they can legally have the gun in the business (I’d want written permission). The question is, the parking lot from the car to the business and taking the dogs out the back. If the DA in that county allows citizens to walk in and ask legal questions, I would do that; as they would be deciding if charges are filed. I would also go to whatever PD would be responding to a call there and ask to speak to a Command Officer. (I would have both those conversations in person and not on the phone) Have this discussion with them and see what they say. You may find out the parking lot is considered part of the business and they are okay. Or, even if its not some Officers many let it go; but you have no way of knowing how an individual Officer will use his discretion, not even the Command Officers would know that. I would suspect this will keep coming full circle to them needing a permit. Since you say that isn’t a possibility; then they have to decide if they want to risk what the bad guys will do or what the good guys will do.
  2. Can’t tell from that picture if it’s a K frame or N frame, (Probably a k-frame from the grips) or even if it’s a S&W or Colt…so 10, 14, 15, 19, 27, 28, 64, 65, 66, Python, Trooper, would be my guess.
  3. Are you asking if the cops will know the law on carrying a gun? My experience is; absolutely. But my experience is not in this state; many of this forum have said they don’t think TN cops are very well trained in the law. That hasn’t appeared to be the case in the over 25 years I have been here; but I’m sure someone looking for a case of that happening could either find one or make one up. My experience as a former Police Officer tells me that how any gun law would be enforced would be a question of not only the law, but how and why the gun became an issue. The Officer has discretion. It sounds to me like the owner of your business has a potentially bigger problem than what the cops will do.
  4. If they have guns; they need to get permits. The new camera you get needs an enclosure. I assume you have an alarm, get them a remote to carry that will trigger the alarm. Everything else is just “Better than nothing”. Mace, Pepper Spray and knives are in that category. When the new permit is available it will cost less, but concealed is required. And they will have no training. If someone pulled my security camera down, I would have got a notification on my phone. That might be something you might want to consider.
  5. I hope we don’t have to find out, but I don’t think he would lose enough votes to matter if it was voted in by Congress and he signed it. But if Congress voted in a bill on background checks and he shot it down; stick a fork in him he done. But I don’t think there is going to be a Federal Universal Background check bill. I don’t think it would pass muster with the SCOTUS. I think there will be a push for each state to implement it. (Apply what they already have to all sales) But that’s just my WAG; who knows. The last election was won on the economy & Jobs, if Trump wins again it will be because of the economy & Jobs. If he loses it will be over immigration. Guns will have zero impact on this election.
  6. Agreed. We can’t do a background check, buy why couldn’t we enter the information and get a simple “Yes” or “No”. But as you say the goal isn’t to do background checks and keep bad people from getting guns. I believe, the goal is for Republicans to be able to say they are doing everything they can, and for Democrats to do everything they can to stop any gun sale.
  7. Of course you keep your gun; its yours. There is no transfer. The dealer charges Joe Bob the fee up front. (Unless you agreed to pay it) So its already paid and Joe Bob (or you) is out of luck. If Joe Bob is stupid enough to make a scene and the cops are called; he gets cuffed and stuffed. Both you and the gun store owner have guns. If Joe Bob pulls a knife; I hope you have your ear plugs in, there may be hearing damage. Universal Background Checks are BS. Unless of course they just kept Joe Bob from buying a gun from you. I know its not a popular opinion to some here, but as responsible gun owners we have a moral and ethical obligation to do what we can to keep firearms out of the hands of people that would hurt innocent victims. I’m not saying Universal Background checks will do that; I’m saying we have a responsibility to do what we can.
  8. If they can order something and give me an estimated time for delivery; that would be cool. Every LGS here will tell me they can order; but have no idea when it will come; if ever. So I use GAG or BUDS.
  9. I’m sure he would if it came to that.
  10. FOX is reporting President Trump called Wayne LaPierre today and told him universal background checks are off the table. Of course, that has little impact on what the Legislature decides to do.
  11. Then they aren't the low hanging fruit. But yes, if sales are documented and they are running a business; they could have a problem. I agree. And I don't think background checks will stop any shootings. But I think we are about to find out that most Americans do not agree with us.
  12. Private sales aren’t private; they are advertised on the internet. If they are truly private and not put online; there wouldn’t be any danger of that happening.
  13. That could be a problem. But if the ATF wanted to do that pickings would be pretty easy right now. They obviously aren’t going after people doing that. I don’t think a Federal background check will pass SCOTUS muster. So the question will be, what are the feds going to give the states to get this passed? I don’t think we have any worries unless the Tennessee Legislature is willing to require background checks on private sales.
  14. Looks like Sportsman's Warehouse has opened a new store in Murfreesboro. They are having a Grand Opening August 22-24. I’ve seen some of there online ads, but never bought anything from them. Any comments on them?? https://stores.sportsmans.com/sportsmans-warehouse/us/tn/murfreesboro/468-north-thompson-lane Is Sportsman's Warehouse owned by Remington?
  15. I could be wrong but I think everyone over 65 on Medicare has part A. I have it because I was required to sign-up even though I have health care. I don’t pay anything for it.
  16. Looks to me like it would have been really easy to Engineer that into a recoil reducing stock at the time they designed that; without much more cost. It would be interesting to see how hard it would be to modify it.
  17. This^^ Plus I’ve seen him on FOX a few times and he appears to be a nut case. They try to talk to him when something’s going on, but he’s usually clueless and just taking up time until they have someone else they can move to.
  18. Put the responsibility for that at the feet of the responsible party; the Sheriff. That’s not a failure of a Red Flag law, or any law. That’s the Sheriff acting on an order that he knows to be unlawful; because he knows that is not the person in that order. That’s Malfeasance in office. I suggest the Sheriff may have committed a crime.
  19. I doubt many people pick where they live based on gun laws. But with that being said in Florida “Concealed means concealed”. That by itself would rule them out for me. I also would see it as a negative that they allow people to carry a gun while too impaired to drive a car; that defies common sense.
  20. Who is saying what and what questions you are asking is not clear (at least to me). What is it you don’t understand or are unsure of as it applies to the 2nd amendment or firearms in Tennessee?
  21. This doesn’t answer your specific question but may help you. My Edward Jones Agent gave me the name of a local Medicare Consultant, she is a private agent. I met with her because I wasn’t sure what I needed since my wife was still working and had health care. She looked at all my information and determined I didn’t need Part B as long as I was covered under my wife’s insurance. When my situation changes, I will contact her again to see what I need. I had no desire to become an expert on Medicare, so I needed some expert advice; too many ins and outs you need to know. When the time comes, I’ll need to add part B, a supplemental, and possibly a drug plan. She had a lot of options depending on needs.
  22. With the law being changed, I would bet on it not being heard.
  23. I’d go with JHP. A robbery situation where you would be justified in shooting someone in a car that wasn’t fleeing would be less likely than needing to make a gunman standing within feet of you unwilling or unable to fire his weapon at you.


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