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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. Can't send them in yet. https://thecmp.org/cmp-set-to-open-second-round-of-1911-pistol-orders-in-early-2021/ https://thecmp.org/sales-and-service/1911-information/
  2. Exactly! While I take precautions it doesn’t mean I think shutting everything down is okay. No one (most of the media) is talking about the kids that don’t know where their next meal is coming from, or the suicides, or the homicides, or the domestic violence, robberies, burglaries. We won’t get those numbers until the lockdowns are over…. and I suspect they will be staggering. Will anyone take responsibility? Of course not, Trump will be gone and they will blame it all on him. These azzhats that are shutting things down, destroying private business and hurting the economy will be judged harshly. Of course it won’t matter to them. If you want to go out to a restaurant; you should be able to go. Kids should be in school. Stores should be open.
  3. Good for him. If he can find someone that would be great!
  4. Ha, ha, ha I remember when I was 10 feet tall and bulletproof. Ah… those were the days. Enjoy them while you can; they will be over before you know it. Covid is real, I’m too old, and my IQ is too high to act silly…or reckless.
  5. Did you go into the bios and change the settings to boot off the USB first? I’m thinking the trouble shooting mode you are seeing is the bios and not the restore software on the USB. But that just a guess.
  6. Do you have a bootable CD/DVD or USB drive of any kind, old windows CD, anything?
  7. A couple of days turn around during CRB is excellent. Good to see someone’s customer service is doing what they should.
  8. They are routinely priced that way. Just like CMP Garand’s routinely sell for twice what they cost. Some people don’t want to do the paperwork. And routinely POS patched together Garand’s are priced like that. Or new aftermarket production M1 Carbines being priced like CMP M1 Carbines. But you aren’t paying for a 1911; you are paying for a military collectable. With a CMP cert; you are getting that. It’s like buying any collectables; you really need to know what you are doing. The 2nd round of CMP 1911’s starts January 4th.
  9. I don’t think you will find many people, and probably none on this forum that don’t think you need to be properly trained. But my opinion is, that is one of those things in life you have the responsibility to gain on your own. Same thing with laws. If you don’t know the laws where you are carrying a gun, or you decide to jump in on the latest testing of BATF “rulings”; that’s on you. But the government shouldn’t require that training for you to have 2nd amendment rights. However, I have been arrested on weapons charges and I am absolutely sure I don’t have 2nd amendment rights. I have the privileges the state I’m standing in affords me. Not that I agree that’s right; its just the way it is. And this state doesn’t infringe on this much; so I don’t want other states or the Feds impacting our state laws. This forum is a very good source for education on gun laws in this state.
  10. I hope the general public is as against vaccines as this forum is; then I might get it before next summer….if I live that long. I’m tired of this. I want to go out, I want to go to the range. But the risk is too high. I’m not going anywhere, but my wife is still working, and they are testing positive at her workplace a lot. So it’s just a matter of time. Time is not on my side.
  11. I like your optimism that you will find something to buy that requires a background check.
  12. I had to laugh at this... Obviously convicted felons have mad gun building skills. So if you need help with your kit; try to find a convicted felon to help you.
  13. It’s absolutely imperative that we keep it, and we keep reciprocity agreements. You must abide by the laws of the state you are standing in. They don’t care what the laws are in your state, unless they have laws in their state that address it.
  14. I blame the BATF for that. They write these BS letters that make people think they are legal; then post on their website that they don’t mean crap and your local DA and courts aren’t bound by them.
  15. CMP sells them with a certificate of authenticity for… Service Grade $1050, Field Grade $950, Rack Grade $850. That’s the scale I would use for determining value, if you can determine it’s the real deal. Many people will pay more because they don’t want to jump through the hoops to buy from CMP. Is this by chance a CMP gun with a certificate?
  16. As machinist’s we have had the ability to convert semi’s to full for many years. Or machine complete lowers for others. When I’ve been asked why I don’t do it, the reply is simple…Prison. Legislation is absolutely relevant. Whether you agree with it or whether you don’t; most folks won’t risk prison time over it.
  17. I’d package them and take them to a USP or FedEx service center (not a store), some have licensed people, some don’t. But yes, they are Hazmat. You can put them in a shotgun shell and ship them as ORM-D, but by themselves you can’t.
  18. You passed your last background with them (HCP); you should pass it again. I think they run those every year anyway. Time wasn’t on your side before; it is now. I wouldn’t do anything until you find out what happened with the TBI. If Sleepy Joe does anything to impact a permit, which I doubt, it probably won’t matter when you bought it or how long its good for.
  19. Good question. I would put the new addresses you used online, because that is the records they will check, and because its required by law. I suspect the issue then would be up to the individual FFL looking at your ID. I’d take a copy of an electric bill or something with your name and the new address on it. Didn't the website give you something to printout?
  20. I doubt very much that gang bangers, or those that don’t want paperwork, are buying 80% plastic lowers. Why would they when they can just buy a real lower, or a complete firearm? Or just steal them? I suspect people that buy plastic guns are just tinkerers that need something to keep busy with.
  21. They don’t use cd’s anymore they have a backup that will restore it to factory settings. Unfortunately its on a partition on the hard drive. I use Acronis on all my PC’s for backup. Then if a hard drive fails; I’m as good as my last back-up. The Windows 10 install link I sent you to make an install USB, is universal; it will install without a key. Then windows may or may not detect your previous key. But it will tell you if the hard drive is bad. And if it doesn’t detect your key, you will have (30 days I think) to buy one. Mine didn’t require a new key, but it was registered on my Microsoft account. If you have a restore USB drive and it won’t boot, your problem is not the hard drive. The USB should boot even with a bad hard drive. But you need to go into the bios and change the boot sequence settings. Usually F2 on startup. If you can’t boot to that USB; it could be a bad or corrupted bios, memory problem, bad motherboard, or a bunch of other things. I wouldn’t buy a new hard drive until you can boot to the USB. If no one around you can make you an install USB or image a DVD, I will send you one, but that would take a few days. As I said above, they are universal and don’t require a key to install. EDIT: or if anyone around you has a Windows 10 DVD you can borrow. It doesn't matter if you/they have the key or not. If you can boot from your DVD and install; it will tell you if the hard drive is bad; or you have other problems. The advantage of downloading and creating a USB or DVD is that you will have the most recent version of Windows 10.
  22. It could be a lot of things, but it’s probably a bad hard drive. Since you obviously have another PC, download the latest version of windows 10 to a USB drive and see if it will install. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/create-installation-media-for-windows-99a58364-8c02-206f-aa6f-40c3b507420d
  23. Both. If you are going to sell illegal stuff; sell American made illegal stuff.
  24. I don’t understand, did they not check with the BATF prior to doing this? I thought there were BATF rulings giving it the okay? However…. there is always this…
  25. Glad that everything went smoothly. I may have to have that done. But I’m terrible at dealing with pain. (I see it as, no need to) I told my wife I would need some serious meds. Good luck with your recovery.


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