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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. This is just the first of many. I don’t see any pro-gun groups starting a fund to pay Walmart’s legal fees. And that’s just wrong. Everybody’s all worried about losing their privilege of carrying in Wal-Mart, but is the gun community stepping up and saying, “Hey Walmart, we have your back in this; it wasn’t your fault.”. Ask the gun community to help Walmart out, after they have tried to stay neutral as long as they could, by kicking in some money, and bet all you will get is hem hawing and hand wringing.
  2. If you are in this state, you are legal. When the new carry permits come out; those folks won’t have a choice. Someone decided that if you don’t have any training you should have to be concealed. I’m not sure how or why that matters; but so be it. It gets more people carrying that couldn’t afford to before. Until our state recognizes the 2nd amendment as an individual right of all citizens; I support the business owners. They aren’t the government and they aren’t violating your rights; you have no right to carry on their property if they don’t want you to; as a matter of fact, it’s a crime. That’s why I said it bothers me that businesses that aren’t gun related are being forced to pick sides. They aren’t going to pick our side. When you are Wal-Mart and a gunman has murdered 22 people and shot 24 others in a brutal attack in your store; you get to make new rules if you so desire. I refuse to judge Wal-Mart on these decisions. Are we all going to step up and pay the legal costs when all these lawsuits against Wal-Mart hit the courts? Of course we won’t; that won’t be our problem. The line absolutely is moving closer in this state. It’s moving closer to Constitutional carry. But you still won’t be able to force your beliefs on a business owner; if you don’t like what they do, don’t go there, understand that concealed means concealed and risk a $500 fine, or disarm. Those are your choices. Don’t get worked up. You can’t buy rights. Beating your head against the wall over trying to force your gun privileges you bought from the state isn’t going to work, and it isn’t worth the stress.
  3. Updated 02-05-20 https://www.targetsportsusa.com/federal-hst-law-enforcement-9mm-luger-ammo-147-grain-jacketed-hollow-point-p9hst2-p-3547.aspx Targetsports USA has both 9MM and 40 Federal HST in 50 round boxes for $20. No code, just add to cart. It's even free shipping if you buy a case.
  4. Anyone have one? I don’t have a .22 pistol for my M&P collection because I didn’t want the one made by Walther. I have been told that the M&P 22 Compact is being made by Smith & Wesson here. As this won’t be a carry gun I would rather have the full size; but it is what it is. So my question is this… My 617 is a K-frame. It’s the same as any other K-frame except it’s a .22. I don't see how this M&P 22 could be close to the same, as it’s about half the weight of my 40 Compact. (But its nearly the same cost) I wonder how it would compare to a Victory on accuracy?
  5. Thanks; I'll do that.
  6. I watched the whole thing including the pics they were showing at the end. I haven’t laughed out loud like that at a TV show in a long time.
  7. I don’t know. Do you think those that say most old white men are racists and white supremacists really believe that? Or they are doing it because singling out a group like that will get them front page news? I mean come on, the leaders in the Democratic party right now are two old white men.
  8. In the words of Dave Chappelle “I don’t see any peaceful way to disarm America’s whites.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/dave-chappelle-takes-on-guns-in-netflix-special-only-black-people-can-disarm-americas-whites Backstory...I heard about some folks getting up in arms about Dave Chappelle's latest show; so, I went and watched it. If you have been hammered by all this crazy news lately; take a break and go watch this show. It's called Dave Chappelle, Sticks & Stones on Netflix. Most of you will laugh your azz off. Now I warn you, if you are bothered by bad language or inappropriate views on current events; don't watch this.
  9. I don’t believe it is yet, but we are headed that way. Talking with people in the workplace or out in public does not yield the same results as reading what they say on the internet or in the news. The battle this time won’t be over race, although a lot of one side sure is tired of being called racists at every turn.
  10. I don’t think so. The open carry guys are a little butt hurt; but they’ll be okay. BTW… When I was sitting in 68 degrees inside, dropping my Wally World and Sportsman Warehouse while I was out picking up my gun sounded like a good idea. Not so much when that nearly 100 degree heat hit me. I got my gun and went home. I’ll check those places out in the next few days when I go to the range. I’m sure several peeps on here went to Wally today to see if anything changed.
  11. Whaaaaat?? $5 for a donut? Each daughter gets a dollar? No way, I’m going where they only have one or maybe two daughters.
  12. My gun just got delivered to my LGS. So if I can go get it; I may do that. I’m also going to stop at WM and see if the panic has set in yet.
  13. How do you know its not my fat thumb on my phone? You have no way of knowing I’m on a PC using a mouse.
  14. They are now saying a court deemed him mentally unfit. Wonder what happened there? They will use this to push background checks and Red Flag laws both.
  15. 2103 Elliston Place. Where else would you go?
  16. Unless maybe you have something for sale. Do you all do that a bunch too? Go to click on a thread and click on the user’s name and their profile opens up. You know they think you are a crazy stalker if you do that, don’t you? I’ve seen you stalkers on my profile page; don't think I don't know who you are. You know how when your cursor is on the main page and user names pop up if you hover over it? I wonder if that shows you as a stalker on their profile page. Inquiring minds want to know. That and it’s a slow day.
  17. It doesn’t and it won’t. A background check won’t keep a person that can legally buy a firearm from committing a felony by making a straw purchase. The possibility of 10 years in prison and $250K in fines might make them think about it. You would probably do more time for an intentional straw purchase for a prohibited person that you would for armed robbery or possession of an ounce of Coke. They would want to make an example and show they are doing something.
  18. I am not against open carry. I smile when I see it. They could give me the extra two seconds I may need some day.
  19. Absolutely. I believe many of those claiming to be pro-gun are simply anti-gun folks doing stupid stuff to either cause change or be used as an example of idiots with guns. Pushing to the limit can sometimes simply change the limits. State laws and Constitutional Rights are and always have been, two different things. Some people have trouble understanding that and cause damage due to their ignorance. Even though we fought the worst war our country has ever seen over that, and States Rights lost; most (on either side) do not want to fight it again.
  20. So I have to quit??
  21. "San Francisco Supervisors Vote Unanimously to Designate NRA ‘Domestic Terrorist Organization" You just can't make this stuff up. "Being stupid should hurt" was the phrase invented for stuff like this. Too bad the NRA has weakened itself and there is a good possibility it isn’t up for the fight. You would think there would be some kind of law about a government agency declaring a legit political group a terrorist organization.
  22. And what if after Trumps gone OSHA, EPA, or whoever can make up a problem, decides to mess with shipping regulations on ammo more than they already do greatly increasing shipping costs or even the ability to ship ammo?
  23. So, see, they have their mind made up even before they know what happened. It reminds me of the guy that sold the gun to McNair’s girlfriend. They want to send the message that if you sell a gun to a convicted felon or a nut case; you are liable. But They don’t want to give us the ability to check that. I don’t know how the law is applied in Texas, but here they would need to prove you knew to convict you. Unfortunately, they wouldn’t have to prove you knew to arrest you and send you to trial.
  24. Mom and Pop stores instead of big discounts? I don’t think so. Besides what makes you think Mom wouldn’t tell our open carry friends to get out? Those stores are as gone as real street racers. The next thing is; we don’t go to the store. We shop online and its delivered to us. I suspect that is not that far away.


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