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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. Well he has some more problems now....
  2. A Judge thought so. Cops want to catch drug dealers in the act of committing their crime; not school shooters. Once this kid was brought to the attention of authorities there was no way that they could risk allowing him the opportunity to load his weapons and go on a rampage. It appears that everything was done legally. They have a search warrant and they will uncover what ever was going on; if anything. Reasonable suspicion? This guy is dripping with reasonable suspicion; if you look up “reasonable suspicion†his picture will probably be there. Reasonable suspicion is less than probable cause, and probable cause is pretty much wide open. You want to jump right to “Beyond reasonable doubtâ€. He’ll get there… but not today. Is that how the story reads to you? Man, even the gun store guy refused to sell to him anymore.
  3. There was reasonable suspicion for an interview, which led to probable cause for a warrant. Looks like they did everything right to me. If you decided to create a profile for a school shooter you couldn’t think up a better one than this guy. It sounds like school officials and police may have stopped a tragedy; they should be commended for their work. The high bail was probably set to give the investigators time to determine that they had totally disarmed this guy and determined if anyone else is involved. Lawsuits against the school and the city…. You have to be kidding me. If it turned out that the school and law enforcement knew about this and didn’t act; the lawsuits would have been financially devastating. Congratulations to those involved that were paying attention and did their jobs.
  4. Sure he can arrest you on private property. Most cops don’t make statements like that unless they are prepared to back them up. It was your warning. It is my understanding that if you are on your own property; you don't need a HCP.
  5. This really pizzes me off. They say they want good trade relations with the U.S. but they totally ignore trademarks and patents. Our government needs to get off their azz and protect these companies and us as consumers. This is … these are criminals. http://www.leupold.com/corporate/resources/counterfeit-warning/ Counterfeit Leupold Riflescope Warning Leupold® is issuing a customer alert to purchasers of products, particularly via Internet sales, in regards to bogus Leupold products that are apparently being illegally imported from the People’s Republic of China. These products bear many of the marks and trade dress of current Leupold & Stevens riflescopes making them very hard to distinguish externally from authentic Leupold products. In recent months, counterfeited Leupold Mark 4® riflescopes have begun to arrive with increasing regularity at the firm’s Beaverton, Oregon, headquarters for service. These products are not manufactured by Leupold and are not covered by the Leupold Full Lifetime Guarantee. Leupold employs serial number tracking for all its riflescopes, so if a customer finds a scope that is suspect, he or she can simply write down the serial number and call 1-800-LEUPOLD to confirm if it is indeed authentic. In general, most of the scopes appear to originate from Hong Kong (People’s Republic of China), and have “Leupold Mark 4†laser engraved on the bottom of the turret in a silver etch, while the black ring on the objective is etched in white and does not include the name “Leupold.†The scopes also do not bear the Leupold medallion, a mark all Leupold scopes will always possess. An authentic Mark 4 riflescope will always be engraved black on black and have the name “Leupold†engraved on the black ring.
  6. If your brother can get a carrier to ship it; it is legal. However… he is required by federal law to notify the shipper that it is a firearm. I doubt you will get any carrier to ship a handgun without either the sender or receiver having an FFL.
  7. Well let’s see… He’s a salesman and his lips were moving.
  8. Springfield didn’t steal anything; they had nothing to do with the design of the XD. They are simply the importer. IM metal on the other hand....
  9. Dick’s has the Marlin 336A in 30/30 with a factory scope on sale for $320. Are these any good?
  10. No Mike, the receiver of a rifle is a firearm. (Whichever piece of the firearm that has the serial number.) You are required by Federal law to notify a commercial carrier you are shipping a firearm. I thought about just not telling them, but then I would be committing a crime because they are to freaking stupid to know how to do their job.
  11. Oh… I was so pizzed I couldn’t see straight. I sold an 870 to a forum member in Chattanooga, packaged it all up and took it to the terminal. When I told them there was a firearm in the package the counter guy told me to hang on he had to get the “Security Officer”. He told me that it was against the law and against UPS policy to ship it. I very nicely explained both the UPS policy and the law to him; since he obviously was clueless. He refused to ship it. <O:p</O:p I came home and called UPS corporate. The first customer rep I explained the situation to told me she was a 22 year old college student and the only thing she knew about guns was that they scare her. She went on to start reading the definition of a firearm. I told her we could concede that it is a firearm. But that it isn’t against any Federal or state law or UPS policy for me to ship it. She transferred me to a supervisor. <O:p</O:p The Supervisor told me that he would not override the decision of the “Security Officer” at the terminal. <O:p</O:p Since I had promised the guy quick shipping; I drove the gun to Chattanooga. <O:p</O:p A few weeks later I had to send a handgun back to the Smith & Wesson factory for repair. S&W sent me a prepaid overnight shipping label for UPS. Again I declared it and again the counter guy said he had to get the security guy. And again… the guy told me he would not ship it; I had to go through an FFL. I said “Hang on a minute while I call Smith & Wesson and tell them you won’t honor this shipping label.” He said “Let me check something.” When he came back he said that he could accept it because I was sending it back to the manufacturer. So I asked … “I can’t ship a gun if I’m shipping it to an FFL?” He said “No, you have to go through an FFL to ship.” <O:p</O:p I use UPS for most stuff and I can understand that they can have employees that are not clear on the laws when it comes to firearms. But I could not believe that they wouldn’t do anything when I brought it to their attention.
  12. Well if you go into the UPS terminal in Murfreesboro and “declare†a firearm (as required by law) they are not shipping it unless you hold an FFL or are shipping to a manufacturer for repair. They don’t care what the ATF says or even what their own rules are. I’ve had this happen twice.
  13. Absolutely. And the only thing that will stop a bunch of kids getting killed is if someone is there with a gun when the shooting starts and has the ability to stop the threat. Calling 911 and waiting for someone with a gun to show up won’t work.
  14. It’s a .44Mag, but I doubt I'll be getting it. He’s looking to sell outright. If I get a .44mag… then I’ll have to buy a S&W Model 29….. it just never ends.
  15. On a whim this morning I offered to trade my M&P .40 for a Winchester Model 94; but he wants to see if he can sell it outright first. I don’t really have any use for one, but thought I might want one for my collection. (Or just to play with for awhile. ) I’m thinking about a center fire. I thought a .357mag might be cool since I already have that caliber in handguns… I don’t know. So what do you guys have that you like? Maybe post some pics.
  16. DaveTN

    s & w revolver

    That makes it early 1984; it would not have a dash. I don't know what those other numbers are.
  17. DaveTN

    s & w revolver

    Model 37 is the “Chief’s Special Airweightâ€. It is a “J Frame†Open the cylinder and look at where the ejector rod nests into the frame; it should be stamped ‘MOD. 37â€. The 37 may have a dash and a number after it. (dash 1, dash 2 or dash 3.) Right below that on the yoke should be the serial number. The serial number may also be on the butt. The Model 37 was first produced in 1951 and was produced until recently. SCSW (Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson) says “1951 to DATEâ€. But I don’t see it listed on their web site anymore. My SCSW is not the most current version. The model number was not put on the frame until 1957. So if yours does not have one you may have a good find. If you post the serial number (you can replace the last two numbers with XX) I will give you a year. Smith & Wesson revolvers are the Rock Stars of the handgun world. Good luck with your new hobby.
  18. DaveTN

    XD45 GAP

    You are correct; it is a marketing ploy for most. Only the target is not Law Enforcement; the target is the general public that thinks they are buying something “specialâ€. Others have ‘LE Only†ammo that is sold in bulk and doesn’t have the fancy boxes or is being sold in states that have limitations on ammo.
  19. DaveTN

    XD45 GAP

    Who makes an “LE†round that the general public can’t buy a local gun shop?
  20. DaveTN

    s & w revolver

    A Model 67 is a stainless .38 K-Frame revolver and will do fine with +P ammo. All the airweight’s I have seen are the smaller J-Frame. I can tell you from the serial number.
  21. No, You can flip a 1911 around and roof your house with it. You can’t do that with a Glock or an XD. The Glock will shoot you and the XD will never work again. But on the other hand… you can freeze a Glock in a pail of water and drag it on a rope behind your car and it will still fire (at least that's what they say); you can’t do that with a 1911.
  22. My guess would be that your record is missing a disposition on the probation violation arrest. If the records from the court show a disposition; you should be good. I would submit a letter of explanation, but I would not question the eligibility requirements.
  23. MSRP is $300. Impact has them at $259 and there is a NIB on GB with a buy it now price of $250. So if that is new, that’s a fair price. Academy Sports has them in the stainless model for $279.00
  24. DaveTN

    XD45 GAP

    Glock wanted to be on this list.... .45 automatic Colt Pistol .308 Winchester .40 Smith & Wesson .357 SIG .376 STEYER 30-06 SPRINGFIELD .300 H & H .250 SAVAGE .204 Ruger .416 WEATHERBY .444 MARLIN .450 BUSHMASTER 9mm Luger Just kiddin’ Glocksters… just kiddin’.
  25. I think a S&W 617 would be cool to have; same size and weight as my 686. But even used they bring a premium.


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