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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. No one is saying that you are just a lowly citizen; except you. But there is nothing in the Constitution and nothing in Tennessee state law that requires a Police Officer to put his life or the lives of innocent people around him in danger. If I was dispatched on a man with a gun call, I wouldn’t care if you are an HCP holder or an off duty cop, if I felt the need to remove you from the restaurant or disarm you that is what would happen. You have recourse if you think I violated your rights; but non-compliance is not an option. You are stating here that the Officer has no authority like it is fact. He has absolute authority. Now that may not set well with you; but that is just how it is.
  2. Really, if you are going to get held up by a gunsmith make sure it is one of our own.!! Just kidding…. I think you may be worrying about something that will not happen. BS stories flow like water on the internet.
  3. I needed a one piece scope mount for my .308 Panther and felt that $150-$200 just wasn't for me. I bought a one piece Picatinny mount for $55 OTD at the Nashville fairgrounds gun show. It is made by J&T out of Kentucky. So far it has been rock soild and held up well. They had both 1" and 30mm mounts. http://jtdistributing.net/index.html x
  4. Did you ever find a good recoil pad? I’m looking for one for my 700 VLS.
  5. Agreed. And there is NO EXCUSE for someone to pick-up a gun and do anything with it before checking that it is clear. I don’t dry fire my weapons and I don’t allow anyone else to do it; it’s something that just is not done. But I certainly would not allow it at a gun show.
  6. When I needed a scope from MidwayUSA the regular price was $679.99; Dealer price was $546.48. That’s $133.51 savings on one item. The lowest price I found locally was $700.
  7. Well if you want HD, DVR, On-Demand premium channels, internet so fast the numbers don’t matter, or want to be able to just replace a bad piece of equipment at no cost to you… then there is no alternative to Comcast. But if you find one let us now because my Comcast bill is crazy.
  8. WARNING! Graphic pictures of gunshot wounds. Don’t click on this link if you are eating breakfast or have a weak stomach. http://negligentdischarge.com/ This guy was changing the grip safety on a 1911 while it was loaded. He then decided to try it out by cranking off a round into his leg. Here is how he described pointing the gun in a safe direction. I really had to laugh when I saw one on the pictures. This guy claims to be a reloader and it made me think of the thread where we were talking about Bubba reloading. He writes…. I blacked out the gunshot wound in that picture but you can see it in the story. Those calipers are reading 12.47mm, or .481†not the 1.247 inches he is referring to as “That's almost 1 1/4 inchâ€. Although he may be confused because I would guess that feels like an inch and a quarter. x
  9. I saw the web address for you picture but noticed that in the http// the h was missing. http://www.your-web-address-here I am guessing you tried to copy the web address and then selected the “image†icon in the forum software. You just didn’t have all of the address highlighted when you copied. Since you are using PhotoBucket you don’t have to use the image icon in the forum software. When you are looking at your thumbnails (the small images) you will see choices as shown in the picture below. If you just click on the “IMG Code†you will see the yellow “COPIED†flag pop up (as shown). Then you can just paste that into your post in your forum message. The picture won’t show up in your message until you hit “preview postâ€. Hope that helps. x
  10. You are just missing the "h" as in http: at the beginning of that. But you did a good job on it.....
  11. That is stupid at face value. Regardless what you believe about the second amendment or what it meant; the SCOTUS has ruled. The SCOTUS are the keepers of the Constitution. If you are going to make Constitutional arguments one of them can not be that the SCOTUS is wrong.
  12. My understanding is that you have to verify that they are from your state and their age. I believe they must be over 18 for a handgun in this state. I think for FFL’s it is 21 because they are bound by federal law. You can’t verify if they are ineligible (felon, illegal immigrant, nut case, drunk, wife beater, etc) so I don’t see how they could be expect that.
  13. I did that several weeks ago and got one. No one has called me. I was going to post and ask if anyone belonged to the Heritage Foundation. Their views appear to be pretty much in line with mine; and I thought I might donate.
  14. I have one. I have saved hundreds of dollars on my purchases from MidwayUSA. I saved $100 on just one scope. The discounts on ammo aren’t real big. I have never ordered any ammo because I get my “Range Ammo” at Wal-Mart and I have never found anywhere that will beat their price. I can’t believe that everyone that is into firearms doesn’t have one. Best $30 I’ve spent. But if you find any good deals on ammo be sure to let us know.
  15. I would guess because of these… We get so use to seeing “No Smoking†signs everywhere who really looks anymore to see if that’s a cigarette in the sign? But thats just a WAG.
  16. I think the AG was trying to make a point that this is not a word and punctuation game. Police officers, Prosecutors, and Judges look at the intent of the law. The intent of this law is to let you know that business owners can post their property and your carry permit is no good there. They have rights; you have a privilege. Rights trump privileges every time. Someone does get to decide. And it goes in this order… The Cop that responds, the DA that gets the case, and eventually the Judge. Anything can be argued. I could argue the intent of the law is clear. On a different note… I’m not familiar with Tennessee’s arrest procedures (thank God ), it appears that this is a fine only, so it doesn’t appear that you would be taken into physical custody just given a summons. ???
  17. Yes. It is substantially similar in that it conveys exactly the same message as the language in the code. I can picture a Judge asking you if you were unclear on the intent of the sign.
  18. He’s conducting an investigation into a call of a man with a gun. He has the authority to direct you anywhere he deems safe. Having a conversation with an armed person in the middle of a restaurant is reckless and puts innocent people in harms way. Asking you to get up and walk outside would be the proper thing to do. You have no rights here; the only one that has any rights is the business owner.
  19. Is the sign just a gun with a slash though it? No, it contains the language “Weapons are Not Permitted on the property of Charter Communication.†Does reading that leave you unclear as to its meaning or their intent?
  20. Yes. Both the cops that responded and the AG opinion that Fallguy posted reinforces that. The AG for the state of Tennessee does not agree with you. What part of this says you get a warning other than the sign? Well I have not heard of anyone being arrested for carrying in violation of a sign, but the AG has certainly cleared the way for it to happen. If it does we will see if the person arrested retires off his settlement. If I thought there was a snowballs chance in hell of that happening I would jump on it. But I don’t think that is how it would play out.
  21. Absolutely
  22. Well… there you have your answer. The AG as left the door open with the “substantially similar†language. It’s up to the cop. Obviously the signs conveys the message that they don’t want you to carry. Trust me; you do not want the cost or the risk of going to trial on a weapons charge. Even if it is dismissed the arrest is still there. You are the first person that I have heard of actually having an encounter with real cops over a posted building.
  23. Thanks. I used both. I had that gun for over 10 years and put that finish on by hand with SemiChrome and then maintained it with both SemiChrome and Mothers. I did it in many settings. I have done many stainless revolvers and I really can’t tell a dimes worth of difference in either product for maintenance. I would look for SemiChrome if I was starting from scratch, but sometimes it’s hard to find. I have also used a buffer; but you have to be careful.
  24. Stainless guns are the easiest to keep looking new. If you want a polished finish you can do it by hand with Mothers Mag Polish or SemiChrome; or you can use a buffer. I have used both with excellent results. If you want the original finish you need to have it glass beaded. Here is one I polished… x x


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