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Posts posted by DaveTN

  1. I don't understand why someone would jack the price up on an item they're going to sell anyway. That's just suicide for return business.

    Oh, I’m not saying they jack the price up. But a couple of the dealers here give a pretty good “Forum Discount†on the stuff they have in stock.

  2. A dealer can fax a copy of their FFL to another dealer. A dealer can also keep a copy on "file" for future transactions as long as the copy is current.

    If the FFL on file is current they can ship right away.

    As far as not being able to find what you're looking for at the local dealer, can't they order it for you? We keep a large inventory but also "special order" items which may not be in stock for customers on a daily basis.


    The forum dealers have given me some pretty good deals on stuff I have purchased that was in-stock and I always contact them first. But when it comes to ordering a gun the prices are usually pretty steep. I don’t blame them for that; they want to sell what they have not what they can get.

    Also when I want it I want it. :) My last purchase was a PLR-16, some thought they might be able to get one but didn’t know when it would be.

  3. If I buy a gun off GA or GB and have you do the transfer, can you electronically send a copy of your FFL or do you have to mail a copy.

    Or in short I want to know if I pay right then; can they ship right then?

    Recently when I purchased a gun from Buds I picked a local dealer to do the transfer because he was already listed with Buds. When I called him after I placed the order he said he didn’t have to do anything because Buds already had all his info. He just said he would call me when it came in. That was on Wednesday he had it Friday. Does it work the same way for other dealers through GB or GA?

    Seems I can never find WTF I need locally.

  4. What if that cop's JOB is to disarm you and strip you of your liberties?

    I would have to deal with that when it happened.

    I doubt anyone on this board would EVER condone dropping the hammer on anyone in a LE role of any sort, but just because you swear an oath and have a badge doesn't mean you are exempt or free to do whatever the hell you want.


    People that trust to much in the government ultimately deserve everything they get from said government.

    I don’t trust the government at all; I’m just sick over what just happened in this election.

    But I trust cops, unless they give me a reason not to.

  5. lets see. as I remember it, the "marshal" first shot the boy's dog from cover. the boy who had a .22 rifle and didn't know ANYTHING was going on until that time, turned to run, they shot him in the back, "because he was armed".

    Mr. Weaver just wanted to be left alone. he was set up by the ATF because he wouldn't participate in a sting operation that they set up on some white supremacists. Mr. Weaver had been a decorated SF soldier that retired and just wanted to pursue his own interests. he cut a shotgun barrel 1MM too short, by the ATF standards, for an atf agent who was sent to befriend him and gain his confidence.

    If that's what you call causing his wife's death and the death of his son, then hey...good for you. Me? I call them murderers. After that happened, I lost all respect for the ATF as a crime fighting organization and started seeing it for what it is. An American version of the Gestapo.

    When Waco occurred I was skeptical. it COULD have happened like they said.

    When Ruby Ridge happened, I realized I was wrong...the SAME thing happened. this time though, there could be no mistaking it for something else.

    Nobody put Vicki Weaver in the line of fire as I recollect...it was outright murder. that's the reason Weavers' daughter was awarded 12 million dollars in a court of law.

    as for him being a sniper and having a job to do...thats bull crap.

    by the same lights, I could justify the killing of Jews by Stalin..after all, it was a government too. (he killed over 16 million Jews btw.) his men shouldn't have been held accountable for their actions..right?

    How about Goering or Hesse? they didn't need to go to trial for their actions during the second world war...nah...they were "just following orders".

    the national guard captain that was ordered to come and support the ATF and the FBI there, pulled his troops out and refused to participate. he KNEW what they were doing was murder.

    That should tell you something right there.

    what a horrible thing to say.

    If ruby ridge happened today, to one of my friends here, I'd more than likely come to his aid and someone like horiuci wouldn't make it out of his hide spot. the rest of them? I am reasonably willing to bet that if 200-300 citizens showed up armed and demanded that they either cease fire and leave or be fired upon, I'm reasonably certain that they would back down and do what should have been done in the first place. pursue it in a court of law.

    if they didn't...well, we'd just have to kill them all.

    I do not advocate that as a habit...but I will tell you that I think the abuses of the ATF will not stop until they are disbanded. they have the tacit approval of people like barbara boxer, Harry reid and nancy pelosi, in congress. I think the ATF is their primary means of disarming the people so that they can pursue a socialist/communist agenda regardless of what the people want.

    If it shocks you that I advocate killing of government agents, allow me to put it into perspective.

    they shoot civilians every day! sometimes it's a justified shoot, sometimes not. they don't lose their life, they get administrative duty.

    I think it's time the shoe was on the other foot. I think the government should be afraid of the people for a change.

    the abuses of the ATF have been catalogued and are so numerous that I couldn't put them on 10 pages of paper, much less 1. so yes. I would say that I don't trust them. I don't like them and I have NO respect for them as a law enforcement agency.

    as a group of thugs? yah. they are that, with badges to do as they please.

    until they are cleaned up, reigned in and start abiding by the laws themselves, then they will serve only to abuse the people.

    Tower I have no respect for the ATF or the IRS. I think they are both a band of criminals and should be disbanded. I don’t fear the ATF because I won’t be breaking any laws that can cause them to make me a target. I do fear the IRS because I don’t have to break any laws for them to ruin my life.

    But you guys want to boycott a company because they have a letter on their brochure from someone that you think did the wrong thing 16 years ago.

    Not that it really matters but randy weaver did nor retire; he was discharged after three years. Yes he was SF; but was he decorated for anything?

    I’m not sure I understand the leap you are making from <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City>Waco</st1:City> to Ruby Ridge? Ruby Ridge was before <st1:City>Waco.</st1:City>


    I’m not saying that he was “just following ordersâ€. I’m saying that he was given a green light to kill all adult males in the vicinity of the cabin that refused to surrender. I simply do not have a problem with that. Weaver and Harris made a decision to try to kill cops.

    There was a lawful warrant for weaver’s arrest and they decided to try to kill the Marshals that were there to try to get him. They did kill one.

    If I had arrived on the scene as an FBI sniper and found that they had killed a cop and had been given every opportunity to surrender I would have killed them and called it a day. It’s just too bad that his aim was off; he should have turned them both off like a switch.

    Jews, Stalin, Goering, Hesse? Come on man have a decent conversation don’t turn into a nut case.

  6. Sam Weaver was shot in the back.?

    He certainly was, but not by Lon Horiuchi. Horiuchi didn’t arrive until the next day.

    That piece of filth Horiuchi took a first shot at Randy Weaver near the shed, striking him in the arm. As Weaver and Harris turned and ran for the cover of the shack, Horiuchi fired a second shot, again at someone's back. This was the round that killed an unarmed Vicki Weaver. Standing in her doorway, holding an infant.

    This was no “gameâ€. ;)

    You go shoot at a cop and then take off running and see if you don’t get drilled in the back. These weren’t “victims†they were criminals.

    Vicki Weaver was not standing in the doorway where Horiuchi could see here. He shot Harris; the round went through his arm, through the door and killed Vicki Weaver instantly. Harris put her in harms way.

    This could have ended at any time prior to that. Weaver and Harris had made up there minds they were going to die. Too bad they lived and Sam and Vicki Weaver had to die.

    Harris never fired his weapon, Dave. If you'd argue that he killed Vicki Weaver, then I know some democrats who'd try to convince you that Bush is over in Iraq "killing our troops". You use the same poor logic.

    You start a criminal act that leads top the death of another (Even if they are shot by their intended victims or the cops) and you are responsible for their death.

    Some of you really need to consider that in a few years, you too may be firearms fugitives of some sort. Just because the government is the government, that doesn't make them right. Who will be your master?

    That’s tin foil hat :lol: Maybe you can see yourself as a cop killer; but I can’t see me ever pulling the trigger on a cop doing his job.

  7. Are polymer mags better than the aluminum, or steel?

    Or is it just personal preference.

    Howdo the three rate?

    I’m sure everyone will have an opinion, but I see no reason to buy a Metal Mag anymore. I don’t own a Magpul Pmag yet, but from everything I’ve seen they are tougher than metal mags and have fewer problems; plus they look cooler.

  8. that "shooter" is a murderous son of a dog that would shoot an unarmed woman.

    He shot an active shooter and the bullet went through his arm, through the door, and killed her. He didn’t shoot at her.

    he's also the kind of person who would work for people who shoot 12 year old kids in the back.

    Are you talking about his 14 year old son that got killed while they were busy killing a U.S. Marshall? He's an FBI agent not a Marshall.

    the kind of people who heckle Randy Weaver after she's dead by using a megaphone and asking him "hey Randy, how's your wife?"

    I never heard that until right now, but quite frankly I don’t care what they said to him. He had already caused the death of his own son and his wife.

    If you support these people, I will have no truck with ya.

    I have nothing but contempt for horiuchi and I believe that he shot out of hand.

    He was a sniper; he had a job to do. His job is killing people that need killing. As I understand it his orders were to kill all adult males that he had a clear shot at. That is what he was doing when Kevin Harris put Vicki Weaver in the line of fire; ending her life.

    If Ruby ridge happened here today, I would hope that citizens would stand up and stop the government from doing what they did. I would say that if I saw it..I would want to do a little shooting myself.

    If Ruby Ridge happened today the first responding Officers would engage and kill Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris. Then Weavers wife and maybe his son could be selling books and giving lectures instead of being dead.

  9. Anyone know where I can read some NON-BIASED info about the standoff @ Ruby Ridge?

    It seems everything I have read is leaning pretty hard one way or the other. Not to mention the crap made for TV movie I saw several years ago.

    It’s all going to be biased one way or the other. But I don’t think many of the facts are in dispute.

  10. I'm curious; let's say she WAS armed in this scenario, what would be your actions if this were you or what advice would you have given her to neatralize this threat and preserve her life? I would say in her case she was lucky he walked off maybe only to accost another innocent person. I know we as gun owners have to watch out not to be overcome with the spirit of vigilantyism and trigger-happiness, but would anyone try to light this guy up and end his threats to society right then, thereby further risking and/or inconveniencing your life?

    I know many of you play these type of scenarios over and over in your heads.

    Give him what he was asking for and let him leave. Pulling a gun would be suicide.

    If I could then get a gun in my hand, engage him and take his life, I would have no problems doing so as long as no innocent bystanders were around.

  11. It doesn't bother you that a murderer walks free and even gets product endorsement deals?

    By murderers I assume you are talking about Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris?

    Yes, it bothers me that they aren’t in prison where they belong. But I don’t think they have any product endorsement deals.


    Sorry…. But Horiuchi was brought in as a shooter. Horiuchi shot his target (Harris), the round went through him, through the door and killed Vicki weaver. This was on the second day. They could have laid down their weapons at any time prior to that and Vicki Weaver would still be alive.

    It bothers me that the government put Horiuchi through what they did. Weaver and Harris were active shooters. If Ruby Ridge were to take place today there would be no standoff; they would be engaged and surrender or be killed.

  12. It’s not limited to women; I’ve heard some pretty funny conversations while standing at the gun counters over the years; with ignorance abounding from both sides of the counter.

    We routinely see the same thing here. :up:

    I could not have let the “Homeland Security” thing go though. I would have needed him to explain WTF he was talking about.

  13. they already assemble many of them in Canada and Mexico.

    And that is what bothers me. I’m all about buying “American Made†and anyone that knows me personally knows how strongly I feel about it, but both GM and Ford have turned their backs on us.

    If they want to use American Manufacturing for the parts and American labor for the assembly then I support helping them but I don’t support doing it when they are moving most of their production to Mexico and Canada.

    Our economy cannot (and will not) recover until our manufacturing base is brought back here.

    I do not support a bailout of companies with most of their production in foreign countries and I do not support a bailout without a plan to fix the problem. Any bailout would require a plan to get Americans to buy American made cars; and I haven’t heard anything yet that will make that happen.

  14. I am looking for one of the old style Gun Ho type range boxes. From what I have been able to put together Gun Ho went out of business and the similar Pachymayr boxes have been discontinued. Anyone know where I might be able to find one or plans on how to build one?

    Those Gun-Ho cases are listed on Champions Choice web site in Lavergne. They cost more; but since you are close you can go get one.


  15. I look at it a different way.

    If you don’t have a partner or a dog, stay inside the room you are in with a weapon and call the Police. Stay on the line with the dispatcher until Officers arrive. If there is someone in your home you want to make them come to you; not you to them.

    If you go “hunting†in your home and there is an unarmed intruder you may possibly be able to capture him. However if he is armed and willing to shoot you; you will without a doubt get shot. Lighting yourself up like the 4th of July and walking around is not smart.

    However…. That’s why there are classes on this. You can be presented all of the scenarios and then decide what will work for you at the time you need it.

  16. I bought a gun last week from Buds and had a problem with the price at checkout. I went ahead and got it, but I figured I would see how they handle it. I tried to call them all day last Thursday (20th) but could never get through; so I sent them an email.

    I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and wait to see how it turns out.

    I received this today, thought some of you might find it of intrest…

    Dear Dave,

    According to our records you have placed an order with us, www.budsgunshop.com within the last 30 days. Unfortunately, you may have experienced delayed responses, or no responses at all, to emails and telephone calls during this time.

    We were admittedly very unprepared for the events following the presidential election. As you are probably now very aware, thanks to national news media like Nightline, MSNBC, or NPR Radio, the "panic buying" hit hard on Nov 3 and has not let off since.

    Unfortunately, many people are very upset at what is going on in the firearms industry. They are assuming the worst of www.budsgunshop.com We are being accused of "price gouging", ignoring customers (calls/emails), as well as other hurtful and unfair accusations.

    Our staff has worked overtime, nights, and weekends in an attempt to respond to the overwhelming increase of firearm sales and related inquires. Unfortunately, our efforts have fallen miserably short of the customer demands over the past few weeks.

    We received a report from our IT staff last Thursday Nov 20th that indicated we have had over 1,044,000 attempts to contact us via email and voice mail since Nov 3rd. With previously only 4 sales staff and 4 phone lines, responding to voice mails and emails immediately became an impossible situation.

    We have added new staff, updated voice mail and email systems, all since Nov 4. Those new resources are just now starting to have an affect on our ability to respond to this unprecedented demand in our firearms industry.

    The new "Contact Us" email feature on our website now automatically directs customer email requests to nine different

    staff members equipped to handle each individual request. To view that new email solution, please click here:


    Although firearms prices have increased with the recent demand, our profit margins remain the same. The price increases you see are a direct reflection of distributor price increases (=our cost) which we use to update the price and availability on our website every 20 minutes, 24/7. If our profit margin was 5% on a $500 firearm (or $25 profit) last month, it is still 5% today. However, the distributor may have increased our cost up to $550 after Nov 4, in which case that same firearm will be listed on our website for $579 today (still same 5% profit margin) . We cannot control our cost, only our profit margin, so the price increases you may have seen were not initiated by us.

    We will continue to try and get this situation under control. However, if the "panic buying" does not let up, or we find that we are still not able to keep up with the demand, we will be shutting down the website temporarily in order to take care of all

    existing orders. Once we have all existing orders, emails and voice mails addressed....we will turn the website back on under much better circumstances and pledge to return to the level of customer service we were well known for prior to Nov 4, 2008.

    I am very sorry if we have let you down during this exceptional time. I assure you everyone here at www.budsgunshop.com has, and will continue to, give 150% to all our customers.

    You are sincerely appreciated,

    Rex McClanahan

    Vice President

    BudsGunShop.com, llc

  17. When something happens and prices skyrocket, you can't then start complaining about the prices that have gone through the roof according to the same rules that kept them low.

    Sure you can; and those doing it need to be outed in public.

    It is my understanding that the gun manufacturers have not raised their prices, and the dealers say that they are only raising their prices to cover what the distributors raised theirs. So unless that is incorrect some dirt bag distributors (that we really don’t need in the system anyway) are making a killing.

    CTD rolled the dice. Let’s see how it works out for them. :)

  18. I know this lack of regard for emergency vehicles is not everyone and is not just here where I live and drive. But seeing it regularly is getting very tiresome. [/ranting off]

    I don’t think it’s a conscious lack of regard as much as I think its stupidity and carelessness.

    Many people simply can’t handle anything out of the norm happening while they are driving; they just can’t deal with it.

    Many are also on the phone. Common sense tells us that this is dumber that chit; but our legislators want to do it, so the death toll rises.

  19. cuss.gifcuss.gif Driving in the left lane.

    I see people pull out onto the road and pull into that left lane like they own it.

    They cause more wrecks than speeders. As a cop I would let 10 speeders drive by to take out the dumbazz holding up traffic in the left lane.

    Man that pizzes me off.

    Okay.... I feel better now.



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