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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. Since you are kinda wide open on its use; just go for the look you want. I would just suggest that you make sure if it has carry handle; it is removable. (Flat Top) That way you aren’t limited in what you can do as far as optics.
  2. Yes. It just isn’t a Springfield.
  3. Certainly they would, but that doesn’t mean they would want to use them in place of their rifle. That’s what got the AK guys dead.
  4. Don’t wait on it to buy stuff; there isn’t anything in it you need.
  5. The only compact 9 Springfield makes is the EMP. But they are pretty hard to get right now and they cost a lot more than the Kel-Tec.
  6. I also would stick with a revolver. A couple of choices… I would go with a J-frame S&W, either steel or stainless. I would stay away from aluminum, titanium, scandium and unknownium as they are too light and have too much recoil. She could have the option of using .38 or .357mag. You can’t really lighten the trigger pull of a J-frame. So don’t get one with the intention of doing so. Another choice would be the K-frame; a 2 ½†Model 19 or Model 66. A little bigger but much more stable shooting. A good Gunsmith can make the action of a K-frame smooth as glass and very light while still being reliable. Did she tell you she wanted to carry? Or does she just want a gun for home protection? Many people go to a class that don’t carry.
  7. I just went through the “Compact†thing. Most modern pistols are not very “Compact†they are just full size guns with the barrel and grips shortened. With the exception of the Kahr, they were all thicker than a 1911; and I just didn’t like the feel of the Kahr. I ended up with a 3†Kimber SIS Ultra. I have heard all the horror stories of the short barreled 1911’s; but thought I would give it a try. Of course if you need 15 rounds you will need a fat gun.
  8. You need an AK if you have a collection of military rifles; otherwise there is no need for one. Tea came out of my nose when I read that.
  9. Ak’s were worn out when they were new…… by design. They are looser than….. well let’s just say they are pretty loose. Of course they won’t jamb…. They will unload ammo all day long. Some think that’s a good thing, others think being able to hit a target should be a requirement.
  10. Those are the kind of folks you like to go to. You are lucky to have one close to you.
  11. If you had to grind 1/32†off one side of the pin to get it to fit…. Your gun needs a Doctor; don’t shoot it.
  12. I'm not a fan, (of any 7.62 x 39) but a quick check at Buds shows them for $309.
  13. We are our own worst enemy….. Obama has done nothing.... and the gun haters have to be having a good laugh. There was a buying frenzy when O was elected and stuff was supposedly hard to get. That will level out, and prices will drop back to where they were. This man has a crisis on his hands and I don’t think he is going to take his eye off the ball to get into a losing battle of disarming citizens. Look at the for sale sections right now. There is no shortage of gun owners that are trying to make a killing off this.
  14. There are no minimum grounds for an order of protection. The judge hears what she has to say and issues the (temporary) order. I have never heard of one being denied. But an order of protection only works if the person the order is against is worried about what will happen if he violates it. Some of the most vicious attacks I have seen have come from suspects immediately after having been served papers. So be careful; the cops will only be there after it’s over.
  15. I really wouldn’t care what the AG had to say, I would like to see a Judges opinion on this. (Case law) The intent of the law is clear. So you would be arguing a technicality or the letter of the law. Those things usually don’t have a chance when the intent of the Tennessee legislature is as clear as it would be in this case. However…. You never know. I’d still have bond money with me if I was going to try it though.
  16. So…. You guys are thinking that if a Tennessee cop finds a gun on a traffic stop of a Tennessee resident and is going to make an arrest of a weapons charge; a Non-resident permit from another state is going to make things right?? I hope that works out, but if it was my son I would suggest he keeps bond money on him.
  17. Why do you want those? Do they somehow get you around the Tennessee 21 year old requirement to carry?
  18. http://www.blognetnews.com/blogs/broadcast/?p=132 I didn’t hear about that; is it true?
  19. Aren’t you a professional photographer? You should have some really cool range photos of muzzle blasts and bullets in mid air. If you aren’t… disregard that outburst and congrats on the new gun.
  20. Yes, that is exactly what is happening. And if ammo sales are slow they assemble shotguns from factory seconds and blems. I don’t go to Wal-Mart for anything but ammo. I hope they don’t quit selling it. But things haven’t looked to good the last few times I have been in there; the shelves were pretty bare.
  21. If you had a Constitutional right to bear arms you would not need a permit. The state of Tennessee (as most other states) does not recognize any right to bear arms. That has been debated for the last 50 years; that debate ended with the Heller decision. This is not the way I believe, but making an argument based on a right you do not have makes you very easy to dismiss.
  22. That is pretty much what has happened to several of us that have tried to ship. Even though it is legal; most won’t do it. As far as keeping your mouth shut; if you do that you are committing a crime under Federal law. You are required to notify any shipper that you are shipping a firearm. I have given up on it. I just figure in FFL fees; if that makes the price too high I pass.
  23. I have the 700 VLS heavy barrel in .308 and it is a tack driver. Anyone can say anything they like, but to shoot 50-100 rounds in a range session with a 30 cal bolt is brutal. I think if I had it to do over I would go with a .223. I don’t hunt, and unless I go to Illinois I can’t shoot at over 300 meters. I would think the .223 would do fine at that distance, be a lot easier on my shoulder and a lot cheaper to shoot.
  24. I have a DPMS Panther LR-308AP4 I'm pretty happy with. But then I already had an M-1 Garand. (30-06 not .308) Either are great weapons.


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