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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. DaveTN

    Cig Tax

    No one. You just watched your state (and many others) trample all over the rights of business owners. (Damaging their businesses and putting some of them out of business by outlawing smoking in their establishments) Most people watched and supported what they did because they thought it was a good idea. Most people do not think others should be carrying guns and are more than willing to stand by and watch while their rights are trampled.
  2. Buds gun has them back in stock again. They are the same price they were last November when I bought mine… $509 delivered. I doubt you will find a much better price. I ran an ad several places trying to buy a used one and all I got was someone wanting to sell me their used one for $650.
  3. DaveTN

    Cig Tax

    Absolutely the tax on other products will go up; and so will your property taxes. The government needs “X†amount of tax dollars. That number will never go down it will only go up. However…. Companies and jobs are leaving the country. So who is going to pick up the slack? Whoever is left working and home owners. Those of us that still have jobs are going to be expected to financially support an out of control president and everyone that has lost their job.
  4. Is this amazing or what?? Deer For Breakfast In Texas - Video
  5. Unless I was just engaging someone in conversation to see how they act (like deciding if I was going to pursue a DUI or something) I can’t think of any reason to ask it; so I would have just continued on. I guess if someone with a warrant had the same name and DOB as you, a SS or DL number could come into play; but it’s doubtful. There have been a lot of laws passed recently about when you must supply your SS number. So I would guess that if you aren’t applying for a job at the Police Department you aren’t required to give it. (But I don’t know that for sure)
  6. As long as LEO’s are doing their job there are going to be people that are not happy with them. The problem usually is not that the cop doesn’t know the law, but that the citizen doesn’t know they law. The fact that you don’t agree with how a cop is searching your vehicle doesn’t make him a bad cop. There will be no doubt in your mind what a bad cop is if you truly run into one. You always have recourse. If you think a cop has done something wrong, don’t whine and cry about it here; do something about it. Is it dangerous? Certainly it is, but the cops can’t do anything without a complainant. Several of us here have tried to explain to people how to handle the situation if they run into a bad cop. We will never be without being able to go to Google news and finding some story about an abusive cop. They are human and they make mistakes. The fact that someone has made the cut when most can’t earns them my respect. They will have that respect unless they do something to lose it. And what’s with having a communist flag as an avatar? That looks ignorant and disrespectful to me, but be glad that you are in a country where that is not illegal.
  7. Now you know not to ask those guys LEO or Lawyer questions.
  8. I read through all 107 replies in this thread. I laughed a lot, rolled my eyes a lot, and generally enjoyed reading this. I was going to reply; but now I don’t have time.
  9. Now I’m really confused. Why are you going to prison?
  10. I’ve read that half a dozen times and am still not sure I understand the question. Is the guy committing an armed robbery, or do you just think he “looks†like he is going to do something? Where it the world could I be that I would face jail time for “forgetting†to disarm? (Besides Illinois ) I would never use my weapon to enforce the law; I’m not a cop. Certainly I would use it if I thought someone was going to get shot; but then I’m not in violation of the law.
  11. DaveTN

    Did the trade

  12. Well at $800 you have opened the door to most any handgun, so I wouldn’t pick an XD. At $550 you would be comparing the XD to the M&P. You have shot them both so that should be an easy call for you. I have shot them both and I think the M&P is a far better firearm than the XD, but that is just my opinion. However…. The M&P is totally made in America by American workers. The XD is made by a foreign company in a foreign country. That is not my opinion that is fact. Therefore the choice is pretty easy for me… not only do I get the best built firearm; but I help keep my fellow American workers in jobs. But that is important to me; it may not matter to you.
  13. That’s an awful lot of information for a traffic stop. Cop: Sir can I see your driver’s license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance? Driver: Well Officer I was in a hurry because the IRS is at my house for an audit. My neighbor called me on my ham radio and said they were there. He wasn’t sure how long they had been there because he was watching “The Green Berets” with John Wayne and didn’t see them arrive. He lost his job because his plant moved to Mexico; (that whole North American union thing) so now he just draws unemployment and watches movies all day. He was married and she got pregnant and wanted an abortion (because the economy is so bad) but he would have no part of that; so she left. They really are going to rip me on my taxes this year. They need the extra funding for the support of all those illegal’s they are allowing to cross the border and join gangs here. I hope they don’t take too long I want to get to the gun show before they close. But really Officer I have no idea why you stopped me. Was it because of my Ron Paul bumper sticker?
  14. Very well said. However I disagree that we disrespect the flag by flying it upside down. I am a Patriot. I am not ready to surrender and I am not ready to blame everything on the government. Whether or not our economy recovers is up to the American people. It is a time for protectionism; it is a time for true Americans to step up. If our manufacturing base does not recover we are doomed. We have to buy products that are manufactured here and create American jobs. If you are trying to justify your foreign purchases you are part of the problem, not part of the solution. However… Obama is getting dangerously close to getting us into a financial situation we will never be able to recover from. If all it took was some clueless dumb azz sitting in Washington thinking he has plenty of money; we would have been out of this problem already. Sure we need to make sure the American auto companies don’t fail. But also they need to be telling us how this bailout money is going to help get Americans to buy American made cars. Is any of this money helping them build plants in Mexico or Canada? Because I don’t want my money used to create jobs in other countries. And how long is Obama going to let the heads of AIG make him look like a fool before he calls on Congress to have them put in prison where they belong?
  15. DaveTN

    DAO auto...?

    “Action Type” threads are always interesting. You almost have to have the guns in your hands and feel the difference. For example… A Sigma and a Glock are the same? You can put whatever name you want on the type of actions, but most people want to know the feel or end results. If it weren’t for the Sigma; S&W would have never produced a bad firearm. And it is because of the trigger on the Sigma. You have to pull the trigger on the Sigma all day long to get it to fire. On the other hand if you bump the trigger on a Glock it will go off. The Glock has (According to Glock ) a “Safe Action”. (If it were any safer it would shoot everyone in the room without anyone touching it. Like in the Plaxico video )
  16. I only own one Kel-Tec, but it is autographed by John Glen.
  17. Hero Gear is having their big customer appreciation sale this weekend. Go talk to Joe and see what happens. Don’t buy a junk handgun for personal protection.
  18. Really? It’s the manufacturers that have raised the prices since the election?
  19. DaveTN

    Glock 19....used?

    This is not a recommendation, I wouldn’t own a Glock. But since you are “dead set†on getting one… Gunny’s Gun Shop in Livingston has an ad on GoLSN that they have them new for $489.
  20. DaveTN

    No .45's

    The days of Military weapons hitting the streets are over. With the exception of the old rifles CMP sells, I would not look for any military weapons to hit the market; ever. Even military brass was (until recently) slated to be destroyed. Firearms will be destroyed or sold/given to other countries.
  21. DaveTN

    No .45's

    It is shameful, and I feel a little guilty that I am better armed that our combat troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even many Police departments have acknowledged the ineffectiveness of both the 9mm and the .223 and have switched.
  22. DaveTN

    Colt AR 15

    Do a quick search on GB of the ones that have actually sold and you will see that the highest that have actually sold are a couple at $1400. Some auctions at $1400 have closed without even getting a bid. One at $1599 has been listed 55 times and is still for sale. A couple of others (that sold) went for $1125, $1270. Why would someone pay $1400 on GB for used when they can buy it new with a warranty for $1299? Who knows, but that happens a lot. http://www.impactguns.com/store/COLT-MT6601C.html
  23. DaveTN

    Long guns in cars

    In Tennessee it is my understanding you can do it anywhere as long as you are legally hunting and not on a public roadway. But I don’t think there is any provision that allows hunters to carry a loaded firearm on a public roadway.
  24. DaveTN

    Long guns in cars

    Yes, this might change how I do things. I carried for years as a cop and when I quit I just never had the desire to do it anymore. A late night trip to the bus depot in downtown Memphis motivated me to get my carry permit. I did it not really because I wanted to carry, but because I wanted to be able to have a gun in my car. I know its not for everyone, but I feel better knowing that I have access to a gun if I need it. So…. If I had the time and felt the need to go to my car to get my gun I would feel better knowing that I will be returning with a .308 Panther.


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