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Everything posted by DaveTN

  2. Welcome, and thank you for your service. But that looks like a tank, not an F117.
  3. You know that quarter gun was from many years ago. Today, about 5 miles past the toll booth, you would find yourself face down on the hot azz pavement, as a participant in a felony traffic stop.
  4. OMG!!! AOC is NOT going to be okay with this. This is a pretty cool picture though.
  5. He said I was spectacular. I don’t remember meeting him; but of course, he is right. All kidding aside, its great that he is doing updates. We have a big project going here in Murfreesboro; but of course, everything is top secret.
  6. I didn’t think they could stack that much stupid into one video. (Russian Video) But then I remembered that its pretty easy to do anything you want these days with video editing.
  7. MSR stands for Modern Sporting Rifle. There is a group of gun owners that think by changing the name of what you call a weapon; you can somehow change the perception of it. Just like those that get their panties in a bunch when they hear the AR called an Assault rifle. Of course an AR is an Assault Rifle. You only need to look at scenes like Sandy Hook, Pulse Night Club, or Vegas to verify that. An AR-15 is not an M-16, and calling it some other name makes it appear as if we have something to hide. It’s not a fully automatic machine gun as the M-16; it’s a semi automatic rifle. Rifles like the M-1 Garand or the Remington 750 Deer Rifle are 30-06 Springfield and have the potential of being far more devastating that an AR-15. The Mini 14 along with a bunch of others have the same potential for use by violence criminals the AR has. If we have to defend every rifle we have based on how criminals have used it, we may well find ourselves defending “Deer Rifles”. A body drops for every round fired at extremely long distances; how scary will that be? I own 3 AR’s. An AR-10, an AR-15 and an AR-22. I call them AR’s; even though none of them are Armalite Rifles. If someone decides to call them “Assault Rifles” or MSR; so be it. But I can still call them whatever I like. It is my Inalienable right to own these weapons for self-protection. It is also a right under the 2nd amendment of the United States Constitution.
  8. DaveTN

    9 mm revolver

    That’s an easy choice. The Charter arms Pitbull. It’s the only one you listed that doesn’t use Moon clips of some type, and its $382. Moon Clips are unacceptable for me as a carry gun. And a 2”, 5-shot serves no purpose other than carry. But then.. Here comes the “Opinions, likes and dislikes. What say you?” part. I wouldn’t pick a 9MM, I’d pick the creme of the crop S&W Model 60 in 357 Mag. But I’d carry .38 special. The bad news is the cost. I’m trying to find one now and will probably go with new at $576.
  9. The only classes I see are the HCP class for $39. That $50 is $50 an hour. What it covers is based on your needs.
  10. The Mississippi bill wants to claim exception from Federal gun laws. That’s been tried by the Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act. My understanding is the TFFA was not pursued after the Federal Courts shot down the Montana version of it.
  11. Yes. But that story asks more questions than it gives information. They could just be merging product lines. Remington has AR’s in their own product line, probably made by Bushmaster (but I don’t know that). So why not just have Bushmaster make Remington AR’s?
  12. Sure. And at that distance, the use of sights is now required. I would be switching from point instinct shooting to target shooting.
  13. DaveTN

    Ruger 57

    For this gun to be something I would want; the round would have to be something I want. I don’t see anything interesting or special about the round. It’s a lot of velocity with little mass. It’s claim to fame was defeating body armor. Shooting at people wearing body armor will probably be short lived. The things that make it good at defeating body armor; make it an undesirable in making your attacker unwilling or unable to fire his weapon at you. While the above video shows that the .357 Mag is obviously more devastating on meat and fruit wrapped in cloth; I would bet the 40S&W or the 9mm would be also. 30 rounds is a lot. But then, so is 15 rounds of 40S&W or 17 rounds of 9MM. Hey hey….I just bought a 45 Colt for a range toy. People want what they want.
  14. I loved the smell of Hoppes #9, but my wife has migraines that can be set off by smells. She asked that I clean guns in the detached garage with no heat. So I too switched to M-Pro 7. Great product.
  15. Good luck. I’m not sure it is ever going to stop raining here.
  16. Next Sunday! Here we are 4 years later, and this is my boy Jimmie’s last year. He’s retiring. That’s good for him, but now what am I supposed to do? I hope he can get the 8th to break the tie with Petty and Earnhardt. But I know that’s a long shot based on what he’s been doing lately.
  17. I thought the Turks were mad at us?
  18. Hitting a 9” diameter with a carry gun (that aren’t usually target guns) at 25 yards is very good using sights. Doing it while someone is pointing a gun at you, or worse, shooting at you would be incredible.
  19. I was taught the goal is to make the attacker unwilling or unable to fire his weapon at you. That has not changed for me. I can’t see me ever shooting someone that is not armed. More power to you if you can do that Brother. I know I can’t do it. If I was an instructor, I wouldn’t have a problem with “Shot placement”; but you would have to be able to do it without using sights. You have probably never experienced an adrenalin rush anything like it in your life, at the same time you will have to shoot before he does. Good luck. That’s why I buy quality equipment that in my opinion can achieve that goal. My opinion is the only one that matters because it will be me that lives or dies. (Same for everyone else) I have concerns about my ammo passing though clothes or what they will do the body. I use the best that is available. I’m not sure what you mean by shooting from a compressed position, muzzle orientation being down??
  20. Picking only one gun for any application is tough. But If I could only take one rifle with me in a SHTF scenario it would be my DPMS 308 Recon LR-GII. I have plenty of ammo and mags for it, its applications include both close-in and long-range targets, and the .308 Winchester is devastating. Mine is equipped with a Vortex Viper 6.5-20x 44mm scope.
  21. DaveTN

    In church

    If you have had the proper amount to drink both White Castle and Krystals tastes good. (No ones goes there unless they are drunk)
  22. Release date: June 26, 2020 Only 5 months to go.
  23. We’ll argue about anything here. Even when its meaningless. Having said that, the proper term is “Red Dot”. It’s not my problem if a user is confused on whether or not it’s a reflex, prismatic or holographic sights. If he needs to know or needs clarification; he can either do his research or ask. I use the term red dot when discussing these optics; so it must be right.
  24. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/329255422740735199/


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