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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. I want to buy a portable (I’ll be using it in more than one vehicle) GPS. I briefly checked them out at Best buy. It seems to me Garmin is the most popular. But they have about 20 different models from $85 to $800. Price is not a big issue I have about $300-$400 budgeted. (Just a random number I pulled out of the blue) But even in that ranger there are a lot of models. I don’t want to pay $400 if an $85 unit will do the same thing. Other than the size of the screen and the ability to find stuff what else is there? What do you guys use?
  2. Congressman Steve King…”Our laws are not broken; they just aren’t enforced by the Obama administration.” “We will not bring back a ban on assault weapons.” <O:p</O:p
  3. I don’t think it’s anything but a hammer bob on guns that started life as a double action; but I’m not sure. With your gun empty (Duh! ) start the hammer back, grasp it with your fingers and see if it will lock into a full cock.
  4. I have one... but it prints.
  5. Fly them to DC and drop them off at the National Mall.
  6. It doesn’t matter if they were cops, rent-a-cops or members of the Knights of Columbus; he was the victim of a theft. Go to the HQ of whoever’s jurisdiction it is and make a theft complaint. I’m not expert on Tennessee law, but I find that hard to believe. They could have refused to let him enter, they could have allowed him to dispose of the rounds if he didn’t want to take them back to his car, but they can’t just take them. They have value and that is theft. They will allow you to throw it away, return it to your car, or leave. Unless they are seizing it as evidence or violation of statute those are the only choices they have.
  7. I generally carry a .40 S&W or a .357mag. I carry that because my .45ACP is too big to conceal. Based on my experience in shootings and responding to people being shot a 9mm is a good paper punching round and a .380 is merely one step above a spit ball and a straw. But that’s just me; your observations of people that have been shot may be different.
  8. You don’t really need to go back and get names unless you want to. If they are KPD Officers and you make a complaint, whoever investigates it will find out who they are. It won’t be any big secret and I can assure you that you won’t have to make their case for them.
  9. If that is how it happened those Police Officers committed a crime. It may well be that loaded ammo is not allowed inside, but that doesn’t mean they can steal your ammo. I can honestly say if that happened to me I would go the Police Department HQ for whatever department they work for and say that I want to make a citizens complaint for theft. They can’t arrest you for doing that, and you will get action real fast. I wonder what they did with all the ammunition they stole?
  10. I don’t know what that means? I must be a little slow today; I don’t know what that means either. As I said unlike you; I’m not in a union. I am not defending them I am pointing out that they while they might be a minor problem they are pretty insignificant in the total picture. You being a phony was not what I was thinking; I was confused about how you could be in a closed shop in Tennessee. That is why I ask. Really? That’s a pretty good paying job; probably $75K a year or more at your age. Do you think if there were no unions you would make that kind of money to drive a train?
  11. As I have said before… I am pretty sure what the ruling will be in McDonald. I am not sure what Daley will do; but it will be entertaining if the Chicago handgun ban is shot down. <O:p</O:p Daley is elected; and he continues to get elected. Sure there is voter fraud in Chicago as there is anywhere; but I doubt it makes much difference. <O:p</O:p Daley is elected by poor people that don’t want to work; they want to lie on the couch and watch Oprah. Their children are either killing others and going to prison or are being killed. They are uneducated and believe that banning guns will make a difference. <O:p</O:p You gotta admit; it’s quite a feat for a white guy to remain the King of Chicago. <O:p</O:p Stand-by for entertaining stuff when the McDonald decision is announced. <O:p</O:p
  12. What do you mean “They want power over youâ€? I’m not defending unions. As I said I’m not in one and don’t want to be in one, but you can’t fight a fight if you don’t know who the enemy is. Do the unions do stupid things… sure. But if the unions were gone today it would not impact the situation one bit. Also. If the unions were gone today; we would need them back tomorrow. I could show you shops in the middle Tennessee area that are the reason we have a need for unions. It would be great if business owners would abide by the laws; but they don’t. I think most of the hatred of unions is because they create a “special groupâ€. I see “company people†that are upset because there are “shop people†making more money than they make. Skilled Trades workers make more money than a lot of company jobs. Why? Because they have a skill set that is harder to replace. IT guys that are usually company jobs and not union jobs are a dime a dozen with college degrees. They get upset that a CNC Programmer/Machine Operator on the floor is making more than them and doesn’t have a degree. They don’t look that the fact that I can place an ad for an IT guy or an entry level Mechanical Engineer and have a dozen resumes from qualified people in a day; try that with skilled trades and see what you get. I think another problem is those that don’t understand manufacturing. Many see shop workers as uneducated laborers that have no skills or education; nothing could be farther from the truth. Not all the high paying jobs are in the office. Machinists, CNC Programmers, Toolmakers, Mold Makers, Sheet Metal Workers, Welders, Electricians, machinery Repair Techs, these are just a few of the “shop workers†that make good salaries because of their skill sets. We see the same thing here. HCP holders are a “Special Group†when it comes to the laws. Yet those in that “special Group†get upset because there is another “Special Group†(Cops) that some think are a more “specialer group†than their special group. See how that works? I am proud to say that I am part of the ultimate special group; I am an American Patriot. When I make purchases, whether or not the item impacts American jobs is a factor to me. Do I only buy American made products? Of course not, my big screen TV’s are foreign, my DSLR is foreign, my Dell computer is foreign parts that were assembled here but I can’t even do that anymore. However… some of the most important things I can still buy “American Madeâ€. Cars, Motorcycles, Guns, and liquor (Hey, I said the important stuff ) I can still buy from American companies employing American workers (although it is getting pretty hard with cars). What do you do for a living? And why are you in a closed shop; do you not work in Tennessee?
  13. Yes… sorry I have a C&R so my price is lower than what you will see.
  14. This isn’t totally about politics or politicians. Certainly who you vote for is important, but the government can’t fix our economy. We need to send a message that we will vote for those politicians that will bring jobs to this country; not those that are down in Mexico making deals to take more jobs away. The fate of our economy is on the buyer, what you purchase will either fix or destroy our economy. No… this isn’t rocket science; we need to act and not stand around waiting to see what the government does. We need to practice protectionism. That isn’t a bad word; that is what every other country is doing. “Global Economy†means that all countries economies will reach an even level. Is that want you want? I don’t. When your Grandkids don’t have all the things we have today and can barely afford to buy a house and they look you in the eye and ask “How could you have been so stupid as to do this to us?†What will you tell them? I’ll have a clear conscience. And if I’m gone my family will them “Your grandfather told us this would happen and we didn’t listen.†If you see the government and unions as the boogie man and think they control your destiny; you deserve what you get. Too bad the final impact won’t be on those who are causing this problem.
  15. It won’t end well, but that is on you, me and every member reading this forum. Every financial expert in the last 10 years has acknowledged that the economy cannot recover until we recover our manufacturing base. Unlike you, I am not a union member. I am skilled trades (Toolmaker by trade) and work in manufacturing. I don’t want to be in a union and most machine shops are not union. But unions certainly are not the problem unless you want to make the argument that the American workers wage should be competitive with a sweat shop in China. If you believe that then yes, the unions are in your way. You can remove the wage issue and an American Company still on not on a level playing field. OSHA, EPA, Workman’s Comp, Unemployment insurance, Employee insurance, 401K’s. Those are some of the costs that an American company has that their foreign competitors don’t have to worry about. We will buy anything that is cheap. Doesn’t matter where it is made, the quality doesn’t matter, just as long as it is cheap. If it is a cheap foriegn made product we will claim high quality whether it is or not so we can feel good about our purchase. We see that on this forum every day. We can’t blame the unions and we can’t blame foreign countries. Our lifestyle and our economy is on us. Unfortunately I don’t think there are enough patriots to get us out of this.
  16. DaveTN

    walther pk vs. ppk

    “South Middle Tennessee†that means you can’t be very far from Hero Gear in Winchester. Might want to check them out and let them show you what they have. If you ask a question and they can’t answer it; ask to talk to Joe.
  17. Black 30 round Pmags are $12.97 at Brownells and $12.99 at Midway.
  18. DaveTN

    walther pk vs. ppk

    I’ve not heard of a "PK". The Pk 380 and the PPK are totally different designs.
  19. Buds has the 41 brand new for $929 delivered. ....Just sayin’
  20. Was there violence? Did they try to get in the house? Did they make threats? How do you get to deadly force? All I see is that the kid was in the bathroom and was scared…. BFD. If they tried to get into that house I’m all with you…. But I see no indication that anything like that happened. Fill me in....
  21. Absolutely no mention of murder. (That is until I mentioned it and you realized how freaking ridiculous you sounded.) So would you make milk and cookies for the protesters or what?
  22. Yes I did. But I was passing it on the entire BoA management. I don’t know who this guy is other than just some BoA dirtbag attorney, with a drama queen son and a cry baby neighbor. I can’t help it man… you guys crack me up. If the cops had shown up and herded all the protesters back onto the buses you guys would be whining that they were violating the rights of the protesters.
  23. How much use are you to your family if you are in prison? None…. You are a criminal that has left his family to fend for themselves because he thinks showing someone how tough he is more important than taking care of his family. A real man would not be making remarks about killing people simply for trespassing on their land; it ridiculous. Sounds to me like they came? We don’t know why the cops didn’t run the people off. We only know what this cry baby neighbor has to say about it. Maybe they couldn’t run them off because they weren’t doing anything illegal. I’m not assuming anything… Which one of those as I misunderstanding as a threat to kill innocent people??
  24. Hate…. Me??? You better go back through and read this thread again from the start. I’m not the one that wants to kill protesters, and thinks the Castle Doctrine somehow gives them the authority to commit murder. People like that shouldn’t be allowed to have a carry permit. BoA was giving credit cards and mortgages to illegals. If I thought it would do any good I would go picket the SOB’s house myself. They undermine our economy, finance illegal’s, and then ask for bailout money. I have been called a lot of things, but Democrat has never been one of them. And I’m not passing judgment on the banker; I don’t know who he is. I’m passing judgment on all of the BoA management.
  25. Protesting and picketing is done all the time at the private residences of businesses people, Politicians, and any one else that finds them selves in the limelight. When you are taking peoples home you can say you are just doing a job if you like; that doesn’t mean much to those losing their homes. I’m not defending anyone. I just don’t feel sorry for this guy; but that has nothing to do with unions. You murder a protester on your lawn they will put you exactly where you belong… in prison; I don’t care where you live. If you think Castle law has anything to do with killing an innocent person in your front yard; you are totally clueless as to what the Castle Doctrine is.


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