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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. It’s not in plain view at the doorway so it doesn’t matter what it says. All you teetotalers go ahead and carry; I need your protection. I’ll be the guy knocking back the big azz beers and enjoying myself. If I see you carrying, I'll buy you a sweet tea.
  2. That would require that the 2nd amendment be removed from the Constitution and that States Rights no longer be recognized. The first could happen; if the second happens we are no longer a nation and will be in a Civil War. Your “Gun Rights” are now, and for the foreseeable future, in the hands of your state legislature. Most Police Officers I know support citizens carry. Unfortunately the legislature doesn’t check with them when they propose and vote on laws.
  3. There are times they wouldn’t need a warrant. Called there, Plain view, hot pursuit, the home of someone on probation or parole, reason to believe someone is in danger, etc. From your description it sounds as though they had the wrong address, so it’s anybody’s guess as to why they just walked in. If you filed a formal complaint and they didn’t contacted you; you could have contacted them.
  4. The FBI doesn’t do anything more. I think the Department of Safety does a more in-depth background check.
  5. Some people are worried they might get in trouble for selling to a felon. However, since we have no way to do a background check, violation of that law would require that you knew the person was a felon. But you are responsible to know that the buyer is of age and is a Tennessee resident. For that reason I require ID, if they don’t want to show it…pass. Are far a shipping in state; yes it is legal if you can find a shipper to do it. I only tried it once on a shotgun. I didn’t want to send it through the post office so I took it to UPS. They wouldn’t ship it and I ended up driving to Chattanooga to deliver it in person. I won’t do that again.
  6. Save them. Charts and studies can be produced to prove any point the presenter wants to take. Some are accurate; some are laughable. Don’t worry about defending your favorite round and just apply the sciences you know something about. Physics is your friend. Or you can choose to ignore the physics and simply rely on the “Shot Placement†theory. It’s all pretty simple then. It doesn’t matter if it’s a .22LR or a .45ACP if it’s passing through the heart or brain. Then all you have to do is have the ability to deliver a round where you want it while experiencing what is probably the biggest adrenalin rush of your life…. Piece of cake.
  7. Probably, but we can’t answer that question without you saying what you think is going to happen after that conversation. I go through guns like crazy; it is my hobby. I obey the laws governing the transfer of firearms. Do I run the risk of being arrested for a crime I did not commit simply because a gun I owned is linked to that crime? Absolutely not; that is preposterous. The biggest risk I take is losing a gun that comes back stolen if an FFL transfer is involved. I can take that risk. Buy and sell them as you wish. Do what the law requires and enjoy our hobby.
  8. It’s a game. Picture playing Blackjack or poker with a couple of people that are clueless on how the game is played. Haslam or McWherter one is going to win; that is a given. The rest of those people are thrown in there to impact the outcome. I still believe you should have to take a test to vote. Ballots should not be multiple choice; you should have to at least know the name of the person you are voting for.
  9. Guns are not registered in Illinois or Tennessee. However, yes records can be traced by law enforcement through purchase records.
  10. DaveTN

    Carbon removal

    I soak my stainless guns overnight within a couple of days of shooting them. The next day I can just wipe the carbon off the face of the cylinder. I’ve used Hoppes #9 for years. A few months ago the wife decided she didn’t like the smell of it so I ordered a gallon of M-Pro 7 from Midway; it works fine also. I use to use a toothbrush and Semi-Chrome or Mothers Mag Polish, but this way is much easier.
  11. Thats a given, whether I’m shooting four legged or two legged predators.
  12. If it’s on your property I believe you have the right to protect livestock from predators. I’m not going to try to look it up, but I think the law may specifically address that. I don’t know if I would be legal or not (but I think it is), but if a yote went after my dog; I would drop him, and I live in the city.
  13. Leather I don’t carry all the time, but I wear a Beltman belt every day. And… my Beltman came with Velcro on it.
  14. I guess we would need to define â€Snubbyâ€. To me a J-frame (Model 60 .357Mag) is not a snubby. A 2 ½†K or L frame (Model 19, 66, 686, etc) would a Snubby. There is a bunch of difference in a J-frame and a K-frame shooting the same round. The Bulldog is closer to the size of the K-frame. All of these short-barreled guns are “Belly Gunsâ€. I carried a Bulldog stuck in my ballistic vest as a back-up gun on duty. I got it cheap and didn’t care if being soaked in sweat all the time ruined it. I wouldn’t want one for a primary carry. I would recommend if you are looking at a J-frame in .357 mag; go with steel or stainless. The extra weight helps a lot with control. Stay away from Titanium, Aluminum, and Unknownium.
  15. I’m not real sure what you are asking, but if you are worried about this guy or you think he did something wrong; call his parole Officer and talk to him. Parole Officers do not have the same limitations that Police have. For example Parole Officers don’t need a warrant to enter or search his house; cops do.
  16. Bass Pro is where I get Hydra-Shoks (Never looked for HST). They won’t be cheap, but you can’t go wrong with either.
  17. The city of Murfreesboro will not allow “Kitchen†dealers. That’s why I asked about the storefront. Murfreesboro will not allow you to have a business in your house (with some exceptions). You must be in an area zoned to allow a gun store. An FFL is only $200; many of us would have them if we could get them. I doubt that very many people are going to pay $100 a year for your FFL transfer club. People that buy a bunch of guns each year usually go through local dealers and when they need the occasional transfer, I would think their dealer would take care of them. What would I do? I read a story of a guy in Florida that does transfers for free. He said that by doing that he built his business because he got gun buyers into his business. I also think that if you got a name for just doing transfers; you would very quickly become a target of the ATF. I hope you grow your business beyond transfers quickly. I’m tired of having to drive either 60 miles North or South to deal with dealers that have a large inventory and good prices.
  18. When will you have your FFL?
  19. I would have called the Police and had him arrested.
  20. Sure… if you want a .357 forget the 27 and go for the 19, 66, or the 686. I tried to like the N Frames I even carried one on duty for a short time. But they are too bulky for duty use and offered me nothing in competition over the K or L frames. But if you want a .44mag the 29 is the way to go. (My choice would be the 629.)
  21. It’s legal to make your own components. I almost bought three lower blanks that someone was selling on the local gun sale site, but I didn’t move fast enough. We have five axis machining centers. I’ve tried to get my boss to get into firearms stuff, but unless you run very high quantities or make "Custom" stuff; there isn’t any money in it.
  22. If anyone can watch him make the German comments and be upset or get any kind of pro Nazi implications out of it, they need to either be medicated or be a journalist.
  23. You have a storefront in Murfreesboro?
  24. It would still require the states to disarm themselves. Where, when and how you carry is not an individual right; it is defined by the states. Some states would tell the Feds to go pound sand. It’s the same reason the SCOTUS ruled we have an individual right to keep arms; the state controls the bearing of arms. I’m not saying the current Federal government wouldn’t like to disarm us; but it just can’t happen. States Rights is a double-edged sword. It is what has keep the SCOTUS from ruling you have the right to slap on a gun and walk down the street. But it is also what keeps the Feds from making unreasonable laws.
  25. There is plenty of controversy over running steel case or lacquer coated ammo. You just experienced firsthand the reason I won’t use it. The problem was the ammo. Don’t defend it because it is cheap; it is damaging your gun. However, if you shoot a lot and the gun you are shooting it in is just a cheap range gun; that may be a valid trade off. Wal-Mart sells quality brass ammo. AIM runs some pretty good sales from time to time. Sign up for their email sale notices.


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