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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. If you have any problems it won’t be because of the Saddle Shop. I just let Mike get what I need instead of transferring; he usually quotes me better prices than I can find and there is no transfer fee. I wish he kept more guns in-stock he’s a great guy to deal with.
  2. I don’t know why anyone would pay $600 for a used one; they are $695 new at Buds. $375 sounds fair for a used one. Tell the dealer you think he’s selling it to cheap and see what he says. This is a sign of how crazy pricing has got on the net; a gun gets priced where it should be and some wonder if it’s stolen.
  3. Where I was you could. You had to submit to a breath test first and then we would take you to the hospital and let you work it out with the doctors. You were responsible for the cost of drawing the blood and all tests. There were a couple of doctors that wouldn’t do it. I assume Tennessee has something similar available.
  4. If I had to pick only one it would be the M1 Garand. It is one of the few battle rifles that you can own the “real deal†that may have been in combat, not a “civilian†copy. CMP for both. Anywhere else and you will probably pay more and get less. Go to Anniston, AL, pick out your own rifle and take it home. However, they are the government and don’t play by the same rules as everyone else, so you can order it and have it shipped right to your home (even without a C&R). I have a C&R and own several C&R rifles but I didn’t use my license to buy them. My dealer discounts from Midway USA and Brownells more than justify the C&R.
  5. I got sued for half a million dollars for using a Kel-lite. Will that help anyone get a free steak dinner?
  6. Sorry I was being facetious. Even though the rifle name is commonly mispronounced there is no “M1 Grandâ€. I found it amusing that the ATF was making rules about rifles that they can’t even spell the names of properly.
  7. An M1 Grand must be an import; because it wasn’t made here.
  8. Yes. To the range or when I go to Illinois; I fill the back of my wifes Suburban. She makes me take them out when I am done.
  9. In handguns it’s any of my S&W revolvers. Usually the 686 and 617. Followed by my S&W 1911. For Rifles it’s my Remington 700 VLS in .308 followed by my DPMS .308. It’s tough to just pick out one or two. When I go to the range I take a truck load of guns and ammo.
  10. From the ATF... Q: What modifications can be made on C&R firearms without changing their C&R classification? The definition for curio or relic (“C & R”) firearms found in 27 CFR § 478.11 does not specifically state that a firearm must be in its original condition to be classified as a C&R firearm. However, ATF Ruling 85-10, which discusses the importation of military C&R firearms, notes that they must be in original configuration and adds that a receiver is not a C&R item. Combining this ruling and the definition of C&R firearms, the Firearms Technology Branch (FTB) has concluded that a firearm must be in its original condition to be considered a C&R weapon. It is also the opinion of FTB, however, that a minor change such as the addition of scope mounts, non-original sights, or sling swivels would not remove a firearm from its original condition. Moreover, we have determined that replacing particular firearms parts with new parts that are made to the original design would also be acceptable-for example, replacing a cracked M1 Grand stock with a new wooden stock of the same design, but replacing the original firearm stock with a plastic stock would change its classification as a C&R item.
  11. DaveTN

    New Tool

    I love it when we get new American Made options. This appears to be a competitor for the stuff made in the Philippines. I have watching for one of these. One of the forum dealers said he sold some to forum members; but I haven’t seen any reviews yet. What is your initial opinion on fit and finish? When you get it to the range be sure to give us a review. Is this your first 1911? Where did you get it? Good luck
  12. Yes, because if it fails you still have a club. Then it’s truly all about “Shot Placementâ€.
  13. Here’s an idea for your paper. You will never run out of sources or opinions. The 2nd Amendment…. States Rights Vs. The Supreme Court of the United States.
  14. Most of us here can carry guns. But many here don’t have jobs. I’ll take legislation that creates jobs or helps the economy over gun laws any day. However… I don’t understand why they can’t do both.
  15. It requires intent; which you do not have. It’s a law to prevent “Shining Deerâ€. The possibility always exists that you could be cited for something you didn’t do. But I would enjoy my walks with my wife and not worry about it. I would say the chances are much higher of something killing you and eating you than getting cited. (Sorry, but that’s more realistic. )
  16. No.
  17. Academy has 870’s on sale for $230 after $30 mail-in rebate in their ad today.
  18. I have arrested more people for DUI than I can count and I have only had a few to go to court. They were the ones that refused to submit, refused to make a plea deal with the States Attorney, and against their attorney’s advice went to trial. They were all convicted. Getting convictions on DUI, drugs, or domestic violence cases that go to trial is like shooting ducks in a pond. You will generally always be asked to submit. Unless it a case where you fled and there is evidence you were drinking at the time. Unless you know what your BAC is, I would not suggest that anyone submit to a BAC test. You are already caught and only a fool would drink and drive again after going through what you are about to go through. Unless you make a deal you will lose your license for a refusal on implied consent no matter what happens with your DUI charge. Knowing what your BAC is; is the dangerous part. BAC has nothing to do with being drunk. I can’t tell you how many people I have arrested for DUI that said they were going to blow because they were not drunk. Back then the limit was .10 and I have never had anyone pass a breath test… not one ever. If you can bring the kind of legal power to bear that Steve McNair did; you can walk. But most here can’t do that.
  19. I’m looking for an MP3 player to listen to at work. I don’t want to spend over about $100. I’m not interested in an IPod because of the proprietary BS and the price. I think this is what I would like… Minimum of 8GB internal storage Memory card slot Voice recorder FM Built-in speakers Plays all standard formats of audio and video. Although it doesn’t appear that any will play the .mov that my Canon 60D creates? I don’t use any music services, I just load from CD’s and files I already have. Here is what I am looking at now… Creative Zen X-Fi http://us.store.creative.com/ZEN-XFi-with-Wireless-LAN-16GB/M/B001CB0RSG.htm Sandisk Sansa Fuze http://www.sandisk.com/microsites/sansafuzeplus/index.html What do you guys use?
  20. No one is saying it isn’t. A spitball from a straw that hits someone in the eye is better than a .308 miss. I can’t comment on that. I have never faced a bear. I have faced a gunman that did not run or retreat. I am certainly in support of shot placement. But having experienced real world shootings I think that you are either one bad azz or you are delusional if you think you will be able to reliably use “Shot placement†with absolutely no regard for caliber to stop the threat. I suspect that there are people that could remain as calm as they do at the range while taking fire; my experience tells me I am not one of them. Was your experience to the contrary? And thinking you will stop the threat placing .380 rounds to center body mass while I am using .357Mag, .40S&W or .45ACP is ridiculous. Of course once you add in your ability to place that .380 round in their eye or ear; you have a valid argument. What is your point? I would take a .40S&W over a .223 any day if we are shooting people at close range. .223 is a paper punching round. I’m not making that argument. You are the one that that is saying nothing matters but shot placement. And you could possibly be right…. If you could do it? Can you? But as I said before the whole bear thing does not apply to me. If I am going traipsing around in the woods somewhere that I might stumble across an animal that could kill me and eat me I would me carrying my DPMS .308 Panther. Nothing could live through 19 rounds from that.
  21. Oh no…. that is what he was waiting for.
  22. Man arrested for DUI ... on a lawn mower - Oak Ridge, TN - The Oak Ridger Man Arrested for DUI on Lawnmower - WRCBtv.com | Chattanooga News, Weather & Sports TENNESSEE DUI GUY: Lawnmower driver convicted of DUI 6th I don’t pretend to be an expert on Tennessee law, but it appears to me that 55-10-401 (a) 1 could be used to charge DUI and does not require a BAC level. 55-10-401 (a) 2 would be used when the persons submits and has a BAC over .08%. The difference would be that under 1 a person could be charged with DUI with a BAC lower than .08% or when the BAC is unknown; however the state would need to prove they were impaired. Under 2 the .08% is a legal presumption on impairment. I was a Police Officer in Illinois and that was the way it was there. You could be charged at less than the presumed limit, but the burden of proof was greater on the state. Maybe one of the lawyers here that handles DUI cases can clear this up for us. Most people say they won’t blow so BAC won’t be an issue with those people. If you ever find yourself standing in front of a cop that is asking you to submit to DUI tests; chances are one or two beers will be the issue. Applying math to BAC is rolling the dice.
  23. We can’t even stop criminals from crossing our borders, but they some think they can stop internet traffic. Good luck with that.
  24. When I first became a cop I had discretion on all misdemeanors. While I was there I saw our discretion taken away on DUI and Domestic Violence. Is that not pretty much the same it is here? A cop can find a gun on a person carrying without a permit and decide to let them go; that doesn’t make it legal, a grey area or inconsistent. If that is true; it is not right.


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