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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. $20 a box (50) for any top of the line jacketed HP is a good deal. I just don’t like the marketing tactics for Winchester Ranger; “TALON†and “LEO ONLY†is just marketing hype. I wish I could buy .40S&W Hydra-Shok for anywhere close to that.
  2. DaveTN

    S&W revolver crazy

    I’d think a vented rib 686 would be pretty rare.
  3. Buds has these for $386, new, delivered. I have two M&P’s but am tempted to get one of these just to try it out. Are they the same width as the M&P? Do they use the same holster as the M&P?
  4. It’s called “The gun violence summitâ€. What makes you think anyone wants to hear from us or the NRA? Do you know that the NRA wasn’t invited? Did someone wake them up from their nap in D.C.? I too would want to know if city funds were used to pay for this and if so why only one side is represented. The good news is the City of Chattanooga can’t do much (if anything) in the way of gun control.
  5. It’s a Cowboy gun, so I would go with .45 Colt. Cheapest to shoot would be the 357/9mm convertible.
  6. I would like to try the PMAGs for my DPMS .308 AP4. Anywhere I can pick them up in the MidState?
  7. The federal government can’t force Tennessee (or any other state) to allow you to carry a gun. It’s called States Rights; we fought the bloodiest war of our history over it and we won’t do it again. If you want Tennessee to recognize you have a right to bear arms; it is going to have to come from the state of Tennessee.
  8. No. While I don’t agree with his ideas, he is charged with maintaining security at the school. If he thinks having (What he feels to be) unqualified people-carrying guns at a school causes a security risk; he is free to state his opinion. I think this will come down to what the parents think; and I think we all know how that will end.
  9. I don’t use debit cards. I use a MasterCard credit card. If I didn’t sign for; I don’t pay it.
  10. I haven’t seen any, but if he had access to it an argument could be made for constructive possession and they could let it go to court.There was no violation of the law in this case, but the guy had to get rid of his gun and pay his attorney bills.
  11. DaveTN

    S&W revolver crazy

    I have had many 586’s and 686’s. I carried them as a duty weapon when cops still carried revolvers. You just can’t do any better than an L-frame Smith & Wesson for a house or target/range/competition gun. Prices have gone crazy in the last few years on all guns. I see 686’s priced at $600 used, so I think you probably got a good deal.
  12. The Feds didn’t give the states gun rights; they took them; it’s called States Rights. The issue you are talking about isn’t who has $10 or who doesn’t; it’s about people trying to find a way to allow illegals to vote.
  13. Sure…. But will it make you unable to fire your weapon?
  14. They can. But as someone that has played the game and paid my own attorney bills I’m guessing this guy won’t want to play anymore. The DA has nothing to lose; you have both your freedom and cash to lose.
  15. The arrest will always show on your record; I would guess it is the disposition that is not showing. I had the same problem; charge was dismissed but the disposition never made it into the system 20 years ago. Mine was a misdemeanor charge of having a gun in my car that would not have been a disqualifier anyway. I contacted the Circuit Clerks office in the county were the case was; they entered it in the system (Feds), and sent me copies of the court records showing the disposition. I haven’t had any problems since and got my HCP and C&R. I will add… After having never been turned down in Illinois or Florida on many gun purchases, I was turned down twice in Tennessee. Both times I appealed and the purchase was approved. Talking to TBI was useless. I contacted them several times and they told me that Illinois was reporting my arrest as a felony. I called Illinois State Police and they said if that was the case the TBI couldn’t read a criminal history. I decided to try to get my C&R before I tried for my HCP; that way I would only lose $30 instead of over $200. I’m glad I did. I got aletter for the ATF telling me that that while my charge was not a disqualifier; there was no disposition and they couldn’t approve without it. They told me to contact the Circuit Clerk and get certified copies showing the disposition and to also let them know what was going on so they could fix it. The Circuit Clerk said they entered the disposition in the system, they sent me certified copies for the ATF and an additional set if I ever needed them again. I got my C&R and HCP and haven’t had any problems during a purchase since. Hope this helps.... Good Luck.
  16. As a lawyer maybe you can fill me in on how that can happen. In Illinois as cops we only arrested people. You didn’t go to court without the States Attorney (DA) filing charges. How in the world can a case get on the court docket without the DA filing charges? I don’t dress like a thug, and I drive a nice car. I also own a PLR-16. So I guess I’m okay having it there?
  17. It sounds like the DA is an “End justifies the means” kind of guy. Cops aren’t allowed to do that; I guess it’s different for DA’s.
  18. I see nothing to prevent you from carrying handcuffs in this state. It is unusually how you use them, not just possession that will cause you problems. Regardless of whether you have “Powers of Arrest†you don’t have the protection from civil liability cops have, like Qualified Immunity and plenty of lawyers you don’t have to pay for.
  19. Obviously he didn’t get the memo.
  20. It might target the bottom feeder market like Remington just did. Maybe they saw the prices people are paying for the junk out of the Philippines and decided that was an easy market.
  21. Any stainless gun can be made to look as good if not better than nickel, but won’t have the problems that come with plating.
  22. What are Smith & Wesson and Kimber?
  23. I watched the show on the History Channel. It was interesting and I learned a few things. I didn’t know the Tiger was the largest of the “Big Catsâ€; I thought it was the lion. Lion is second then Jaguar is third. I also thought a “Panther†was a type of cat. It isn’t, a Panther can be a Leopard, Jaguar, or Cougar. A black Cougar has never been documented, black Bobcats have. Black Jaguars are rare, but they exist. Jaguars have been documented in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. So I think it is possible that those seeing a very large black cat could be seeing a Jaguar. I know if I saw this I would think I was looking at a Black Panther.
  24. They have to pay the state tax if they sell to us; they are in Henderson, TN. They might discount it the tax amount. I have been meaning to get over there sometime; they always seem to have a good selection of pre-lock S&W revolvers.
  25. Cops can’t stand by and not act regardless of how some people may interpret a Supreme Court decision. Not only is it a crime in some states; it’s a violation of department policy in most departments that could lead to dismissal. They do the best with what they have to work with, but can’t be held civilly liable for your protection if they can’t get there in time. He can fill us in on what he’s talking about, but I would guess this is part of it for Tennessee. Not sure what 38-3-109 has to do with it, but anyway...


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