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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. [quote name='101' timestamp='1352225676' post='840119'] Paid my dues. Meaning myself and others like me have deposited a form of payment to their Country. We now have a special interest in what happens in this Country. The work never ends. The dues never expire. All citizens work is never done. [/quote] I have two honorable discharges, volunteered during Vietnam, and served my country as a Police Officer. If any of that matters. I can only speak for myself, but I was very well trained. Trained well enough to know that if I have a "gut feeling" something was wrong I acted on it. Disarming a person that you feel is a possible danger is for his safety also. It keeps you from having to kill him if he does something stupid, and it reduces his chances of shooting you while you are dealing with the ticket, accident, arrest, whatever. Bad people shoot cops on traffic stops and Police Officers will never (Hopefully) be required to wait until guns are pulled to act.
  2. [quote name='Gen. Patton' timestamp='1352160354' post='839644'] LOL! I was gonna be whippin' his ass and singing "Tennessee Stud" at the same time! LOL! [/quote] It might have ended that way. Or it might have ended with that Yankee whoopin’ your azz all over that McDonalds, taking your “Sunday go to meetin’ 1911" away from you, and then having you arrested for felony assault. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/biggrin.gif[/img] All joking aside, getting in a confrontation while armed probably isn’t going to end well for you. Especially if the person decides to be less than truthful.
  3. If the Officer is not violating your rights by disarming you and he has your gun in his hands; it’s in plain view and he doesn’t need a warrant to run the number any more than he needs a warrant to run your license plate. It’s a crime to carry a gun in this state and the state does not recognize a right to bear arms. If they did you wouldn’t need to buy the privilege. Until that changes you don’t have any rights when it comes to carrying a loaded gun…. Only privileges.
  4. Does a Police Officer have the right to detain or disarm a person they perceive as a threat? I don’t know if the SCOTUS has ever answered that question or not. That will be the question that will need to be answered in his civil case, if there is one. If I ask a person if they have any weapons and they responded with the kind of BS this guy did; I am in fear for my safety and he would be in cuffs. If he wanted to sue me, or my department wanted to fire me; so be it. The guy was obliviously trying to set the cop up for a lawsuit. The mistake the cop made was trying to reason with the guy when it was obvious he wasn’t interested in hearing it. The cop should have cuffed him, ran his checks, waited on his back-up, wrote him, warned him or whatever he was going to do and then let him go. All that conversation about rights, Officer safety and the Constitution was not necessary. The other mistake the cop made was stopping the guy before he had a violation. He already had PC for a stop (citizens complaint), but I wouldn’t stop him until I had witnessed a violation. And why does “Marine Helo Pilot” have anything to do with it? Would something be different if it was a “Dirt bag on a motorcycle”? From listening to the audio; both descriptions apply.
  5. Tennessee pulled his HCP saying he was a potential threat; so the FEDS gave him FFL. So much for the FEDS taking background checks seriously.
  6. Someone hit my kid and they would be in jail or the hospital. That is assault and is a clear cut criminal act.
  7. [quote name='Runco' timestamp='1352071639' post='839105'] I for one do not want to add to ratings whatsoever that I do not belive in. CNN, MSNBC, MTV, etc. are blocked in my favorites, so I do not ever turn to those channels. I am dead serious! I do not DVR, and I have no interest whatsoever to watch this episode before the election, only after the election, just as a point in principal. National Geographic will it aire it later, watch and see. [/quote] Maybe I’m slow, but I’m lost on the Obama/election connection or how the National Geographic Channel is playing politics. This was a terrorist we had been trying to capture or kill for 10 years. The CIA and the Military (I assume) located him and sent Seal Team Six to kill him. I’m curious how it went down and I highly respect the men that did it. Trust me… if Obama pops his head in during the program and says “I did this by myself, vote for me on Tuesday.” I’ll know he is lying. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/biggrin.gif[/img]
  8. We will wake up Wednesday morning and someone will have been elected President. It will not matter what the margin was and it will not matter what percentages the losers had or what Party they are in. God help us.
  9. [quote name='S&WForty' timestamp='1352056603' post='838980'] I read on the Interwebz that the election has been postponed to 12-12-12!!! [/quote] We would only have 9 days left. No point in having it.
  10. I knew it took 30 years for us to find out that Castro had tactical nukes he wanted to fire on us. But until I saw those shows I didn’t know about the Soviet subs armed with nuke torpedoes and the one sub trying to fire one. We dodged a nuclear holocaust. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/Nukedeer.gif[/img]
  11. [quote name='Razz' timestamp='1352055527' post='838963'] I found one that aired recently on PBS: ‘Cuban Missile Crisis: Three men go to war’ [/quote] Thank you, that's it. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/thumbsup.gif[/img]
  12. I had a Suburban and a Silverado ready to be loaded with water and supplies to go to New Orleans after Katrina. FEMA got on TV and told us to “stand down” and not go. They said we wouldn’t be able to get there and it would cause problems; they had it under control. They were wrong and people died because of it. FEMA is clueless; they need to stay out of the way and let the first responders handle it. They can haul some shacks in there later and get their time in the limelight.
  13. Thanks to the Victoria secrets crew and staff. They went above and beyond the duty of civilians to help. I’m sure they will get some kind of commendation for their actions. Also, thanks to all the National Guardsmen and Military personnel that are saving people lives and helping to restore order. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/patriot.gif[/img]
  14. About a week or so ago one of the channels ran a fairly new documentary of the Cuban Missile crisis. It was followed by the show “The man who saved the world” also a documentary about the Cuban Missile Crisis. I want my father to see this, but I don’t remember what the name of the first show was or what channel I was watching. Does anyone remember? I tried searching it but there are a million Cuban Missile Crisis TV shows.
  15. [quote name='Sam1' timestamp='1352052827' post='838934'] Hopefully the ratings/numbers is just piss-poor so NatGeo considers not making any more political maneuvers to gain a few extra viewers. [/quote] How’s that work? I don’t watch any live TV; I DVR everything I watch. Millions of people are going to either DVR or watch this. Does everyone that DVR’s it count as a hit? If so, how could this not be a smash hit?
  16. [quote name='TNBrat' timestamp='1352047616' post='838894'] Easy fix...just don't shop there, but they've got the best prices on ammo & milk. So, if I'm there picking up one I might as well get the other lol. [/quote] I don’t drink milk; all I have to go there for is American made ammo. As soon as I find a better place online I’ll order it and won’t have to go there at all. But so far that hasn’t happened. They are the indispensable ammo store and from the looks of things they might become the indispensable gun store. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/biggrin.gif[/img]
  17. Of course I’m going to watch it; those guys are heroes. I’ve had it set on the DVR of a few days now. If it’s a plug for Obama then I’ll be back to gripe and moan with everyone else. But I need to make that determination myself. There isn’t anything they could on TV that is going to change how I vote Tuesday. Come on guys…It’s a show about Seal Team Six…. Who would want to miss that? NatGeo… Politics?? No way...This is history.
  18. [quote name='The Dude' timestamp='1352048216' post='838901'] And thinking now days is something that not many people know how to do anymore for themsleves, but instead let the large ([u][i][b]or small) [/b][/i][/u] media outlets do it for them. Its not hard to see that. [/quote] Well I certainly agree with that. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/thumbsup.gif[/img]
  19. [quote name='Murgatroy' timestamp='1352047923' post='838896'] First, thank you for trying to be calm and subjective in your disagreements. You are right. It is an emotional topic. But trying to explain what is right or wrong is not for you to judge either. Even if you do have that badge on your chest. If there are no marks, my daughter hasn't been harmed in any way other than alligator tears, who are you to tell me that my well behaved and adjusted child is abused, and that I am a parent who is not doing the right thing? I fall very far over the line of those that are convinced that there is not enough discipline in the world. From parents who ignore their child in the grocery store and drop them off at the school to be raised, to the judges that allow hardened criminals to plea down to time served in violent crimes. I suppose I am just flabbergasted when I see folks (again, that I must assume are not parents, since again, none of you have asserted that you in fact are) that are so solidly convinced that trying to raise a child to be polite, respectful and mindful of not only themselves, but others around them. I have lost count of the time that my daughter has looked at me when we are out an about, she will see a child somewhere throwing themselves in the floor, screaming, knocking things off the of the shelf, throwing a tantrum to end all tantrums. My daughter sees that, she looks at me and says "Gosh Daddy, I think he needs a whupping. Aren't you glad I don't act like that?" What my daughter doesn't see is the parent (usually a young mother) standing there watching their child act this way with mouth agape. After all, there is no way that it is her fault that Junior acts like this... I work with my child because I love her. And yes, she has been known to get a spanking. But something you limp wristed non-parents need to understand is that my daughter is actually whupped maybe once a year. Not every day several times from the time she wakes up till she goes to sleep a quivering mass of frightened and abused human. That makes it too easy to imagine me being a bad parent. After all, I confess that do do this horrible evil deed. I must do it daily. Dave, I am sorry if this came out heavily directed at you, I didn't mean for it to be. But as we admitted, this is an emotional topic. [/quote] Don’t worry I’m not taking it personal as long as it stays a discussion. There is a fine line between abuse and discipline. But don’t think for one second that the cop doesn’t get to judge you. He is the only one that makes the decision whether you get arrested or not. Then you go through the cycle of being judged by the DA, jury, or Judge. “Child Abuse” is not something anyone wants to be labeled with or arrested for and no one is going to be quick to drop that charge. You say you don’t leave marks on your kids, so a cop is probably not going to be involved. I’m talking about cases where the Police are called. If your kid has evidence of being hit; its domestic violence the same as if you hit your wife, and the cops hands are tied. They can’t say “He was just disciplining his kid” and let it go. I’m just saying that I don’t agree with violence against an innocent that I love. My kids never threw a temper tantrum in a grocery store; they knew better, and I never used violence against my kids. My dog is very well behaved when I take him out in public and I’ve never hit him either. I just don’t buy into this “Small children don’t understand anything except violence” mindset. I guess what I’m saying to everyone that thinks hitting their kid is okay; is that yes, it’s your kid and you can discipline your kid in any way you see fit. And as long as no one else is involved it will be between you and your kid for the rest of your life. Once a cop is called…. Yes, you will be judged.
  20. People that are on Twitter starting a riot. That’s funny as heck. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/rollfloor.gif[/img] [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/bs.gif[/img]
  21. [quote name='The Dude' timestamp='1352046324' post='838882'] I agree. And to be honest, its hard to say exactly whats going on up there at the moment. When guns were taken during Katrina, nobody knew about it until after the fact. The large media outlets never even reported it, but rather ignored it, as well as other problems. But I respect those up there doing what they can, until like you said, they give us a reason to [u][i][b]think[/b][/i][/u] otherwise. [/quote] They will have my respect until they give be reason to “believe” they have done something wrong. Alex Jones and his band of dirt bags are already giving the tin foil hats a reason to “think” otherwise. First responders get the benefit of the doubt; not hacks that are doing everything they can to undermine this country.
  22. [quote name='Murgatroy' timestamp='1352045958' post='838877'] Read closer, Person DJ and Jesse are both claiming with a blanket statement that anyone that spanks a child is hitting them. No differentiation between discipline and abuse. If you hit, you hit, and you are a bad bad person. [/quote] Like I say, that’s a call for the cops when/if they come, and then for the DA if they want to prosecute. My point is that the under the domestic violence laws cops hands aren’t tied like they were years ago when DCFS had to handle everything. You hit your kid hard enough to leave a mark and I would have had no choice but to put you in cuffs and book you into the jail on domestic violence charges. I have been called to schools when the teachers found marks. The Judges and juries decide if its abuse or good parenting. It’s an emotional topic. Some people believe that violence is not a tool that should be used in training kids or animals (me), and most people don’t want to be called bad parents when they think they are doing the right thing.
  23. There are many threads here about this. Bottom line is that many of us would have an FFL but city/county codes won’t allow it. If your city and county will allow you to have a gun business in your home; it’s pretty cheap (use to be $200) and easy. But the BATF will check that.
  24. [quote name='The Dude' timestamp='1352044524' post='838858'] Like they did during Katrina? I dont think they were under martial law either, but guns still got taken, and idiots still gave them up, and people still got taken to makeshift camps all while looting continued. There were even reports of police getting in on the action. How did they help again? [/quote] Yes, we all know guns were illegally seized during Katrina. Many states passed laws to make sure that it wouldn’t happen again or at least if it did the people doing it would be in violation of criminal law. Are guns being seized in New Jersey? While everyone else was running away from that storm a group of young men and women ran towards it to help. They tried to help save lives, stop looting, and protect the possessions of those that had to leave. They have my respect, and they should have yours unless they give a reason otherwise. Thank God for people like them and shame on the people that whine about them helping out. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/patriot.gif[/img]


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