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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. [quote name='zybysco' timestamp='1352671952' post='843917'] The 0000 steel wool helped a lot. Got the smaller spots out. Still have two spots left. You can fill it recessed some. May just leave it. What do you recommend as a final polish to remove all the swirl marks? [/quote] I use Happich Semi chrome (Preferred) or Mothers Magwheel Polish (worked okay until I could get more semi-chrome) on a soft cotton cloth or a gun cleaning patch.
  2. The questions on this Veterans Day is..... What percentage of the U.S. population is U.S. Veterans? After you make your guess here please click on one of the poll choices above.
  3. [quote name='Left2Die762' timestamp='1352656430' post='843809'] What are some things you would do to it? [/quote] I would make it a correct military collectable that is a shooter. I would get a correct stock for it, replace the sight and do whatever else it took to make it correct to the time when a German soldier carried it.
  4. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352655899' post='843804'] I haven't lived there since I was a kid, but have had lots of Job related stuff there over the years. Fist brought up some real good points in his original post. Folks that have spent their whole lives in the Chicago area have never been around guns unless they were in a job that required them. They don't get it, because it's never been part of their lives. I don't know how you fix that when the government thugs do their best to keep things as is. I'm not in touch enough to know if there's any hope. From the outside looking in, I doubt it. The population in Chicago isn't getting any smaller. [/quote] It’s not that the people of Chicago don’t have experience with guns; it’s that they have too much. If you are a black male in the city of Chicago the chances are great you will be shot and it will be by another black male. Gang bangers shooting each other, and blacks on both sides of the counters in the stores being shot during armed robberies. These mothers groups and citizens groups are being told that if they help outlaw guns, their gang bangin’ thug kids they raised won’t get killed in a gang shootout or while they are robbing the local Stop & Rob. The people of the city of Chicago elect people like Bobby Rush (Co-Founder of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panthers) and Jesse Jackson Jr. to the House of Representatives. How can you get anything done with representatives like that? You can't unless you separate the state and let the counties handle it.
  5. [quote name='FIST' timestamp='1352654415' post='843792'] I have been faced with the decision of moving back there, but don't believe I will. [/quote] I would have been back there already but my wife says if I go I’m going without her. Nothing against Tennessee; but Illinois is home. [quote name='FIST' timestamp='1352654415' post='843792'] If you don't mind me asking, what part are you originally from? [/quote] Central Illinois. I was living in Champaign when I moved here, but my family is spread across central Illinois from Danville to Springfield. I do most of my shooting in Illiopolis.
  6. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352653366' post='843780'] I have spent a lot of time in Illinios. The problem with gun laws almost all comes from the Chicago area. Lots of great people in that state. Plenty of gun owners too. The same can be said for California and New York. When I bash any of those states, I'm bashing the ant-gun majority. Illinois has a tough road ahead. I wish them luck. [/quote] Thanks Mike. Right now Illinois is looking at the possibility of getting permit through the County Sherriff on at “At will” basis. That’s not the perfect scenario, but otherwise carry permits is dead. Cook County and the City of Chicago will spend whatever they have to spend and do whatever it takes to keep from being forced to allow carry. I’m keeping my fingers crossed they get this done, at least it’s a start. I do a lot of my shooting in Illinois with my family. I take a Suburban fully loaded with weapons and ammo and drive right into the heart of the beast without a care in the world. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/biggrin.gif[/img] Of course I don’t have to go to Chicago.
  7. If I have an application for a .50Cal Bolt; I just don’t know what it is. I do however have an application for 50Cal semi-auto; I just can’t justify spending the money. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/biggrin.gif[/img]
  8. [quote name='zybysco' timestamp='1352652329' post='843769'] I already have Hoppes and several clps. Already a gun nut, just never had a stainless before. I do have some 2000 grit polish. Just wanted to start off safe as possible. [/quote] Having enough gun cleaner to fully submerge a 686 is the sign of a true gun nut. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/biggrin.gif[/img] Good luck with your project. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/thumbsup.gif[/img] You can’t hurt stainless unless you do something to change its shape.
  9. DaveTN

    Gun Stolen

    No, you can’t be jailed. You have nothing to worry about. I’m a former cop and I keep a gun locked in my car. I am not going to be held responsible for the actions of a criminal that breaks into my car. I’d rather have my gun stolen from my car than my laptop; my gun is cheaper and a heck of a lot easier to replace. As long as you have the proper serial number there is a chance you will get it back. Good Luck.
  10. [quote name='zybysco' timestamp='1352602458' post='843512'] Details what I should start with? The gun has been sitting in the attic a long time. The previous owner had forgotten about it. [/quote] I love cleaning stainless; you can make it look brand new. Get enough Hoppe’s or M-Pro 7 to soak the gun overnight, you will need that if you become a gun nut anyway. That will release the carbon on the front of the cylinder and the rest of the gun, so you can scrub it away with a tooth brush. Use Happich Semi chrome or Mothers Magwheel Polish to polish the gun. Any very fine metal polish may work; these are just two that I know for sure work very well. Don’t use a Dremel tool it’s too small and can leave indentations quickly. If you want to polish with a buffer use a bench buffer with about an 8” wheel and buffing rouge. Makes short work of it and maintains a better surface area. The trick to removing pitting is maintaining surface smoothness and integrity. If you put a wave or indentation in the metal surface you can spot it a mile away. If the pits are very deep; don’t try to take them out. If they aren’t they have to be blended over the entire surface. Once the surface is the way you want it to be it is either polished to a mirror finish or glass bead blasted.
  11. If you don’t have cell towers/SATs/Power… Ham/CB or carrier pigeon are your only choices. Under the right conditions with the right equipment 26 miles is doable on CB, definitely on HAM that doesn’t need repeaters.
  12. I was also raised in Illinois only I’m not ashamed of it. Comparing all of Illinois to Chicago is like comparing all of Tennessee to Memphis. I work to help educate the people of Illinois when I am there and they are close to getting another shot at carry permits. Only I take a little different approach than you. As I tell them, when you are talking with a state legislator the minute the words “My 2nd Amendment rights” cross your lips; you don’t have any credibility. The 2nd amendment fight has been fought and for the time being it has been settled by the SCOTUS. You can argue the rulings all you want; but they are the law of the land. So, do you want to argue about rights that you don’t have, or do you want carry privileges? I have been arrested and jailed for no crime other than having a loaded gun in my car; so I am absolutely sure that I don’t have a 2nd amendment right to bear arms. So should I just give up? Of course not. Illinois doesn’t recognize the 2nd amendment as an individual right, and neither does the state of Tennessee. But being able to carry a gun dosen’t require that they do. Being Democrat or Republican has little to do with what a person believes about gun rights/privileges. Every state has its problems. I am trying to help my friends and family be able to carry guns in Illinois. I would also like to ask my friends on this forum to stop with the bitter attacks on the citizens of the state of Illinois. They make you look terrible and hate filled. They are fighting the same fight the citizens of many states fought in order to be able to carry. Please support our brothers and sisters in arms in Illinois. I can assure you that it is a fight between the good people downstate and the thugs in Chicago that don’t want to get shot, or have their juvenile delinquent kids they raised, killed by armed citizens that refuse to be victims. I love the state of Illinois and I hope to return there when I retire; it is home. I have been in Tennessee for 14 years and have a few more to go. I am a law abiding citizen and try to help my community in any way I can. I served my country, have two honorable discharges, served my community as a Police Officer and am proud to call myself an American and a Patriot. I would never turn my back on an American in need no matter what state they live in.
  13. I don't know of a gunsmith in your area, but Hornady still makes the JAP ammo. Does it by chance still have the MUM?
  14. [quote name='Patton' timestamp='1352642940' post='843674'] I am not the first to mention it but turn on the lights. I have trained as a soldier and a police officer and in your home there is no reason not to just flip on the lights. [/quote] +1 Make noise. Burglars will run to get out of your house, home invaders will run towards you, be prepared for them to approach and shoot them. Police don’t clear houses or buildings by themselves because it’s stupid; don’t be stupid. If you are trying to clear your house and there is an armed intruder that wants you dead; you are dead meat. If you think an intruder is still there call 911. If you think they are gone, or you are just hearing things; turn on the lights and look around. The next day go to the pound and get a dog that needs a home. You will never have to wonder if there is an intruder in your home again. Plus you will have a great friend.
  15. [quote name='jwinter' timestamp='1352636958' post='843649'] I did not realize you could swap the barrels on the lower end guns like these. I guess I figured that was only on higher end specialty guns. Now I am really interested in one. [/quote] Takes less than a minute. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV4zEJWHpJU[/media]
  16. A 20Ga has less felt recoil and is a proven performer.
  17. [quote name='FIST' timestamp='1352617571' post='843626'] Illinois's prison system has quite a few "elected" officials gracing their facilities. I gues that's one thing they do well, elect criminals. [/quote] I think it’s that they when they find out they are criminals the good people of Illinois put them in prison instead of some states that just leave them in office.
  18. [quote name='Seabeejason' timestamp='1352593930' post='843384'] Freedom is always worth dying for. It should never be something you think twice about. [/quote] Taking up arms against other Americans is something you should never think about. When you die, you are just dead. If it was a good cause you are a martyr. If it was a bad cause you are a terrorist. Has someone suggested coming to your home and taking your guns?
  19. [quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1352587509' post='843344'] Finally, some sort of reasonable outcome for a Dem criminal [/quote] I hope you are being factious. He needs to go to jail, and there shouldn’t even be any discussion about pensions. Acting crazy after being caught buying your girlfriend a Rolex watch with campaign contributions does not equal “Resigning for health reason”. Another Chicago thug working the system.
  20. This election was about the economy; not guns or abortion or anything else. I’m not sure how much longer our economy can take politicians turning their backs on small business and the working family. But the working man sure as hell was a loser in this election. If Obama is allowed to destroy the economy; gun laws will not matter.
  21. Chai Soua Vang was approached for trespassing. He killed six of the eight hunters there. Be careful.
  22. What Romney thinks about gun control is now moot. Surely to God the Republicans will come up with someone stronger than Romney for the next election. Is there not anyone worth a chit that wants this job? Good grief.... four years sounds like an eternity.
  23. Free car wash for Veteran’s tomorrow 11-11-12. Their way of saying “Thank You” for serving our country. Of course I didn’t know about it and went today; so I paid. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/biggrin.gif[/img] But thought I would pass it along to the rest of you. 1870 South Church, Murfreesboro [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/patriot.gif[/img][img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/patriot.gif[/img][img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/patriot.gif[/img]
  24. [quote name='strickj' timestamp='1352577127' post='843233'] Seriousness, For me personally, I have never denied what O is and what he want's to do. But when you compare the two men on paper, Romney has done more to harm us than O ever has. One has voted for and sponsored a couple of anti-gun laws. The other signed into law the single largest and most sweeping pieces of anti-gun legislations in history. Both men have spewed the [u]same [/u]comments about their thoughts on guns and their hatred for the NRA. Romney didn't start his "pro-gun" stance until after he lost the nom in 2008. [/quote] I agree that O hasn’t done much to infringe on gun ownership. But he has said that he would like to see all semi-autos banned. Can he get that done? I don’t think so. Will he try? Of course he will he has no reason not to. I think the fear comes from the fact that he doesn’t like being told “No” whether it comes from the people or from Congress. Am I going to pay an inflated price for guns or ammo? No, and neither should anyone else here.
  25. [img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TourGlide/Web%20Stuff/rollfloor.gif[/img] I can’t click on an Alex Jones video; the guy is a lunatic. There certainly is not anything in that video that could support any logical discussion on anything.


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