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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. So have I and that’s why I asked the question here. XD’s are called “Springfield’s” and are stamped” Geneseo, IL”. They are stamped like that because federal law requires it. Springfield is only the “importer” HS Produkt in Croatia is the manufacturer. They have a Croatia stamp on them, but I believe it was probably more the demands of HS Produkt than anyone. But I have never seen a claim by anyone at The Springfield Armory that those guns are made here. But unless someone can link one I have never seen a claim by Glock their guns are made here either.
  2.     What does built mean? Manufactured or assembled? Does Glock manufacture a single piece of a gun here? Are there plastic injection molds in GA? Barrels made here…. Anywhere in this county?   I asked this question of Smith & Wesson before I bought my first M&P. They replied with “Every piece of the M&P was made in this country by Americans, including the magazines.”
  3. Dang… and I catch heck because my “go to rifle” is a .308.
  4. I keep seeing it posted that Glocks are being manufactured here and would like to know if there is any truth to it.   Are barrels, frames and magazines manufactured here? Are any of Glocks design Engineers here?  Is any part of the gun manufactured here by Americans? Or are they shipped here from Austria and built by assemblers in Georgia?   Can you tour the GA facility? Has anyone here done it?
  5. No, I buy all my machine guns from internet chat rooms.
  6. Several hours of negotiating with the Police, a person escaped; and the cops don’t have a motive? Pass on some info.
  7. Which he obtained recently by ordering over the internet.
  8. Wow. You have to be proud of that. Good for you. Just hope I don’t choke when I read it.
  9. Marketing. I was talking with a Gunsmith for one of the large gun companies and ask why they say its okay to dry fire when they know it isn’t. He told me that he doesn’t say it’s okay. He said he responds with, “If you damage your gun dry firing it; we will fix it free of charge.” He said that one of the gun companies was saying it’s oaky to dry fire their guns; so everyone else had to get in line or have it used against them. So you have applied mass X speed (Physics) and now have a number you can use from your experience in Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering to determine that number represents a force that the firearm and its materials were built to withstand. If your formula and all your data are good; you are good to go. Facts are tough to argue with.
  10. Brian I appreciate your honesty for not trying to make anyone here believe you are a cheerleader for guns. Do we really care if people are educated? On some stuff we do? But educating them may not work out well for us. AR’s are not hard to find or buy. (Not counting the mess that’s going on right now) I walked into one of my local gun stores and walked out less than an hour later with my DPMS 308 (AKA “AR 10”), I ordered my AR-15 over the phone from an out of state dealer and had it in three days. If I wasn’t particular about what I wanted or what I paid; I could have went to the local ads and picked one up that day. We can legally and quickly obtain all the AR’s we have the money for. To imply (to the unknowing public) that they are hard to get, implies some kind of control. They have no more control than buying a bolt action hunting rifle or a .22 for your kid. They are just firearms. Education? Next time you go to the range to fire an AR make sure someone brings a M1 Garand for you to shoot. Let me know and I will. As you shoot it keep in mind that someone decided it is not as “powerful”, “dangerous” or whatever word you want to use as a .223 AR. AR15’s are not assault weapons; you see that here all the time. Well certainly they are. And if they aren’t, so what, is that going to change anyone’s mind? The arguments here are obvious. I have my guns for sport shooting and defense. I do not hunt, I do not kill animals for sport, and I do not think I should have be part of that group to protect myself and my family. Good luck with your story. I see you as unbiased; if that is really possible. BTW… I read that the rise in motorcycle fatalities were not from crotch rockets, but from old guys that bought a Harley as their first Motorcycle to be part of that crowd. I’m old and ride a Harley, but I think I’m exempt from that group because I rode ricers all my life until I could afford a Harley.
  11. That’s because most people that take part in demonstrations don’t have a job. Gun rights people have jobs, so if you want a good turnout have it when most of them aren’t working. Ever hear of a one day car show or motorcycle rally on a weekday morning? No, and there is a reason for that.
  12. If you are going to risk discussing something you can’t discuss on-line you risk the chance of being arrested by the agent (or his UC) that is going to be at your meet. Nothing is law right now; you can discuss anything you like. But if you start discussing armed violence you are going to have the attention of people you don’t want, whether it is here on in a private meeting.
  13. Read all the stuff. You also need a club affiliation. I use Garand Collectors association, $25 a year no muss no fuss.   You can submit everything and get pre-approved before you make the trip. That’s what I did first time. If you forget something; you have wasted a trip. The ladies in the Office there are very helpful and will answer any questions you have. The forum is also a great source of information.
  14. I use to shoot Recurve and Compounds both. Curious as to why your wife would want Recurve?   I haven't used it in a few years, but this was good. http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/index.php
  15. It’s good they are taking a stand, but the paper will just get a court order.
  16. “Take us down” “A Martial Law Program” "Certain individuals targeted at home" Being stupid should hurt. Although I guess I would get hurt, I just wasted 5 minutes listening to two idiots have a conversation.
  17.   And that’s the point. Some people that don’t live in an “employment at will state” (Which has nothing to do with “right to work”) and even some who do, don’t understand that if your employer doesn’t want you around; you won’t be around. Now… the legislature can pass all kinds of laws that allow you to tell your employer to go pound sand, but it’s ridiculous to think they have any teeth or that they will back you. Go find a new job at place that will let you carry if it’s that important to you. Do it on your schedule instead of having a period of being unemployed because you got in a pizzing match with your boss and lost.
  18. Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy and Physics tells me dry firing is not good. The internet tells me it is Okay. Choices, Choices..... :)
  19. Property owners can't search your vehicle now unless you give them permission.
  20. They already did. Over half the country is following Obama.
  21. Around $3K. Its Remington number 25635, you can get some pricing in Bing. I saw $3K on Gunbroker and $3200 someone where else.
  22. You buy it and we will shoot my 700 VLS 308 Leopold VX-III 6.5X20X40 LR against it. It’s half the $3K they want for those. I doubt either of us could tell the difference, but with the barrel difference I think mine might outperform it.   What was the size of the group and the distance it was shot at?
  23. I was thinking more along the lines of a wrongful death suit. Let’s say that when Mr. AutoZone got out he ran and called 911 instead of going back and chasing off the armed robber. Let’s say that Mr. AutoZone said he had a gun, but he couldn’t reenter the store because he is a new father and needs his job, and that AutoZone would fire him.   Let’s say the armed robber executed the Manager before he fled the office. Sure the murderer is responsible but I can’t help think that AutoZone is complicit in his death. Deadly force was justified and was available, but not used because of fear of what the store would do.   I know Good Samaritan laws don’t cover getting fired; but they should.


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