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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. If you have a C&R, you are a licensed collector. There are other requirements for handguns on shipping and packaging, like having to go by air. They are listed here for UPS… https://www.ups.com/us/en/help-center/packaging-and-supplies/special-care-shipments/firearms.page
  2. With race not being a consideration with me, both Sethi and Hagerty are saying all the right things. The problem is I have no way of knowing if either of them will keep their promises once they go to Washington. One has no track record, and the other doesn’t have any record on the issues. The only differences I see so far that would sway me would be that Hagerty stands with the Police and the rule of law. He has it on his web site, so he isn’t worried about the votes of those supporting the lies. Sethi does not mention it on his web site. I feel if I have to ask, I probably won’t get a straightforward answer. But Sethi is a trauma surgeon, and Hagerty was an investment banker. So points go to Sethi for that. But it’s a long way to November yet; I’m trying to pay close attention to what’s going on.
  3. How is this not blatant racism? They are concerned about interaction with Police, or fines involving the homeless and on the black and brown communities, but not the poor white communities, or even the communities that aren’t poor? Talk about assumptions based on race; good grief.
  4. Sounds like an extractor problem, but the chances are slim both guns would have that problem at the same time. Is it steel case ammo, or have you been using steel cases ammo in both guns?
  5. I use a Comcast email. I get emails from TGO daily, its never been an issue.
  6. You might want to check out IMGUR.COM. It's free and it won't matter what size the pictures are.
  7. Be thankful for the state you live in. At least for the time being.
  8. DaveTN

    Good News

  9. Depending on where you are it would probably be assault, or possibly aggravated assault, unless someone was trying to get into your vehicle. If you point that at someone…it’s a gun. Just like with cops, if someone feels they are in danger of death or great bodily harm; they can kill you. Their justification won’t matter if its real or not. Unless you have a way out, chances are pretty good you will have rounds incoming. I’m not suggesting it wouldn’t be a good choice in some circumstances, instead of killing someone. But an innocent protestor claiming you pointed it at them would be justified in killing you.
  10. This. Also, unless your video is uploading to the cloud in real time; I wouldn't count on it and your camera being there once this scenario is over.
  11. Thanks for that, I didn't know they were here. https://spartansafe.com/pages/murfreesboro-tn
  12. In your scenario your vehicle is blocked by other vehicles; so you aren’t using it for anything other than protection. It is now your Castle. I’d wait them out. Unless they are dragging people out of their cars and executing them or beating them to death. At that point a tough decision would have to be made. Start dropping bodies, knowing that rounds are going to start entering your vehicle, or surrender and hope you and whoever is with you live through it. That choice would depend on who was with me and the situation at that moment. I can’t say for sure what I would do.
  13. WWB is my round of choice for cheap range ammo. Of the thousands of rounds I’ve fired I’ve never had a failure that was ammo related; they were all gun related. I did have one round out a box that was smashed and bent. Could the bullet set-back be from loading and unloading? If not, send them off with a letter explaining what happened and they might send you some ammo. It’s certainly possible they had some bad rounds that quality didn’t catch.
  14. I can’t post an article or a video, but from personal; experience I can tell you your adrenaline will probably be through the roof. Your mind will be racing as you process what is happening. Are you seeing what you think you are seeing? Are you justified in what you are about to do? Do you have to think about unholstering and drawing your gun, or is it there already there in your hand? Your mind is busy with other things than what you focus on at the range. Is it dark? Can you hit his head? Can you even hit his body? What’s behind him? Are there other people around? Are they a threat? Most people will stop what they are doing when you pull a gun. Almost all will stop when you fire a shot, whether you hit them or not. But some won’t. Why are you shooting at an arm or leg? Are you not in immediate danger of death or great bodily harm? Are they unarmed? A leg shot can be fatal. The arm shot you are trying for can be fatal when it misses its target and hits the heart. Do your rounds have the ability to make him unwilling or unable to fire his weapon at you? Shot placement is key…if you can do it in a shooting situation. If you have the ability to place a round in his head; do it. But you will likely be focused on just hitting him. Officer Timothy Gramins was a master firearms instructor and a sniper on his department’s Tactical Intervention Unit. His story is one of the most bizarre shootouts you will ever hear of. He fired 33 rounds of .45ACP. 14 rounds hit the suspect, 6 were supposedly fatal shots he was hit in the heart, right lung, left lung, liver, diaphragm, and right kidney. It wasn’t until he was able to prone out and carefully aim that he placed three rounds in the suspects head; ending the shoot-out. Why didn’t he do that in the beginning? Because he couldn’t; he was too busy. 42% of his rounds hit the suspect. I’d sure like to hear the conversation when one of the shot placement guys asks him why he missed so much. As they always do when someone else is in a shooting.
  15. This is a good example of “This will get changed in the SCOTUS!”. Not if they decide not to hear it. They have said that they will allow “reasonable restrictions”. But so far, they haven’t wanted to decide what reasonable is. I guess they are giving the states a lot of leeway. I expected this on permit issues and magazine capacities; but I didn’t expect it on an outright ban of the AR.
  16. The Springfield Visitors Bureau told local media that between 1,000 and 1,250 people are expected to attend the September members meeting. Not the 80,000 attendees that Indianapolis had the year before. https://www.guns.com/news/2020/06/11/nra-2020-annual-members-meeting-rescheduled-for-september
  17. Both 39-17-1307 and 39-11-106 were amended in 2018. The AG Opinion is from 2015. Read the law carefully; an AG opinion is not legally binding.
  18. That’s how I was taught, back in the day. Make an armed assailant unable or unwilling to fire his weapon. Death is irrelevant. Having the equipment to be able to do that is also important.
  19. Because that would require speculation that mass protesters and rioters caused the spike....can't have that.
  20. 39-17-1307. Unlawful carrying or possession of a weapon. (a) (1) A person commits an offense who carries, with the intent to go armed, a firearm or a club. (2) (A) The first violation of subdivision (a)(1) is a Class C misdemeanor, and, in addition to possible imprisonment as provided by law, may be punished by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500). (B) A second or subsequent violation of subdivision (a)(1) is a Class B misdemeanor. (C) A violation of subdivision (a)(1) is a Class A misdemeanor if the person's carrying of a handgun occurred at a place open to the public where one (1) or more persons were present. (b) (1) A person commits an offense who unlawfully possesses a firearm, as defined in § 39-11-106, and: (A) Has been convicted of a felony crime of violence, an attempt to commit a felony crime of violence, or a felony involving use of a deadly weapon; or (B) Has been convicted of a felony drug offense. (2) An offense under subdivision (b)(1)(A) is a Class B felony. (3) An offense under subdivision (b)(1)(B) is a Class C felony. (c) (1) A person commits an offense who possesses a handgun and has been convicted of a felony unless: (A) The person has been pardoned for the offense; (B) The felony conviction has been expunged; or (C) The person's civil rights have been restored pursuant to title 40, chapter 29, and the restoration order does not specifically prohibit the person from possessing firearms. (2) An offense under subdivision (c)(1) is a Class E felony. 39-11-106. Title definitions. (a) As used in this title, unless the context requires otherwise: (1) “Antique firearm” means: (A) Any firearm, including any firearm with a matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system, manufactured in or before the year 1898; (B) Any replica of any firearm described in subdivision (a)(1)(A) if such replica: (i) Is not designed or redesigned for using rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed ammunition; or (ii) Uses rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed ammunition which is no longer manufactured in the United States and which is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade; or (C) Any muzzle loading rifle, muzzle loading shotgun, or muzzle loading pistol, which is designed to use black powder, or a black powder substitute, and which cannot use fixed ammunition;
  21. Good finds. Did you have to special order that fancy gun prop?
  22. Tell Joe that’s a stupid idea. Just like all his other ideas.
  23. Homemade Hummingbird Nectar Recipe https://www.budget101.com/tips-n-tricks/747-homemade-hummingbird-nectar-recipe/ Attract lovely hummingbirds and Orioles into your garden and around your home with this super easy homemade hummingbird nectar recipe. Homemade hummingbird food is such a simple recipe that can be made in less than 10 minutes, start to finish. As you can see from the photos, hummingbirds of all ages LOVE this homemade nectar recipe. To Boil or Not to Boil? You’ll note in the directions below that we boil the water first when making this hummingbird food recipe. From a health standpoint, this is not necessary as the microorganisms that cause fermentation are transported to feeders by the birds themselves, rather than in the water as is commonly believed. The reason for boiling the water first is simply for the ease of dissolving the sugar. Sometimes, if we’re in a hurry, we simply run a pot of plain water through the coffee pot and use the hot water to dissolve the sugar. This is known as the No-Boil method, directions for this method are further down. Hummingbird food recipe Traditional Hummingbird Food You’ll Need: 2 cups water, boiling 1/2 cup white granulated sugar Hummingbird Feeders Add sugar to boiling water, bring back up to a boil (for just under 2 minutes) Remove from heat, cool. Store in the refrigerator. To Make 1 Gallon of Hummingbird Nectar 4 Cups of Granulated Cane Sugar 16 Cups of Water (1 gallon) Bring the water to a boil, add the sugar, stirring occasionally. Make sure the sugar is completely dissolved. Boil for 1 minute, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat, cool completely before filling feeders. Do Not boil longer than 2 minutes as you will create a thickened syrup that will attract bees/wasps/yellowjackets – making it more difficult for the hummingbirds to be able to eat in peace without having to fight for their food. homemade-hummingbird-nectar-recipe No Boil Method You’ll Need: 2 cups very hot water 1/2 cup white granulated sugar Hummingbird Feeders How long does Homemade Hummingbird Nectar last? Homemade Hummingbird nectar should be changed every 3 days, depending on the temperature. If it becomes “cloudy” or stringy, remove it immediately and wash the feeder in hot soapy water (using dish detergent). High temperatures Change nectar after: 71-75F 6 Days 76-80F 5 Days 81-84 4 Days 85-88 3 Days 89-92 2 Days 93+ Change Daily WARNING: Do not vary the ingredient amounts, it can be deadly to birds. Do not substitute artificial sweeteners or honey as both are lethal to birds. Also, do not add food coloring to the water, it is unnecessary and unhealthy. Other Interesting Facts you might enjoy about these sweet little birds: Hummingbirds collect lichens & spider web fibers to build their nests; They will not use string, yarn or other nesting materials if you put them out, so save those items for the songbirds Hummingbirds have little to no sense of smell and are drawn by bright colors rather than fragrances. Be sure to put feeders up in early spring and leave them well into late fall. It is a MYTH that hummingbirds will not migrate if the food is still available. Migration takes place due to their own internal clock and by leaving the feeders up in place, you will be helping any stragglers and ensuring their successful migration. Male Hummingbirds will often fly in a U-Shaped Pattern, this display is called the Pendulum Display. It is done to attract the ladies and to impress them enough to get them to mate. You’ll frequently see this behavior in Late Spring/Early summer while the females are on the feeders. “Bully” hummers on your feeder? Hummingbirds are territorial. If you’re seeing a number of so-called “bullies” chasing off other hummers, simply put up more feeders. This “bullying” is natural selection hard at work and you shouldn’t interfere with it. Perhaps you’re wondering why you should boil the water at all when making homemade hummer food.. well, boiling the water removes any impurities, over chlorination (or other chemicals) and naturally occurring bacteria that may be unhealthy for the hummingbird. Again, as a reminder, do not boil the hummingbird food solution longer than 2 minutes as this creates a syrup that will only attract bees/wasps/yellow-jackets and other undesirables.
  24. You making fun of my phone?
  25. As posted above everyone ideas will be different. I recommend the S&W M&P Shield for concealability. I wouldn’t recommend the Shield EZ; too many shooters have had problems. Or if you can stand a bigger gun with more rounds, the M&P Compact 4” M2.0.


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