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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. Yes, subject to the laws of those states... Ohio http://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/Law-Enforcement/Concealed-Carry/Concealed-Carry-Reciprocity-Agreements Kentucky http://www.kentuckystatepolice.org/ccdw/reciprocity.html
  2. I’m not going to click on that link if they will start emailing me every day, but my concern would be that they won’t pay if you are charged or convicted of a crime. But that’s just a WAG. If I’m going to trial, either criminal or civil, I want the best defense attorney in the area that has all the contacts. Before I started paying anyone money a couple of my questions would be, do they pay for my defense if I’m charged criminally, and can I pick my own attorney? I’m curious about what our local forum lawyers have to say about this; maybe they have dealt with it? How much trial experience does Branca have in self-defense cases?
  3. Just use both. http://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/enthusiasts/this-collection-of-twin-and-triple-blown-rides-is-the-craziest-thing-you’ll-ever-see/ar-BBwZDIn?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartanntp#page=1
  4. Exactly. But that means focusing on the economy. The more people that have good paying jobs (like manufacturing, not fast food and tourism) the less crime there will be. Of course that means actually getting something done instead of making a lot of noise about something you can’t do much about. The key is the economy and that requires jobs. Plenty of cities have gun control that doesn't work.
  5. Monday the 26th is the first debate. That should certainly test the capability of the new server.
  6. I’m a dog lover and the person in the wrong here is the dog owner. A dog should not be able to run up on anyone on public property. The owner put you and the dog in danger. The only thing I would have done differently is that if I have to draw my weapon with people around; the cops are getting called and I’m not leaving until they show up. Having been a cop I can tell you that you don’t want someone calling the law on you and the responding Officers only getting one side of the story. You could end up cuffed and stuffed, charged with aggravated assault.
  7. Very sorry for your loss. I am a veteran but thankfully have never had to deal with medical. I don’t know exactly what the problem with the VA is; but I have seen it suggested that Veterans benefits be available through their local private Doctors. I think this is the only fix. The sad part is that if your son had been a criminal instead of a Veteran he would have got the mental health help he wanted and needed. If you would let me use your son’s name and story I can think of some people that can do something about it that need to know his name and his story. I am a firm believer that stamped letters sent through the mail with real people’s names carry far more weight than emails and internet petitions. I am willing to write a letter.
  8. If that spill ignites some folks may need some of that there Obama care.
  9. I wondered what they were doing to keep 250,000 gallons of gasoline from igniting.
  10. If he wanted to look out for the family business would he not stay out of it and let the gas stations charge whatever they like? How can panic buying help the gas companies if the price remains the same? Yes, everyone went out and filled their tanks today; but that won’t change the big picture over time.
  11. On-demand is “pay per view”. I am paying for it. I fully understand the networks can negotiate anything they like; and Comcast can tell them…No. What will they do then? My guess is they will shut-up and sit down.
  12. It may not be stopped; but it’s not the same. Free OTA broadcast TV us paid for by the advertisers. I have On-Demand; it is paid for by the subscribers. And I as a subscriber do not want to have commercials forced on me. Comcast is running the show. If tell the networks they aren’t going to allow fast forward to be disable in on-demand; that is what will happen. What will the networks do, leave Comcast? I don’t expect Comcast to take the side of their customers; but it would be nice.
  13. ?? I thought that would be easier than cutting them out? I looked at the price of new foam if I wanted to change them, but I didn’t see it listed on their site. And foam on other sites was almost as much as a new case. (These cases are around $100)
  14. If you have these, what do you think of them? I need a couple of gun cases for a new rifle and new shotgun. I’m looking at these two... http://www.planomolding.com/hunting/hard-gun-cases/all-weather-gun-cases/all-weather-rifle-shotgun-case http://www.planomolding.com/hunting/hard-gun-cases/all-weather-gun-cases/all-weather-rifle-case Thanks for any feedback.
  15. Other than adjustable target sights, what does it have that makes it worth almost $500 more than 91172? http://cz-usa.com/product/cz-75-tactical-sport-9mm-dual-tone-20-rd-mags/
  16. I thought once a state of emergency was declared gas prices were locked?? Our Governor did that about 6PM yesterday.
  17. People are free to cut their vacations short and leave town early or not even go there. Although I doubt that has happened because of that sign. However, city government violating his freedom of speech without legal cause would open the city to a lawsuit. Of course it is; and that’s fine.
  18. My main complaint with Comcast (other than price) is this.... I pay a lot for my TV service. Advertisers are not paying for what I watch; I am. Therefore I shouldn’t have to watch commercials, and that’s part of the reason I picked them. Now they are putting “Fast forward has been disabled” on a lot (and becoming more all the time) of on-demand programs. I suspect a class action suit will stop that; but Comcast should stop it on their own.
  19. They can step outside the Police role on this. Do they think a person should go to trial to determine if they were justified in shooting someone that was pointing a BB gun at them in a robbery or burglary? I don’t and I absolutely believe shooting anyone that is trying to make you believe they are pointing a gun at you justifies the use of deadly force. Whether it is a Police Officer, HCP holder or citizen. And whether it is a real gun, empty gun, BB gun, or anything else being threatened as a deadly weapon.
  20. I think the ability to get back and forth to work would be a real emergency to many. Don’t you?
  21. Of course it’s bad when you have to shoot anymore; prayers for all. I don’t think they have released the whole story yet. (at least I haven’t seen it) Was this not the suspect identified as being involved in the robbery? Was he using this BB gun to rob people? Who knows why he grabbed it while running. Maybe to get rid of it or maybe he thought it would cause the cop to back off. I don’t know; but it cost him his life. Other than dealing with his own personal issues, I doubt the cop will have any legal problems. This school shooter was 12 years old, two students wounded one teacher dead plus the shooter…. http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/24/justice/nevada-school-shooting-survivor/
  22. FFL’s are bound by Federal law primarily and state law. A private gun sale is primarily controlled by state law. The difference in state laws, and handguns aren’t generally used for hunting would be my guess as why they did it on Federal law. But that’s just a WAG, you would have to ask them. Nothing keeps an 18 year old from having a handgun (unless its state law); it’s just the FFL’s can’t transfer it to them. As someone who joined the military at 17 during the Vietnam War; you won’t get any argument from me on how crazy it is; but it’s the law. You can sell an 18 year old resident of this state a gun; it’s legal. I choose not to. One reason is I have a C&R. And while I fully understand it’s not a license to sell, I just don’t want the possibility of any issues”. The other reason is I don’t want to risk parents coming back on me for selling junior a gun. But that’s just my personal opinion, and it may be different if I personally knew the person and knew it was okay.
  23. Having a firearm you know the history on is cool. But it’s really great when you have a family heirloom to pass down to your kids or Grandkids. I had never heard of that model, been doing some reading; very interesting.
  24. Governor Haslam declared a state of emergency for Tennessee about an hour ago.
  25. Here are two places that have it in stock. The price is higher, but if the place you have a price from is legit; many places will price match. Might be worth a try. http://oakhillguns.com/pistol/cz-usa/cz-75-sp-01-shadow-orange-9mm.html http://czcustom.com/new-firearms/cz-pistols-custom/cz-75-sp01-9-shadow-2016-orange.html


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