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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. I finally got around to watching some of the videos. I haven’t read all the responses here yet so forgive me if this was already addressed but…. In Hickock45’s video he said you can’t use the slide release to release the slide; you must slingshot it. But in another video the guy (Iraqvet or something) was doing it. So what up with that? I never slingshot a slide; I always use the slide release. But I also never carry a second mag, so I’m not sure that would be that big of a deal; just seemed weird.
  2. My phone (Motorola Turbo 2 on Verizon) is apparently having a battle between GOOGLE NOW and MOTO ASSIT. But that’s just a WAG. I end up with “I’m having trouble, let’s talk later”. What are you guys using for hands free??
  3. I’ve ran some “wanted” ads trying to buy or even trade firearms for one of these used before I jump into new. Most of what I am seeing is .22 and .25. I would like to know if my thinking is right on this. I will use this for target practice at home. I will only be punching holes in paper. I will not be hunting or using it to kill pests. So I’m thinking I have no reason to want anything bigger than .177. Bigger is slower, less range and uses more air. .177 should be a flatter, longer shooter requiring fewer refills. Is that not correct?
  4. Looks like that CPX-2 is just a little shorter than a SHIELD but lighter? Opinions? Are they pronouncing that name Sky? $228 is kinda tempting to just give it a try.
  5. The owner has some pretty ambitious goals. I hope this works out; we need more quality American Made guns. And it’s a big bonus if they are made in Tennessee. Buy American, Hire American, America First. Those of you here that know me know that I was saying that long before Trump got into politics. But that’s okay, I’ll let him us it.
  6. Its jumped back up. Anyone here snag it at that price?
  7. This is what I said they should have used on the airbase in Syria. $85 million for 60 cruise missiles, $16 million for one MOAB. I would bet two MOABs with ground detonation would have done as much damage as we saw from the 59 missile strikes. I didn’t think there appeared to be much damage. It will be interesting to see what this did, but I doubt it looks like much damage if they dropped it in the mountains to take out caves.
  8. No need.
  9. Criminal trespass. I agree that United should have handled it, but they didn’t and they called security to the aircraft. Why they want him off is immaterial to security. As a Police Officer I couldn’t tell a business owner to “negotiate better”. Whether it is a restaurant, bar or an aircraft; if you are told to leave you leave. I would have explained to him that he could walk off the aircraft and go about his business or he would be placed under arrest, cuffed and taken to Cook County jail for booking. No sane person would choose the latter. United will pay whatever this costs them and move on. The security guard and whoever they work for should be on the hook for the cost of this. When security guards meet unreasonable people in emotional situations they need to be able to deal with them without beating someone’s azz.
  10. This is a good example of how one employee can impact a company’s reputation. From the accounts I have heard two Chicago Department of Aviation security officers were trying to deal with the man when a third came on and got violent with the guy. Hindsight is 20/20 and armchair quarterbacking is what we do. I think explaining to the guy that he was getting off the plane or he was going to be arrested would have worked. If not, explain to the other people the plane can’t leave until this guy gets off the plane. Let them drag his azz off the plane. Chicago PD is taking heat and they weren’t even there. This is going to cost United Airlines and the City of Chicago a bunch because of one hothead. I wonder how the cost of this will compare with the cost of training security to handle this type situation.
  11. Wow… I’ll keep that in mind. I was just passing along a killer deal. There are probably still some grown men that can handle that round and are looking for a small pistol; but maybe not.
  12. The law is TCA 39-17-1307 (e) 39-17-1307. Unlawful carrying or possession of a weapon. (a) (1) A person commits an offense who carries, with the intent to go armed, a firearm or a club. (2) (A) The first violation of subdivision (a)(1) is a Class C misdemeanor, and, in addition to possible imprisonment as provided by law, may be punished by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500). (B) A second or subsequent violation of subdivision (a)(1) is a Class B misdemeanor. (C) A violation of subdivision (a)(1) is a Class A misdemeanor if the person's carrying of a handgun occurred at a place open to the public where one (1) or more persons were present. (b) (1) A person commits an offense who unlawfully possesses a firearm, as defined in § 39-11-106, and: (A) Has been convicted of a felony involving the use or attempted use of force, violence, or a deadly weapon; or (B) Has been convicted of a felony drug offense. (2) An offense under subdivision (b)(1)(A) is a Class C felony. (3) An offense under subdivision (b)(1)(B) is a Class D felony. (c) (1) A person commits an offense who possesses a handgun and has been convicted of a felony. (2) An offense under subdivision (c)(1) is a Class E felony. (d) (1) A person commits an offense who possesses a deadly weapon other than a firearm with the intent to employ it during the commission of, attempt to commit, or escape from a dangerous offense as defined in § 39-17-1324. (2) A person commits an offense who possesses any deadly weapon with the intent to employ it during the commission of, attempt to commit, or escape from any offense not defined as a dangerous offense by § 39-17-1324. (3) (A) Except as provided in subdivision (d)(3)(B), a violation of this subsection (d) is a Class E felony. (B) A violation of this subsection (d) is a Class E felony with a maximum fine of six thousand dollars ($6,000), if the deadly weapon is a switchblade knife. (e) (1) It is an exception to the application of subsection (a) that a person is carrying or possessing a firearm or firearm ammunition in a motor vehicle if the person: (A) Is not prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm by 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) or purchasing a firearm by § 39-17-1316; and (B) Is in lawful possession of the motor vehicle. (2) As used in this subsection (e): (A) "Motor vehicle" has the same meaning as defined in § 55-1-103; (B) "Motor vehicle" does not include any motor vehicle that is: (i) Owned or leased by a governmental or private entity that has adopted a written policy prohibiting firearms or ammunition not required for employment within such a motor vehicle; and (ii) Provided by such entity to an employee for use during the course of employment. (f) (1) A person commits an offense who possesses a firearm, as defined in § 39-11-106(a), and: (A) Has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 921, and is still subject to the disabilities of such a conviction; (B) Is, at the time of the possession, subject to an order of protection that fully complies with 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(8); or (C) Is prohibited from possessing a firearm under any other state or federal law. (2) If the person is licensed as a federal firearms dealer or a responsible party under a federal firearms license, the determination of whether such an individual possesses firearms that constitute the business inventory under the federal license shall be determined based upon the applicable federal statutes or the rules, regulations and official letters, rulings and publications of the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives. (3) For purposes of this section, a person does not possess a firearm, including, but not limited to, firearms registered under the National Firearms Act, compiled in 26 U.S.C. § 5801 et seq., if the firearm is in a safe or similar container that is securely locked and to which the respondent does not have the combination, keys or other means of normal access. (4) A violation of subdivision (f)(1) is a Class A misdemeanor and each violation constitutes a separate offense. (5) If a violation of subdivision (f)(1) also constitutes a violation of § 36-3-625(h) or § 39-13-113(h), the respondent may be charged and convicted under any or all such sections. HISTORY: Acts 1989, ch. 591, § 1; 1990, ch. 1029, § 6; 2007, ch. 412, § 1; 2007, ch. 594, § 3; 2008, ch. 1166, § 1; 2008, ch. 1176, § 1; 2009, ch. 431, § 1; 2009, ch. 455, § 6; 2010, ch. 793, § 1; 2012, ch. 726, § 1; 2014, ch. 647, §§ 4, 5; 2014, ch. 870, § 1.
  13. I looked through the news stories. I guess these reporters are just so happy they have a story about someone shooting themselves that they really don’t care to find out the circumstances of how it happened.
  14. I’m part of a special group that did no more than pay the state and pass a background check. So I’m not against giving their special group the same firearm privileges as a cop if they are going through the same training a cop goes through. Gets us all one step closer. Does the wording of that bill satisfy this? Since 40 hours of firearms training would not make you a Certified Law Enforcement Officer; my guess would be no. http://sos.tn.gov/products/elections/qualifications-elected-offices 1. Have at least three (3) years of full-time experience as a peace officer standards and training commission certified law enforcement officer in the previous ten (10) years or at least three (3) years of full-time experience as a state or federal certified law enforcement officer with training equivalent to that required by the peace officer standards and training commission in the previous ten (10) years. (This requirement does not apply in any county having a metropolitan form of government where the sheriff does not have law enforcement powers.)
  15. You may be right, but I just don’t believe that. The Tennessee legislature passed the Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act, and recently passed legislation allowing having guns in cars for everyone. Sure, the TFFA got slapped out of existence by the Feds right out of the gate; but it was passed. It’s just my opinion that too much time is being wasted with nonsense like forcing private business owners to recognize a right that the state doesn’t recognize, or allowing us some kind of free pass on buying a gun because we are a “special” group. The state recognizes the 2nd amendment as a right; or they don’t. I believe we are at a point where we need that answered.
  16. I’m kicking around the idea of a PCP air rifle, so I’m bumping this back up for 2017.
  17. The Tin Foil Hats aren’t going to go along with that; they don’t want their name put in a computer when they are buying a gun. They don’t even want to sign a bill of sale on a private sale. I don’t care one way or the other about background checks. But I think they are here to stay. I just think the failure rate of the TBI is too high and they need to be taken out of the picture. I also think if the state wants them; that’s fine, but they need to be free. They serve no purpose other than giving some folks a warm fuzzy feeling and helping some legislators try to convince their followers they are doing all they can. Common sense tells us that they will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Now how about some real legislation; making Tennessee the next Constitutional Carry state.
  18. Nevrmind… back up to $700 now. Thought I was really going to take a bath on mine if I decided to sell it; but either some folks got a heck of a deal or it was a misprint.
  19. I don’t find it hard to believe that 83% of the people or even higher answered “Yes” when asked if a person should have to pass a background check to buy a gun. The real crime in that story is that an AK knock off costs $700 or that anyone would pay that.
  20. I don’t know why, but their link to purchase takes you to: http://www.gzanders.com/ Which says “We are a wholesale firearms distributor selling only to federally licensed Dealers” EDIT: Looks like you can order here: http://www.oathammo.com/handgun-ammo
  21. First off, I didn’t look up the sections it changed or deleted. But the sale or transfer of a suppressor is controlled by the Feds. Tennessee already exempted them in the Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act (Provided they are manufactured, sold and possessed in the state.). The BATF sent letters to all FFL’s (I got one and I just have a C&R) that basically said that was a violation of Federal law and they would pursue prosecution. The case hasn’t been to court (That I know of) since Montana got shot down at the Federals appeals level. So best I can tell; the Feds are running the show regardless of what the state does.
  22. Nice find. A 39 was my first semi-auto carry gun. I’ll have another one if I ever run across a good deal on one in good shape.
  23. I’m confused. If you have a knife and know someone is wearing a vest, and that someone isn’t shooting you, is any special skills or instructions really required? Bad guys wear vests also.
  24. DaveTN

    New Micro gun?

    I have gun money burning a hole in my pocket and just can’t find anything to buy. Don’t you hate it when that happens? One thing I have kinda thought about is a micro gun. I have never pocket carried and probably never would. But if I wanted something really small what would you recommend? I already have a Kahr MK40 (Good size but heavy) and a Shield .40 (Nice, but not really small), a S&W Model 36 (not really looking for revolvers). My requirement has always been .40S&W, if I went down to 9mm would it open up any good options?
  25. Why, you think they have better guns/ammo in the North? I don’t know what this has to do with handgun calibers, but I was born less than 100 miles from the Capitol of the Confederacy; how about you?


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